
Monday, 28 November 2016

NaNoWriMo: Week 4

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And it's the last week of NaNoWriMo! So this will be the last NaNoWriMo update that I will do- to be honest, it'll be nice to get back to doing the tags, reviews and lists (not that I haven't enjoyed writing about writing, it'll just be nice to go back to everything else, because it's been a while).
So without further ado, here is my last NaNoWriMo update!

NaNoWriMo: Week 4

Day: 28
Word count: 21,445
Status: Lowered word count to 25,000 words.

Pretty much the same reason as last week.

Here's my thought log for the week. Enjoy :) !

Monday 21st November
Words written: 1,672
Word count: 18,770
Thoughts: On point for 35,000 words.

Tuesday 22nd November
Words written: 1,669
Word count: 20,439

Wednesday 23rd November
Words written: 0
Word count: 20,439
Thoughts: One day off. Not the end of the world.

Thursday 24th November
Words Written: 1,006
Word count: 21,445
Thoughts: 667 words less than the daily word count. Hopefully I'll make it up on the weekend.

Friday 25th November
Words written: 0
Word count: 21,445
Thoughts: N/A

Saturday 26th November
Words written: 0
Word count: 21,445
Thoughts: N/A

Sunday 27th November
Words written: 0
Word count: 21,445
Thoughts: N/A

Today (Monday 28th November)
Words written (so far): 0- But I'm writing straight after I publish this post.
Target: 1,667

So that is my NaNoWriMo: Week 4 post! I hope you enjoyed it and that is my last NaNoWriMo post! (Sorry that it was incredibly short and informative), but my next posts will be SUPER DETAILED. I promise.
So I will see you all on Friday (as it is no longer November on Friday) when I will be doing one of the MANY posts that I not done for seemingly millennium!
Most likely a review as I have to post these reviews:
-House Rules, by Jodi Picoult
-Legend (Legend #1), by Marie Lu
-Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them Film Review

Might even do a book haul (I have some interesting books that I got this month).

So I will see you all on Friday! I hope you all have a wonderful day, and I will see you all soon!
Also, you guys are amazing, you are killing the ratings at the moment, and for that I am eternally grateful! I love you all and I will see you soon!

-Abi xxxxx

Monday, 21 November 2016

NaNoWriMo: Week 3

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And it's the 3rd week in November, which means that my 3rd NaNoWriMo update is due!
So here it is:

NaNoWriMo: Week 3
Day: 21
Word count: 17,098
Status: Have lowered my goal to 35,000, because that goal is manageable.

Because 35,000 is (at the moment) a lot more manageable.

Here is my thought log for the week:
Monday 14th November
Words written: 1000
Word count: 8426 words
Thoughts: I'm just getting back into writing after a 4 day break. This is fine. I'm doing well. Not going to reach 50,000 at this point, but doing well.

Tuesday 15th November
Words written: 0
Word count: 8426
Thoughts: One day off is not vital. I can still pull it back tomorrow.

Wednesday 16th November
Words written: 1,629
Word count: 10,055
Thoughts: Got a daily word count, feel so accomplished. It's too late for 50,000, but if I continue to hit the daily word count, I can reach 35,000 (roughly), so I'm going with that!
Also, HIT 10,000 words!

Thursday 17th November
Words written: 1,667
Word count: 11,722
Thoughts: Another daily word counts. Hitting that word count!

Friday 18th November
Words Written: 1,023
Word count: 12,745
Thoughts: So, I didn't get as high a word count as I was hoping, but I will be writing 2K a day over the weekend, so I can (hopefully) catch up!

Saturday 19th November
Words written: 2,334
Word count: 15,079
Thoughts: 5,000 words in three days! Never felt more accomplished!

Sunday 20th November
Words written: 2,019
Word count: 17,098
Thoughts: Hoping for 20,000 by Tuesday, but I'll be fine if I don't reach that :).

Monday 21st November:
10 days left!
Words written (at present): None
Current word count: 17,098
Thoughts: Just the normal 1,667 word count today.

So that is my update for NaNoWriMo 2016! I know that my writing has been a bit all over the place this weekly, but at least it's been fairly consistent, and that's what I'm aiming for!
If anyone knows how to officially lower the word count, let me know! And if you feel like letting me know how your NaNoWriMo is going, also comment that!
I hope you all have a wonderful day, and I will see you all soon!

-Abi xxxxxx

Monday, 14 November 2016

NaNoWriMo: Week 2

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And it is week 2 of NaNoWriMo!
So here's my look of week 2 of NaNoWriMo!

NaNoWriMo: Week 2
Day: 14
Word count: 7426
Status: So far behind considering to lower word count to 30,000

Because I physically can't write 2,000 words a day (which is what I've been needing to write to catch up those 5 days at the beginning of the month), which is part of the reason why I'm considering to lower my goal to 30,000 words instead.

Here is my thought log for this week:
Tuesday 8th November
Words written: 1023 words
Word count: 5030 words
Thoughts: Might not be the 2000 words I originally planned, but I'm happy with the number. Still not past chapter two though. Saying that, maybe that's a good thing.

Wednesday 9th November
Words written: 2017
Word count: 7047
Thoughts: I wrote another 2000 words! This time it took four hours, so I'm getting quicker at least. I'm paying for only writing 1000 yesterday, but I can't change the past, only the future. Still determined to reach that 50,000 words though! Remaining hopeful!

Thursday 10th November
Friday 11th November
Saturday 12th November
Words written: 0
Word count: 7047
(On these days, I just couldn't work on my novel, because life and work did get in the way, and I actually don't regret that! I will try to work some more, but I will not beat myself up if I don't manage 50K, or even the work count!)

Sunday 13th November
Words written: 349
Word count: 7426
Thoughts: At least I'm getting back into writing, even if it isn't anywhere close to the daily word count! But at least I wrote something!

Monday 14th November
Words written (so far): 0 (but I'm starting after I finish this post!)
Word count: 7426
Target: 1000 words (still getting back into it)

So that was my NaNoWriMo: Week 2! I hope you all enjoyed it, I will see you all next week, unless I finish the book I'm currently reading and post a review), in which case I will post sooner.
I hope you all have a wonderful day, and I will see you soon!

-Abi xxxxxx

Monday, 7 November 2016

NaNoWriMo: Week 1

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And as promised, this month I promised that I would be doing weekly updates for my NaNoWriMo word counts, and this week is week 1.
I feel no reason not to do this post now, so here's the post:

                                NaNoWriMo: Week 1

Day: 7
Word Count: 2265
Status: WAY behind

Okay, the reason is that I started writing on Saturday, because my laptop wasn't turning on (so I got a new one on Saturday), and that was when I started NaNoWriMo. So here is kind of like a summary of what I was thinking on each day.

Saturday 5th November
Words written: 2010 words
Word count: 2010 words
Thoughts: I reached 2000 words. It took me 6 hours, but I got to 2000, and if I write 2000 words a day, I will be caught up by the end of the month.
However, I need to get quicker at reaching 2000 as I will not get as much time as this (today is an exception).
Overall, happy with my progress today, and hopeful that I will be able to reach 50,000 words by the end of the month :).

Sunday 6th November
Words written: 255 words
Word count: 2265 words
Thoughts: Since I only had like an hour to write today, (and without an outline- it's on my old laptop that WILL NOT TURN ON) I only wrote 255 words today, which is disappointing.
BUT I will pick myself off, and get ready for tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day.

Monday 7th November (Today)
Words written (at the moment): 0
Word count: 2265 words
Thoughts (right now): I haven't yet started writing, but I hope to write a whole lot today, because I'm going to be doing word sprints for the next 2.5 hours.
Target: 4000 words. (I swear to god that I won't sleep until that goal is reached).

So that is my NaNoWriMo: Week 1 update! I hope you enjoyed it, sorry it wasn't too long, but I hope it helped other writers that are struggling with the word count that you may not be the only one that is seemingly WAY BEHIND.
Comment down below what your current word count is, and what you feel about this!
I hope you all have a wonderful day, and I will see you soon (next Monday- the end of NaNoWriMo: Week 2!)

-Abi xxxxxx