
Monday, 18 July 2022

June Wrap Up (2022)

 Hey guys, this is Abi here, 

And I'm back! After posting before going to Whitby, I thought I'd be back on posting as soon as I got back, but it's been a week and I still haven't! 

So it's time to get back to that! I said I would be posting my June Wrap Up and although it's halfway July at the moment, I said I'd deliver, and here it is! 


1. I Was Born For This, by Alice Oseman 

For some reason, I've always put off this one Alice Oseman book. Maybe I thought I might not enjoy this as much as the others. But, as much as I wish I'd got to it before, I'm glad I had it as a buffer, or when I needed a change of pacing when faced with a reading slump. 
I Was Born For This follows Angel, the ultimate fan of a band that has become one of her main focuses in life: The Ark. And also Jimmy, one of the members of the Ark. You jump from POV to POV every chapter, as they take place. It starts on the eve of when these two characters meet, and it just carries on in an uncontrollable whirlwind of events. As always, loved the story, I could relate to the characters on a personal level, just as flawless as all of Alice Oseman's books are. Amazing. 

2. Book Lovers, by Emily Henry 

Another auto-buy author. Emily Henry is known for her romances, and this one was between a literary agent and an editor. Hate to love, which is a trope that I always love to read about (even though it's not realistic at all, especially in this kind of time frame). But still, was lovely to delve back into one of one of Emily Henry's well-written romances. I can genuinely say that she's one of the best at what she does. Solid 4 stars. 

3. Gallant, by V.E. Schwab

I was really, really hyped up for this one, but honestly it just, fell short for me. I've loved all of V.E. Schwab's books up until now. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it. I enjoyed the writing, the description and the detail, I just feel like not a lot happened. Of course V.E. Schwab will still be an auto-buy author, but this book just disappointed me. That's all I'll say about it. 

4. Life is Strange: Dust, by Emma Vieceli 

I knew I would be receiving the second volume of this series for my anniversary, so I re-read the first volume so the story was fresh in my mind. If you didn't know, the graphic novels starts one year after the events of the game, and takes place like you saved Chloe. Max and Chloe are returning to Arcadia Bay, to face the place that destroyed the town, and as soon as they do, things start to go weird! I liked how loyal the artists and writers were to the game, how believable Chloe and Max were, and how it had some heavy parts, as well as light and funny ones. It'll be nice to see where the series leads (there are five or six volumes, I think). 

Okay! Those are all the books I read in the month of June! Admittedly there weren't that many, but I had a ton of events in June (but I've already read a lot more in July anyway, to make up)! 

As always, let me know in the comments what you read last month! 

I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll see you all soon! 


-Abi xxxx