
Friday, 8 January 2016

Series That I Have Completed

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And unfortunately I did not finish Double Cross, but I will have definitely have it finished by Sunday, or Monday at the latest.
But no matter, today I am going to be listing all the series that I have completed..
I can reveal that I have completed 13 Series!
These series are...
1. Harry Potter and the... series, by J K Rowling
2. Hunger Games trilogy, by Suzanne Collins
3. Divergent trilogy, by Veronica Roth
4. Noughts & Crosses series, by Malorie Blackman
5. Slated trilogy, by Teri Terry
6. Series of Unfortunate Events, by Lemony Snicket
7. Twilight series, by Stephanie Meyer
8. Demonata series, by Darren Shan
9. Power of Five series, by Anthony Horowitz
10. Skulduggery Pleasant series, by Derek Landy
11. The Lunar Chronicles, by Marissa Meyer
12. The Medusa Girls, by Tera-Lynn Childs
13. Percy Jackson series, by Rick Riordan

And those are all of the series that I have read! I will probably think of some more as soon as I post this, but they are the only ones that I can think of at this precise moment.
So, I will definitely finish Double Cross by Sunday, or Monday at the latest, and that is all I have for you guys at the moment, but I will see you soon! Byeeeee!

-Abi xxxxx

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