
Wednesday 10 February 2016

Intergalactic Book Tag

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And this book tag is literally EVERYWHERE. All the book-tubers have done this tag. I'm talking Katytastic, Jessethereader, PeruseProject and  Abookutopia have all done this tag, and now I'm going to do it too!

Intergalactic Book Tag
1. Space: Name a book that is out of this world-that takes place in a world other than our own.
Snow Like Ashes, by Sara Raasch. This book has four magical kingdoms, and four un-magic kingdoms, and it's also set in a completely different time (not sure when, though). Full review somewhere. 

2. Black hole: Name a book that completely pulled you in
Slated, by Teri Terry. This book pulled me in and did not let me go until the last page of the final book in the trilogy. This book got given to me from an ex, and I am so glad that he did. 

3. Lightspeed: Name a book you are anticipating so much you wish you could travel at lightspeed to get to.
Into the Dim, by Janet B Taylor. This book has a bit of contemporary, and a bunch of Sci-Fi and Historical Fiction, and it comes out 1st March, and I cannot wait to read it. 

4. Nebula: Name a book with a beautiful cover
Not just this one, but all of the books in the series. They all just have the intricate details on them, like some kind of clue as to what is in this individual story. When I was reading them in like Year 7, my friend and I would spend ages just analysing the cover, and whenever I see these covers I think this. 

5. Multiverse: Name a companion set or spin-off series that you love
I actually don't think that I have read any, so I'm going to have to skip this one.

6. Gravity: Name your favourite romantic pairing that seems to have gravitational pull towards each-other
Matt and Scarlet from the Power of Five series, definitely. They only meet in Necropolis, (fourth book out of five) but the gravitational pull is there. 

7. The Big Tree: Name the book that got you started on reading
Ok, I don't think it was a particular book, but this was one of my favourite, and it was the first big book that I read. 

8. Asteroid: Name a short story or novella that you love
Again, I don't really read short stories or novellas, but I did read the Assassin's Blade, by Sarah J Maas.

9. Galaxy: Name a book with multiple POV's
All of the books in this series has multiple patients of views, but in this one, all the secondary characters become primary characters, and the unique point of views really make the difference, and it is all done so flawlessly. 

10. Spaceship: Name a book title that would be a great name for a spaceship

So, that is the intergalactic book tag! I hope you enjoyed it! If you have any thoughts on what I chose for each category, please don't hesitate to comment. So, I will see you guys soon, bye! 

-Abi xxxxx 

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