And I cannot believe I haven't done this post yet!
Now some of these books have already been released, due to the fact that I completely forgot about this post. But, better late then never, and so I give you: My Most Anticipated Book Releases of 2016!
Most Anticipated Book Releases of 2016
1. Truthwitch (The Wildlands #1), by Susan Dennard

The hype for this book is so incredibly big, and I really hope I can read it soon.
2. Glass Sword (Red Queen #2), by Victoria Aveyard
I really can't wait to see how Mare deals with what happened at the end of Red Queen, and how it affects the plot of the second book in this (trilogy/series????). And from what I can see of the synopsis, this one makes it all that little bit darker, and I am excited to see how it all goes.
3. Shadow Queen (Ravenspire #1), by C J Redwine
God, this one looks dark. Well, the characters, at least. The only nitpick I have is that it seems to just jump right into it, without a proper lead-up to Lorelai being a fugitive and killing the Queen (this is not a spoiler, I got that off the Goodreads page for it).
Also, apparently it us loosely based off of Snow White, so another reason why I should read it.
4. Into the Dim (Into the Dim #1), by Janet B Taylor
Now, in only heard about this one recently, and I don't really read much Historical Fiction, but this one seems to be really interesting. But the thing is, it also ties in some Contemporary with it, as it starts with Hope losing her mother in an earthquake, and it goes all Sci-fi, when she finds out that her mother was a time traveller, and then she goes back in time.
I seriously can't wait to read this one...
5. Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices #1), by Cassandra Clare
Now, I should probably read The Mortal Instruments before this one, as it takes place five years into the future, but I really am anticipating this one, (mainly because of the hype).
6. Desolation (Demon Road #2), by Derek Landy
Okay, I need to read Demon Road before I start this, but I can pretty much guarantee that I am going to be reading this as Derek Landy is one of my favourite authors. (If you have been seeing my posts, then you've probably figured it out, and if you're a new viewer, now you know).
7. Untitled (Throne of Glass #5), by Sarah J Maas
Again, I need to catch up on this series, as I have only read Throne of Glass, but the hype for the series makes me think that I should at least give it an attempt.
And that is all I have for you guys today! Again, I apologise for waiting so long before posting this, but hopefully I shall be reading these soon! Byeeeee!
-Abi xxxxx
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