
Monday, 29 July 2019

All the books that I've Bought Since My Last Book Haul

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And I'm aware that I haven't done a book haul in a while.
So, that's what I'm doing today!
I don't know when my last one was...
*After checking*
It appears it was in January, so it's been 6 months.
Enjoy reading about all the books I've bought since then.
Or all the ones that I remember to mention at least.

(And I'll only be talking about these briefly because this is a hefty list.)

-Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle, by Stuart Turton (Read)
A slow burner, even though it took me a week and a half to read it, each POV was detailed and intriguing. If you're looking for an intro into time travel books, and murder mysteries, this is an interesting and unique novel to pick up.

-The Light Between Worlds, by Laura Weymouth (Read)
A historical fiction/magical realism mash up that really surprised me. It discusses depression and suicidal thoughts, so if those things are triggers for you, I recommend not picking this one up, but the characters, and the world-building is wonderfully written. I loved The Light Between Worlds.

-Pet Sematary, Stephen King (Read)
A horror novel that really isn't that long if you're looking for an introduction to the genre. Even without the hype that Stephen King's other works might have gathered, it's still a decent read.

-Fated, Teri Terry (Read)
It was so much fun to see where the origin of the "Slated" trilogy started! Although it didn't make much difference to the upcoming trilogy, it was amazing to read about the world, and the events that made up the creation of Slated! (I highly recommend picking up the trilogy by Teri Terry, guys.)

-The Priory of the Orange Tree, Samantha Shannon (Not read)
I don't know much about this, admittedly, but I do know that there is a F/F romance, and dragons contained within the pages of this book and I am all for both of those things. It's also a fantasy standalone and if there is ever a time when I have an extended period of time, then this will be the first book I pick up.

-A Poiaon Dark and Drowning, Jessica Cluess & Sorrow Fierce and Falling (Not read)
I put the both of these books up as one, because they're book 2 & 3 of the same trilogy. I'm about 100 pages away from finishing A Poison Dark and Drowning, and the stakes have definitely heightened in book 2! (Can't wait to read book 3- hopefully in the next couple of months- though probably not with my track record with this trilogy!)

-Finale, Stephanie Garber (Not read)
The third book in the Caraval trilogy, all I know is that we will read from the point of view of both Tella and Scarlett. I have no idea what will happen in this third and final book but people have been talking about it. It's on the back-burner for now.

-Surface Breaks, Louise O'Neill (Not read)
The next book on my TBR. I've had this book for a couple of months and it's stuck in my mind somehow. Having only read one Louise O'Neill book previously, I'm looking forward to seeing how she re-constructs a fairy-tale like The Little Mermaid.

-Heartstopper Volume 1&2 (Read)
I've already read and loved both of these volumes, and they're currently at the very top of my favourite books of 2019 list at the moment. Highly recommend if you're after a cute LGBT romance in graphic novel form.

-Four, Venocia Roth (Not read)
I obtained this from my friend, in exchange for my Wild Child dvd. I read and loved the Divergent trilogy a few years back (though I was a little bit angry about Allegiant, I have to admit), but Four never really piked my interest. Don't ask me why, but I decided to get it, for some reason. Let's see what I think.

-Anne of Green Gables, by M.G Montgomery (Not read)
A very popular classic- that I haven't read yet. I also watched Season 1 of Anne with An E on Netflix a while back. I think it's time to read the book.

-Black Beauty, by Anna Sewell (Read)
Re-read this in two days. It's just as good as it was when I was 9. From the point of Black Beauty, this book remains one of my favourite classics of all time.

-Heidi, by Johanna Spyri (Read)
Same goes for Heidi. This book makes me want to go to Switzerland, see the views and climb the mountains. You pick this book up, it's like your there, living up on the mountain with Uncle Alp and Heidi. Highly recommend this if you like the classics.

-The Librarian of Auschwitz, by Antonio Iturbe (Not read)
I know little to nothing about this book. I saw it, read the blurb, and bought it. It's based off a true story, and it takes place in Auschwitz. It's the story of fourteen-year-old Dita who becomes the librarian of the camp. It promises to be a deep and powerful story, and it's a novel for the colder months, I think.

-Girls of Paper and Fire, by Natasha Ngan (Not read)
I've had this for two months, and I'm trying to be interested in this book, because of the hype. But there's something about it that just puts me off it. Maybe, when I finally get to it, I'll really enjoy it. We'll see.

-Dear Evan Hansen, based on the musical (it's on paperback now) (Not read)
Although I haven't seen it, I've listened to the soundtrack so much that I've got most of the soundtrack memorised. If you haven't heard the soundtrack yet, listen to it. I hope the book is just as good.

-Opposite of Always, by Justin a. Reynolds (Not read)
I heard about this on Booktube, and there's something about the premise that sounds really interesting. It's about a boy Jack that falls hard for a girl- and then she dies. But instead of the story carrying on, Jack goes back to the time when he meets her. And he has the chance to change what happens, but at what cost? I'll definitely be reaching for this in the next couple of months.

Okay! Those are all the books I've bought since my last book haul! I hope you enjoyed it, and if you've read any of these, feel free to comment what you thought of it! (Or even if any of these books are on your TBR as well!)
Okay, that's all I've got for you today!

-Abi xxxxx

Monday, 15 July 2019

Reading Rush-A-Thon TBR! (2019)

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And with a split second decision, I decided to participate in the Reading Rush-A-Thon readathon (formerly known as Booktubeathon) this year!
I've participated in this readathon twice, completing six books in my first year, and 7 in my second! I'm working in that same week (the dates are 22-28th July) so I'm not going to try and read seven books, so don't try and persuade me.
Anyway, here's my TBR.

Also, some of these books overlap in terms of challenge, so I'll couple them together (they aren't going to be in order, by the way.)

Challenge 1: Read a book with purple on the cover.
Challenge 6: Read a book with 5 or more words in the title.
My book: A Poison Dark and Drowning, by Jessica Cluess
This was already on my TBR for the month anyway, and it seemed like the perfect book to read for this category. It's the second book in the Kingdom on Fire trilogy, and even though I enjoyed the first book, I've had a tough time getting into the second. It'll be the first challenge I try, so hopefully I can gradually make my way through A Poison Dark & Drowning through the course of the week. And it also has five words in the title.

Challenge 2: Read a book in the same spot the entire time.
My book: Heartstopper Vol. 2, by Alice Oseman
Because I'm not usually in the same spot for long periods of time, I picked the shortest book I could think of. And having got Volume 2 of Heartstopper a couple of weeks back, I could not think of a more perfect book to choose. Especially as I read Volume 1 in one sitting!

Challenge 3: Read a book that you meant to read last year.
My book: Girls of Paper and Fire, by Natasha Ngan
I actually found this book harder to choose than the rest of them, because most of the books I have on my TBR, I found out about this year. I've certainly had my eye on this book since it was released late last year, so this is the book that I've chosen for this challenge, because it's been collecting dust in my room, unread.

Challenge 4: Read an author's first book.
Challenge 7: Read a book and watch the book to movie adaptation.
My book: Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer
I've wanted to watch the film/read the book for a while now, and this is the perfect opportunity! I know it's a little on the long side, but I've read this in two days before and something just tells me that once I'm back in one of my favourite stories (when I was a teenager- I first read twilight when I was 15) with some decent characters, I'll fly through it.

Challenge 5: Read a book with a non-human character.
The Surface Breaks, by Louise O' Neill
Thinking about it, I could have tied this challenge with Twilight, but this is on my monthly TBR, so I thought I'd tie it in with the reading rush readathon. I have heard great things about The Surface Breaks, all my fellow readers, particularly the ones from #UKYAChat have mentioned that they love this, so I can't wait to pick it up and see what I think!

Okay! That is my Reading Rush-A-Thon TBR! Let me know in the comments if you are participating, and what books you're reading if you are, whether it be the Instagram challenges, the video challenges, or just trying to read a whole heap of books!
I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll see you all soon!

-Abi xxxxx

Friday, 12 July 2019

Aladdin Film Review

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And I went to see Aladdin a couple of weeks ago, and it's only now occurred to me to write a film review for it!
I hope you enjoy it!

Despite the earlier release of Dumbo in February, Aladdin was the first Disney film that I've seen this year, and you could say it was an understatement that I was looking forward to it.

Because the original was such a blockbuster, I was interested to see what my response would be for the new cast. Of course I knew that Will Smith would be a decent genie, even though there was no way he could compare to the legend Robyn Williams. I knew Naomi Scott from one of my favourite Disney channel films when I was a kid (Lemonade Mouth) and knew she has an absolutely phenomenal voice, and I wanted to see how she did in the role. As for Mena Massoud for Aladdin, I was looking forward to seeing how he did in the title role.

And I am happy to say, they all held their own in their respectable roles. Mena sounded exactly like the original Aladdin, was such an amazing lead, and I was windswept on his journey from the get-go. Naomi was a wonderful Jasmine, and even though the harmonies in "A Whole New World" sounded different to the original, their chemistry was wonderful, and not awkward at all.
Will Smith as the genie was a whole other thing. He made the role into his own, as did them all. He had the comedy element, the voice, the confidence which was just right to make up to the Genie.

As for the film itself, there was a good combination of all three: choreo, acting and singing. I didn't feel like I was getting too much of one, or missing out on one of them. It all blended perfectly well into the storyline. My only critique would be that the choreo for the big dance number could have been a bit more intricate in my eyes. It all seemed to be the same copied Bollywood movements that I've seen a few times before.

Because of the budget of the movie (I mean, they had to have something big to be able to hire Will Smith) the set was absolutely beautiful. It was all gold and beautiful, and the palace all glimmered. However, where Aladdin lived, it perfectly captured what it would look like to live on the streets (apart from the view where he sleeps.)

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this film, even without the lover of music that I am, I am so glad I went to go and see it. There were a couple of faults, like I wish there was more comedy in the film, the problems with the choreo like I talked about earlier, but overall I thought it to be a perfectly respectable live-action remake of the 1992 Aladdin.

Okay! I hope you enjoyed that, I certainly enjoyed watching it, and I hope if you haven't seen it, that you pick up the DVD!

Right, that's all for today's post, I hope you have a wonderful weekend and I'll see you on Monday!

-Abi xxxxxx

Monday, 8 July 2019

Mid Year Book Freakout Tag

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And even though it's technically the second half of the year, I can still do this tag as it's still close to the mid year part of the year.
That's right, I'm joining the flock and doing the mid year freak-out tag!

1. Best book you've read so far in 2019.
I've read some amazing books this half of the year, and this was a close call. But I flew through this book in a way I very rarely do with a Cassie Clare book. There was just something about the writing, the characters, that made me see what everybody was talking about when they say that they love Cassie Clare books. Nothing against her books, I just haven't had the easiest time gelling with the story. But this one, I thoroughly enjoyed.

2. Best sequel you've read so far in 2019.
Okay, I know I've read this a million times, but this is my favourite sequel that I've read so far this year. And any year really.

3. New release you haven't read yet, but want to.
I'm completely racked my brains for this, and when I think I have an idea, it turns out it's not available in the UK! That's it, I'm done. I don't have a book for this category.

4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year.
This is out 3rd September, it's the final book in the Three Dark Crowns, and I genuinely can't wait to read it.

5. Biggest disappointment.
It wasn't a big disappointment by any means, but I was expecting to love it a lot more than I did. Now, I do believe that this trilogy wraps up in September/ October, and I have (as a whole) enjoyed the two books that are out. So we'll see how the "This Mortal Coil" trilogy wraps up.

6. Biggest surprise.
I don't know what it is, but something came over me when I was reading this. Having seen the film on my birthday the year before, and hearing the thoughts of some booktubers, I wasn't sure whether I would get into this book. But I was completely taken by surprise by how much I loved it. I read it in four mornings, something I never thought I'd do in a million years.

7. Favourite new author. (Debut or new to you.)
She only has two books out, but "The Light Between Worlds" has been one of my favourites of the year so far. It combines magical realism and historical fiction, two genres I really should try to read more. It discusses themes such as sibling conflict, depression and suicide, and it was exactly what I was in the mood to read. I highly recommend her books.

8. Newest fictional crush.
Julian Blackthorn. Love him. Of course. Only second to Jace.

9. Newest favourite character.
Ty. Words can't describe how much I would love to have a conversation with Ty.

10. Book that made you cry.
Nothing has made me cry yet this year. Let's see if Heartstopper Vol. 2 can make me cry from happiness?

11. Book that made you happy.
There's nothing that I love than theatre and acting, and now there's a book with it in? Sign me up! Nothing felt rushed, not the romance, not the character development, and it was as sweet as pie. I can't wait to read more of Maggie Harcourt's books (though I should probably read some of her earlier books first!)

12. Most beautiful book you've bought this year (or received.)
The third and finale book in the Caraval trilogy (that I admittedly have yet to pick up- but I'm getting round to it.) From what I know, we'll get the perspective of both sisters in this novel, and I am very excited to see what goes on with them all. No doubt it'll be very mysterious, magical, with twists and turns at the end of every chapter. Can't wait to see how the strange and shadowy Caraval trilogy ends.

13. What books do you need to read by the end of the year?
Aside from my TBR Jar Challenges, I would like to marathon a couple of trilogies before the end of the year:
-Darker Shades of Magic trilogy, by VE Schwab
-The Illuminate Files trilogy, by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kauffman

Okay! That is the Mid Year Book Freak-out Tag! As usual, feel free to do this tag if you see fit!

I hope you enjoyed this, and feel free to comment what your answers would be!
I hope you have a wonderful day and I will see you... soon!

-Abi xxxxx

Monday, 1 July 2019

June Wrap Up & July TBR (2019)

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And it's already July!
First full month of summer!
But first, my wrap up and tbr for the month!

Books I read:
I read a total of four books this month (and very nearly a fifth- I'll get on that in my TBR for the month.)
Two of them were re-reads, the second half of the Noughts & Crosses series, in preparation for the fifth book, which is out next month.

1. Checkmate (Noughts & Crosses #3), by Malorie Blackman
2. Double Cross (Noughts & Crosses #4), by Malorie Blackman
I love these books for so many reasons. But the main reasons are 1) the issues that are raised will never not be relevant in today's society, and 2) how in depth the characters are made into, within these four books. Everybody that I talk to in bookshops have heard of these, but have never read them. Their loss.

3. Fated (Slated prequel), by Teri Terry
Although it wasn't as enticing as the Slated trilogy, it certainly was a book worth reading. The Slated prequel was intense, engaging and above all, exciting. What was probably the worst thing was that the world, the society that was described in this novel actually wasn't that far away from the real world. A wonderful novel, it was good to find out how the Slated world came to be.

4. Heartstopper. Volume 1, by Alice Oseman
So, I have this rule. Whenever I see a Waterstones that isn't my local one, I have to go in and buy a book. So, I decided on Heartstopper: having had my eye on it for a while, I wanted to see what everybody was talking about when they all started raving about this piece of work. I finished it on the car drive home. I read all 267 pages in a 40 minute car ride. Straight through. I can't wait for Volume 2 to come out next week.

1. What Lies Beneath
2. Clueless
3. Pitch Perfect 1 & 2
4. Lilo and Stitch

1. Waterloo Road
2. Chicago Med
 3. Dragonball Z

July TBR (2019)
1. Queen of Air and Darkness (The Dark Artifices #3), by Cassandra Clare
I have 150 pages left of this. With a combination of audiobook and paperback, I've made my way through most of this in the last month. I wasn't quite able to finish this in June, so I'm going to carry on until I've read the whole thing. And god damn me if I don't finish it in July. But I'm determined, and ready. (And I bet I'll cry a bucket of tears once I reach the end.)

2. Bedlam (Skulduggery Pleasant #12), by Derek Landy
I've had this book just over a month now and I haven't turned one page. Contrary to what I first thought, it appears that it isn't the final book in the second part of the Skulduggery Pleasant series, which I am overjoyed at. I'm picking up Bedlam this month because I'm going to try and achieve as many TBR Jar challenges this month as I can, and I can't wait to get to this one.

3. A Poison Dark and Drowning (Kingdom on Fire #2), by Jessica Cluess
The third and final tbr jar challenge that I am able to complete at the moment (the final one is the fourth book in the Three Dark Crowns series' that comes out in September.) Now, I'm going to be honest. I read the first book in this trilogy a couple of years ago, and even though it was interesting, it wasn't the most unique book I've ever read. So I'm... hesitant at the very least going into this book. We'll see how I feel after I finish it.

4. The Surface Breaks, by Louise O' Neill
I'm putting this on my tbr because I know that, if I keep doing it, one day I'll actually read it. Admittedly, I don't know a whole lot about this book. I know it's powerful, and it packs one hell of a punch with the words, the language used. And I know that I can't wait to read it. And that's enough.

Okay! That was my June Wrap Up & July TBR (2019)!
I hope you enjoyed it, and feel free to let me know what you got up to in June!

-Abi xxxxx