
Friday, 29 December 2017

2017 WRAP UP

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And since this is the last opportunity I have to post, that means the 2017 WRAP UP!

This one is going to be sort of different to the usual wrap ups,
(which is kind of fitting because I barely read any books this month)
so it's kind of a lookback at the books I've read this year.

But hopefully you all enjoy it!
K thanks!

What I Read In December
So, I think I read like three books, which is why I'm just going to be listing them.
I wanted to finish Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor, but it became clear that that was just not going to happen. So, next month, I promise!
So here are the books that I read this month:
1. Last Stand of Dead Men (Skulduggery Pleasant #8), by Derek Landy
2. The Dying of the Light (Skulduggery Pleasant #9), by Derek Landy
3. Resurrection (Skulduggery Pleasant #10), by Derek Landy

I may not have finished all the books I wanted to, but I'm happy to have finished my re-read of Skulduggery Pleasant, especially as the sequel to Resurrection is out in like May.
(And no, I will not be re-read the entire series again when that rolls around, don't worry).

Debut Authors I Picked Up This Year &
New Authors I Picked Up
For the second one, is just authors that I picked up this year that I haven't read anything by before.
(They'll be different sections).
When it comes to debut authors, I haven't really made an effort to pick up debut authors, so I have no clue how many I've read this year. Here they are:

Debut Authors I Picked Up
1. Everything Everything, by Nicola Yoon
2. Caraval, by Stephanie Garber
3. The Hate U Give, by Angie Thomas
4. Frostblood, by Elle Blake
5. One of Us Is Lying, by Karen M. McManus

New Authors I Picked Up
Now, I'm going to post this in a paragraph, just so the list is not a mile long. But can you decipher any new authors that you picked up this month? Let me know in the comments!
Elly Blake, Nicola Yoon, Hollie Overton, Emily Barr
Ruta Sepetys, Stephenie Garber, Jennifer Brown
Eric Lindstrom, Francis Hardbringe, Angie Thomas
Katherine Rundell, Claire North, Jennifer Bell
Jeff Giles, Kendare Blake, Emma Cline
Patrick Lawrence, Liane Moriarity, Karen M. McManus
Dave Eggers, Adam Silvera, Paula Hawkins
e.lockhart, Emery Lord, R.J. Palacio

Goals I Set For Myself In 2016
So, if you've been here a while, (a year, really) then you know that I set myself a number of goals that I hoped to accomplish (you can check it out because the link is here)
And, it looks like I completed ALL of them!
Yay! I feel so accomplished.
Did you have a goal that you accomplished this year?

Series and Trilogies That I Completed this year
I thought I would post a section of this because I did rather well this year when it came to series' and trilogies! So here are what I completed this year:
1. Demon Road trilogy, by Derek Landy
2. Passenger duology, by Alexandra Bracken
3. The Raven Boys series, by Maggie Stiefvater
4. Flawed duology, by Cecelia Ahern
5. Six of Crows duology, by Leigh Bardugo
6. The Infernal Devices trilogy, by Cassandra Clare

And finally...
I got it yesterday and the only other thing that I have done (apart from this post) other than watching it was sleep...
Yeah, I need to be constructive.
But... Netflix.
Just wanted to let you know that next year, there might be some opinion posts about tv shows on here in the next year or so.
Just letting you know now!

So that is my 2017 Wrap Up!
I hope you enjoyed it, and I am now ready to say goodbye to 2017, (as bad as it has been) and to hope that we get a decent year in 2018.
That is all that I have for you today guys!
Have a happy new year and I'll see you on Monday!

-Abi xxxxx

Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Favourite Books of 2017

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Let me know in the comments if you received any books!
But it's 2018 on Monday!
Where has the year gone?
But, with the end of a new year comes a new Favourite Books video!
Here's my list of my favourite books of 20171

This wasn't my favourite book on my list by far, but just the feeling that you don't know what's real and true, and what's fake, or whether you're facing the right direction was enough for me. Also, you so rarely see that sisterly bond in YA, and their relationship was what made it realistic, because it inforces the fact that you truly would sell your soul for your loved ones. Also, the darkness was creepy and cool.

When I heard about this, I was excited. I honestly hadn't heard about anything quite so diverse as this, and as much as I needed a diverse read, I feel like the black lives matter movement was something I could definitely do more to support. And I flew through it. It's such a powerful book that will stick with you. (I read it back in April and it's still stuck with me). I was everything I thought it would be, and certainly lived up to the hype. There's also a distinct possibility that I'm going to re-read it next year.

This one, without a doubt, surprised me the most. There was such clarity in the writing, and it was clear, right from the start that this was going to be one of those books that I just fly through. It was astoundingly easy to fall into the story, and what I loved most was the bond between the wolf wilder- and her wolves. It may not make sense, but they're her family. And it was such a wonderful experience to read about them.

This was not a surprise at all, really. I more or less knew that I was going to enjoy this from the time that I read the premise. What I didn't predict was that it would turn out to be on this list! I don't even know what to say, I can't even fault it. There's just such a big build, leading up to this fight to the death. One strong sister, two weaker ones. But there are cracks in this society, and there's this constant doubt in the back of your brain, will it be this sister, or is something unexpected going to happen? You never know what will happen next in this, and I can't wait to pick up One Dark Throne in the new year.

It was odd how much I grew to love the characters, and how invested I became in the story. Yes, I grew attached in Six of Crows, but as II got to know the backstories of the characters, there was a whole new level of attachment. Everyone who has read this book understands why it made my list.

After having loved the first book in the trilogy, I have to admit, I was super nervous about this second one, about where it was going to go. I had no reason to be worried. What started in the first book came back in the second, except something had changed. This time had a lot more intensity. And my stomach is now in knots as to how Chris Russell is going to wrap it all up next year, because it was CRAZY good.

You guys already know how much I loved these. I just couldn't choose between the two of them. They're both so good. Which is why they're on my Favourites for 2017! I can't even begin to describe how happy I was to be able to marathon this trilogy this year, and get to review them all on here!

It is as everyone says: this book is unbelievably amazing! We Were Liars is a slippery, translucent, mysterious book where when you think you know something, it's immediately proved that you know absolutely nothing. It's all such a juxtaposition, I love it. I have never read anything like this and I doubt there is another book in existence that is as crazy as this. And that's why it's on my favourites list!

This was just what I needed at the time. At this point, I was almost overwhelmed by how much I'd read that month. But this cute, quirky contemporary that I did not even think I would enjoy that much- is now in the running for probably my favourite contemporary. This is a contemporary that is about finding yourself again, and challenging yourself to get back on your feet after having a knockback. And it has quiz bowl! This whole piece was more than just a contemporary romance. It was funny, and light and heart-warming, and that's why it's on here. 

And finally, Wonder. This book was more than LIFE. It teaches you to be kinder than necessary. That it costs you nothing to be kind. And it's Auggie's story, told from many a perspective. It's beautiful. That's one word for it. Another is enlightening. Just, read it. Just read it.

So that is my Favourite Books of 2017! Ultimately I did read a lot of fantastic books this year, but these were definitely the best out of them all!
I hope you enjoyed the list, and don't forget to let me know if you received any books for Christmas this year!
But that's all I have for you today.
Next: Anticipated released for 2018!
I will see you all on Friday!

-Abi xxxxxxx

Friday, 22 December 2017

Introducing... The Lara Jean Trilogy!

Hey guys, this is Abi here,

And on my walk through town (on my way back from work)

I walked into Age UK (charity shop that I go into sometimes)

And luck would have it, on the shelves, is


So of course I bought each and every book, because

it was on my "Trilogies I Can't Believe I Haven't Read yet", which you can find here.

These are the covers, and they are so chicklit, and just unlike anything I've read before that I just can't wait to pick them up- even though that might not happen for a while.

Let me explain. This trilogy doesn't really scream Christmas. I think I'll end up picking them up in Spring, so maybe April time, because that is generally the time that I pick up the most Contemporaries.

The first book in the Lara Jean trilogy is about a girl called Lara Jean (obviously). And every time she's loved a boy, she's written them a letter. She keeps them in a box her mother gave her, there's no way she mails them. Until somebody else does, and suddenly her love life goes from imaginary, to out of control.

As far as I know, this is the trilogy to read if I'm in the mood for a light, chicklit kind of series, and I am really looking forward to it.

That's sort of all I have to say about it. But let me know in the comments! Have you read this trilogy? What did you think of it? And if you have yet to read it, is it something you like the idea of?

So that is all I have for you all today! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and Christmas! As of whether I will be posting on Christmas Day, I have yet to decide.
Even if I don't, I will see you on Wednesday!

-Abi xxxxx

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

TBR Jar for 2018

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And I was going to post this on Friday but I just did not have time.
College work did take priority, but since I've more or less finished that, I'm just reading through it, I thought, why not do a post?
I sort of introduced this a couple of months back, with a few ideas of what I wanted to do with this in 2018, so you can go and find that on Post Pandemonium (2017) if you want to.
But, since 2018 isn't far off, I thought it fitting that I post an official documentation of what it all is.

1. A Stephen King book-It
Since I got this for Christmas this year, why shouldn't it be It? Maybe I'll pull an all-nighter and read it cover to cover. Although that would probably be kind of stupid, considering it's a horror. Maybe around Halloween, the season for scary stories? All I know is, I'm super excited to get to this some time next year.

2. The Witchlands trilogy?, by Susan Dennard
If these don't look familiar, these are the UK covers, though I'm not too sure about the last one. Originally, I was just going to include the first two books, but since Bloodwitch is out on the 7th January, (if I'm not mistaken), then it made sense to add the whole trilogy? to the list.
The Witchlands trilogy is a story about two best friends, on the run after something (not sure what) drastic and disastrous happens. Just the fact that this is the story of two best friends has me excited to read this, because how often do we read about two best friends (that are both girls), honestly?

3. Victoria Schwab books
Either one of these I love the sound of, should I aim for both? I just need to get my hooks into V.E Schwab's books!

4.  1 Graphic novel/ Manga
I want to read at least one Graphic novel/ manga in 2018. These are becoming increasingly relevant and popular and it's something I want to be a part of.

5. A Shadow Bright and Burning, and A Poison Dark and Drowning, by Jessica Cluess
I kind of stumbled across this trilogy/ series? (Don't even know what to call them anymore).
Anyway, I stumbled across it almost by accident. I think I was searching blogs and articles about someone's favourite series' or something, and I came across this. I remembered seeing these two books in Booktube, and so I checked out Goodreads, and here it is, on the list. A Shadow Bright and Burning is about Henrietta, the first female sorcerer, and she's prophesied for something, but is she? Yes, there is some romance in it, but from what I've heard, there's some hype for it, and I'm willing to give them a try. 

6. Lord of Shadows and Queen of Air and Darkness, by Cassandra Clare
Having finished Lady Midnight in September, it made sense to include these two on my TBR for 2018. Queen of Air and Darkness doesn't get released until the start of December, so it might be a while until I pick these up, but that just gives me time to read the rest on this list!
And then, when I read these, I will be officially caught up on all Cassandra Clare books! I can hardly wait! 

7. The Help, by Kathryn Stockett
Although this is a lot more of a recent addition than the others were, I think this is a book I want to read first. I can't explain it, it's the same I can't wait to see the 'The Hate U Give' film, and the reason I want to watch 'Hidden Figures', a film about three woman that played a huge part in getting astronaut John Glenn into Orbit. (I'm getting the DVD in January). I find these books and films super interesting, and I can't wait to read this!

So those are the books that I'm including in my TBR Jar for 2018! Let me know if there's anything on this list that you're thinking of picking up in 2018, and we can discuss them in the comments!
I hope you all have a lovely week, and I will see you on Friday!

-Abi xxxxxx

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

The End of the Year Book Tag

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And yes, it is the end of the year, but there's still a couple weeks left until 2018
That's CRAZY!
But it also means I'll be super busy with all my favourite posts
(Such as Favourites of 2017, and what I want to do in 2018)
to do this tag, plus it's around the usual time that I post a tag, so why not?
Though, glancing at the questions, I probably should have done this tag last month.
But nevertheless, here's "The End of the Year Book Tag"!

1. Are there any books you started this year that you need to finish?
Not at the moment... Okay, I tend to start one book, and either finish it, or if I can't finish, to DNF. There kind of isn't an in-between. I only have one or two exceptions. If I have just started it, and I'm not really feeling it, and I feel myself slipping into a reading slump do I put it to one side, so I can read a favourite, and only then do I come back to it.
So I do not currently have any books that I have started, but have not yet finished at this point. 

2. Do you have any autumnal books that you need to transition to the end of the year?
Again, not at the moment. I am a season reader, but I haven't come across a whole lot of autumnal books so far his yeah (barely any, actually), so again, none at the moment. 

3. Is there a new release you're still waiting for?
Not in December, unfortunately. But I am looking forward to seeing what I think of Zenith, the first in the Andromeda Saga, which is released 16th January. 

4. What are three books you want to read before the end of the year?

Those on my December TBR, but specifically the last two books left that I have for the Skulduggery Pleasant series, as well as Strange the Dreamer. I NEED to get to Strange the Dreamer before the year is out. 

5. Is there a book you think could still shock you and become your favourite book of the year?
Strange the Dreamer, for sure! I have been hearing nothing but fantastic reviews for this wonderfully, dreamy, surreal fantasy book with the amazing whimsical writing and unforgettable characters.  

6. Have you started making plans for 2018?
Yes... I gave you a started idea in this post: TBR Jar (2018) but there wasn't anything concrete in that post, so as for my specific plans for 2018, that post will come at a later date...

So that was The End of the Year Book Tag! I hope you enjoyed it, and if you have any questions or answers about this tag, let me know in the comments!
I am having a big of a sluggish reading month, but hopefully that picks up.
I'll see you all on Friday, goodbye!!!!

-Abi xxxxxx

Monday, 11 December 2017

Standalones I Can't Believe I Haven't Read Yet (Update)

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
Since I did an update on the trilogy/series/duology version of this last week, it seemed fitting that I do an update on the standalones (also I've read about half of them from the 2015 version anyway, so I reckon it's time for an update).
So, here's the list!

1. Hunted, by Meagan Spooner
Yes, I have checked, this is, in fact a standalone, and so it's top of my list. I know little to nothing about this, except that class is a theme that's discussed, and it's also a Beauty and the Beast retelling. And it's Beauty herself that goes to hunt the Beast down, after her father goes missing. But this looks super interesting, and let's face it: there's a bunch of hype for this in Booktube. Hope to read this soon.

2. Paintbrush, by Hannah Buchin
This sounds like nothing I've ever read before, which right there is something that interests me right off the bat because I am always on the look out to read more diverse reads, and I feel like, even with just the introduction to go on, this will be quite a diverse read, for sure. I mean, it's set in India, in the town of Paintbrush Community Village, and the story is about the people of this town, but two friends in particular, and even though they are aiming for completely different things as graduation approaches, when Mitchell's mother makes an announcement that rocks the whole village, these two friends cling to eachother. This is a story that is tasked with one question: Will this friendship that has become something more, last the distance? From what I know, this is a coming of age story about romance, friendship, family, and the town of Paintbrush. If you can't tell, I can't wait to read this amazingly original book.

3. The Assassin Game, by Kirsty McKay
This is the first book that is on the list that has, after checking the reviews out on Goodreads, that has actually had mixed reviews. Yes, the concept has been done before, I bet, but I would like to take a chance on this book, just to see what I think of it, from a blogger's view. People said in the comments for this book that it's more YA than they would like, and even though that makes it sound like something I wasn't anticipating, the fact that it's more YA than I thought, might not necessarily be a bad thing. So I'm interesting to see what I think of it.

4. The Child In Time, by Ian McEwan
Basically, the way I came to possess this book was: I watched the programme starring Benedict Cumberbatch, and there was just something super interesting about seeing the repercussions of this father, and all the people around him, when his daughter just goes missing, when they go shopping one day. Seemingly out of thin air. The tv show was about what happened after. And then on impulse, I happened to find a copy in Air Ambulance, and I picked it up. This book is super short, so I hope to fly through it either this month, or in January.

5. Sleeping Beauties, by Stephen King
This one looks kind of surreal. It's a story where woman that go to sleep: do not wake up. They go into like a cocoon-ie type state. Do not wake them up, they become savage. And men are left in the world that the women leave when they fall asleep. Also, there's one woman that does can go to sleep, but does not go to this mystery land. The question stands: should this woman be studied,  or is she a demon that must be slayed? And what is this mystery land? Sleeping beauties, everybody. You see what I mean when I say it seems so surreal? Because the concept is simple, but BIG. It's like he takes something simple, but it's not small, but something that is enough to fill a whole world of book, if that makes sense. Probably doesn't, but I can't explain it any other way.

So those are the standalones that I think I want to read the most, there are undoubtedly more than that, and you can check them out on my "Want to read" page for my Goodreads. But I think those are probably my front runners at the moment. Let's hope I can read them all by the 11th December, 2018!
Mark your phone and watches people, challenge accepted!
Do you think I can do it? Let me know in the comments below!

So that is my post for today! I hope you have a good week, and I will see you all on Wednesday!

-Abi xxxxxx

Friday, 8 December 2017

30 Day Writing Challenge

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
So, I was searching for inspiration on Pinterest (if your not on there, get on it)
And I stumbled upon this thing.
So, I'm doing a blog post on it, because it looks interesting.

Okay, so this... 30 Day Writing Challenge...

What is it?

I had no idea this was a thing!

From what I can see, there are a bunch of these, depending on which one you think you can write about most. There isn't an official one, which both surprises me, but also doesn't, because everyone's blog is always a little bit different to everybody else's, and even though the blog posts wouldn't be exactly the same, who would want to follow the crowd if you had the choice?
And they look like this!

So basically, it's a challenge where you write whatever it says on the day. You post every single day of the month, and you have the choice to follow somebody else's, or create your own.
If I was considering participating in this, I would probably create my own, because from what I saw, there weren't really many book blog versions of this.

I'm probably not the first book blogger to discover this (I'd be very surprised if I am) and I hope that I'm not the last, so I think I might possibly attempt this some time next year.
Book version, of course!
And possibly films and musicals too!

So I pose the question: Have you heard of this too, for those with blogs?
Have you participated, did you complete the challenge, and what did you think of it? Did you enjoy it, or wish you'd never discovered it?
For the readers, would this be something you'd be interested in seeing?
Let me know in the comments!

So that is all I have for you today! I hope you enjoyed it!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and get to read (or write) lots!

-Abi xxxxxx

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

A Brief Message

Hey guys, this is Abi here,

And I am here with a message.

This month... I'm not too sure how much I will be posting.

There are a number of reasons.

Reason 1)

Okay, I am just super busy with a certain piece of work that is a H-U-G-E part of my final grade.
It would be just my luck (and brain) to screw it up, so I am hyper focusing on getting through it, and being focused on it, and making it better than usual.

Which is why I'm not really going to make posting on here a priority.

I hope you understand, this is more of less something I do for a hobby, to take a break from the zillions of responsibilities that I currently have.
(*Sigh* Adulting)

But unfortunately, those things have to come first.

Kind of.

Reason 2)
... What do I say for this one...

Okay. As of last week, something drastic changed for a loved one's health...

Well, deteriorated....


I don't need to say anymore than that, do I?

That comes first.

The end.

So, I'm sorry guys, but those kind of things just have to take priority. They can't not. Sorry, double negative.
But, who knows?!
They may not impact my blogging schedule at all!
But I'm not going to say don't expect me to post, because I'm putting no pressure on myself this month.
Just warning you know.

So, that is all I will be posting today!
I have to apologise for this very vague and brief post, but I feel like I had to mention it on my blog because not everybody follows me on twitter (@TheWorldIsBooks)
So... that's all I have for you all today!
I hope you have a wonderful day and I will see you all on Friday (maybe).

-Abi xxxxxx

Friday, 1 December 2017

December TBR (2017)

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And I feel like it became December about a week ago because it's more or less minus degree here at the moment. My hands are literally about to fall off. 
But no more about the weather, or the coldness of it, here's my TBR for the final month of 2017!

1. Finish the Skulduggery Pleasant series
I am currently on Book 8 (Last Stand of Dead Men), and I have:

  • Last Stand of Dead Men 
  • The Dying of the Light
  • Armageddon Outta Here (Short stories)
  • Resurrection Left to read, which shouldn't take all that long (hopefully).

As for the rest of my TBR, nothing else is really a priority. I think this month I'll just read what I want, and let you know in the wrap-up.

There is however, one book that I am definitely putting on my TBR this month.
And that book is...

2. Strange the Dreamer, by Laini Taylor
This book has been on my TBR so long it's become pitiful. Everything else after Skulduggery Pleasant is a maybe, but this is something I just have to get to. This is happening. 

As for anything else, I think I'm just going to read what I want to read, and try not to plan anything. It's the end of the year and I have a feeling that if I try to plan anything else I just won't stick to it. 
So, that was my December TBR! I know it was a short one, but hopefully I'll finish all of these and get to read some more as well. 
Wish me luck!

As for you, I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and I hope you get some good reading done!

-Abi xxxxxx