
Friday, 15 January 2016

December Book Haul (2)

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And it seems that it's been a really long time since I've done a book haul (only because of the Blog-a-thon I did over Christmas), so I think that it's time that I do another one! I have bought a total of 6 books since my last book haul post (the 26th of December), and I think that's fairly good, so  let's get to it!

December Book Haul (2) 

These are the books that I have bought recently:
1. Stuff of Nightmares, by Malorie Blackman
I have already done a review for this book, and you can find that I'm my post pandemonium page. This is about a boy called Kyle who jumps into the Nightmares of his friends (and a couple others) to escape death when his train almost tips over on a school trip. 
This book is really incredibly good, and if you think that there is a sliver of a chance that you might like this book, I implore that you try it. 

2. The Penultimate Peril (Series of Unfortunate Events #12), by Lemony Snicket
Well, this is the 12th/13 book in the Series of Unfortunate Events series, and to be honest I can't really remember that much about the series, since it has literally been YEARS since I have read it, but I am really hoping to do that in 2016. The blurb says: " Probably the next-to-last things you would like to read about are a harpoon gun, a rooftop sunbathing salon, two mysterious initials, three unidentified triplets, a notorious villain, and an unsavoury curry." Hmm, seems really interesting. 

3. The End (Series of Unfortunate Events #13), by Lemony Snicket
Now, this book continues from the book above, but from the blurb, it is going to be quite a book. "You are presumably looking at the back of this book, or the end of THE END. The end of THE END is the best place to begin THE END, because if you read THE END from the beginning of the beginning of THE END to the end of the end of THE END, you will arrive at the end of the end of your rope". That is a mouthful if I ever heard one. 
Also, the fact that it is the 13th book in a series says that this is to be quite a concluding book. 

4. Unbecoming, by Jenny Downham
Ok, I love Jenny Downham, so I was always going to buy this book regardless of what it was about. It's about 3 woman with different secrets that all overlap (I'm guessing), also I love the quote on the back: 
"Risk your heart
It makes things happen
You see if I'm right" 
Plus they were selling signed copies. (I got one!!) And to be honest, I am really looking forward to reading this one. 

5. Nineteen Minutes, by Jodi Picoult
I haven't really read that many Jodi Picoult books (no idea why, she's an amazing author), but this one just grabbed my attention. For what I know, it's from the point of view of a mother who is a midwife, and she is trying to figure why her son, who (I think), was bullied throughout all of his life, walked into school with guns and shot ten people. 
It just grabbed me straight away when I read the blurb, and I am really looking forward to reading this one. 

6. P. S I Love You, by Cecelia Ahern
I think most people know what this book is about, considering that they did make this into a film, but I'm going to explain it. 
Holly is devastated when her husband Gerry passes away by Cancer, but when she starts getting letters that he wrote her before he died, to get her back on her feet, life seems a bit more bearable. 
Although I don't really read many Adult books, this is one I am willing to make an exception for, plus I think it would be interesting to see what the differences and similarities between the film and the book is. 

So, that is my blog post for today!
Before I forget, I have done a poll on my Google + page. It asks what I should read next. The options are: Demon Road, by Derek Landy; Unbecoming, by Jenny Downham; or Crown of Midnight, by Sarah J Maas (and then carry on that series). The link to my Google + page is on this page. So go and vote! 

So, with that I bid you goodbye!
-Abi xxxxx 

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