Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And since it's October, I'm doing another Halloween Book Tag!
This time it's the Halloween Song Book Tag, I found it on Zezee With Books but it was originally created by booktuber A Beautiful Chaos of Books, so go and check those out when you've seen this!
Thriller ~ A book that was an absolute page turner
Even if this book hadn't been a part of my Reading Rush TBR, I still think I would have finished it in 2 days. Dark Blue Rising is about Tammy who, after her visit to the hospital after a car accident, finds out her mother is anything but. With the warning to beware the circle, Tammy is thrust into a new world with new parents, a new house. To get used to all that it new around her, she enrols in a summer swimming school. But all is not what it seems... Dark Blue Rising feels like Teri Terry when she was writing the Slated trilogy and Mind Games- which are my favourites of hers, so it was no wonder I got sucked straight in. Highly recommend as a starter Teri Terry book.
Somebody's watching me ~ A book that gave you the serious creeps
I only finished Alice this month, and because I haven't had a chance to chat about it yet, I won't go into much detail. All I will say is, it's dark and gruesome in the way it tells the story. I doubt I'll find a more chilling rendition of Alice in Wonderland any time soon. A perfect reason for someone looking for an Alice retelling that errs on the side of disturbing. Because that's exactly what it was.
Vampire ~ A book you hated so much it was soul sucking, I.E. incredibly tedious to get through.

I didn't dislike this, (because my next read is Good Omens), but this was definitely tedious to get through. I've said this a few times in the last month, but even though I like most of the aspects that made up the story (the characters, the writing, the world) there was just something missing for me. I did enjoy this, but I couldn't give it more than 3 stars. Let's see what I think of Gaiman's other works.
I put a spell on you ~ A book featuring witchcraft or magic
Loved this. Read it in one day (24 hour readathon pick, but I doubt it would have taken me much longer than that normally anyway.) Marie Lu's first historical fiction, following the sister of Mozart, but with a fantastic element to it. So easy to fall into, and after I did that, I physically couldn't put it down again. I loved the world building, the characters, how realistic they felt, but what I loved probably the most was the relationship between Nannerl and her brother Wolfgang, despite the double standards that are placed upon Nannerl because of her gender. The book is as beautiful as the cover, and it's one I'll definitely be picking up again soon. (Also it contains witchcraft.)
This is Halloween ~ Your favourite treat/snack to eat while reading
Erm... anything sweet that's residing in the kitchen?
I don't usually divulge in snacks, but I tend to have a hot cup of tea on my bedside.
Time Warp: "Let's do the time warp again" ~ What book/books do you like to return to at this time of year?
I don't really have a specific book that I like to go back to, but I like to read the same kind of genre, which is atmospheric, creepy, Halloween-ish books in October.
Hungry like the wolf ~ A book you loved so much, you devoured it.
Another book I finished in 2 days. Incredibly addictive, intense, and a premise that could actually happen in real life. (Parts of it.) If you didn't know, All Your Twisted Secrets is basically a hostage situation. The six students that are trapped in a room at their school have to choose which one of them will die... or they all do. It jumps from that room, to replaying the past events leading up to it, and what I love the most is that none of it feels rushed, none of it feels unnecessary to the plot, or any of the characters. The whole story fits in perfectly, like a puzzle. It was the worth the extra two months I had to wait before it was released in the UK, definitely. Highly recommend.
The Addams Family ~ A book featuring a dysfunctional family
I was actually having trouble thinking of a book until I thought of Educated. Tara's family was actually the main antagonist of the book for the most part, so it seemed perfect to place Educated in for this question. Educated tells the story (true story) of Tara, who didn't set foot in school until she was 17. It tells the story of fierce family loyalty, the struggle of self-invention and evolution, the fight to be educated when doing so would mean cutting ties with the closest of family bonds. It's not an easy book to read, but it's a severely realistic one that you'll feel better about picking up once you've done so. Fantastic account of a book.
Scary monsters (and super creeps) ~ A book genre that you are scared or intimidated to pick up
There isn't a genre really. There are a couple books/ series in the Fantasy genre that I'm intimidated for (Robin Hobb's 10 book series & most Brandon Sanderson books) but there isn't a genre that I'm intimidated for.)
Twilight Zone ~ A book with completely different and unique premise
Most books ever.
Like that was genuinely my first thought when I saw this question.
But honestly, even if every author wrote the exact same plot, same characters, each and every one of them would find a new and interesting take on it, because they all have their own style, their own way of telling a story.
Which is why I'm not going to pick a book for this one.
Okay! That was the Halloween Book Tag!
As always, I tag anyone who wants to partake in this wonderful Halloween-ish tag, they're welcome to!
That's it for me! I hope you have a wonderful day, and I'll see you all soon!
-Abi xxxxx