Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And this morning, I finished Fathomless! (After ten days!)
So here's the review!
Fathomless (Fairytale Retellings #3), by Jackson Pearce

Title: Fathomless
Author: Jackson Pearce
Genre: Fairytle retelling, romance, and a bit of action
Release date: 2012
Pages: 293
Celia is a harbourer of memories- she can see into the past.
Knowing what has already been always seemed so insignificant
to Celia- until she meets Lo.
Lo's memory is drowning in the vastness of the ocean. She is
transforming into a nymph, an ocean girl, a mermaid- terms too
pretty for the soul-less monster she knows she's becoming.
When handsome Jude falls into the ocean Celia and Lo
rescue him. But soon they find themselves competing.
Celia for Jude's love, Lo for so much more.
There's only one way for Lo to earn back her humanity.
Persuade a mortal to love her... and steal his soul."
My Thoughts
I've sat in front of this laptop for well over a half hour now and I have no idea what to say about this book. It was a retelling of The Little Mermaid, which I haven't read a lot of (or at all), so I don't have a lot to compare it to. One thing I will say about it was that in some aspects it was similar to Sisters Red, in others to Sweetly, and in a couple of aspects it was nothing like the other two, and I will go into more detail later.
But first, let me get the things that I didn't like out the way so I can bring the review back to a positive point at the end. (Especially as there aren't that many negative points.)
One thing I didn't particularly like was how slow it took to get the plot going, and for the characters to meet. Granted, it didn't take that long for the characters to meet, but it took a while for the characters to become invested in each-other, which was something I would have liked to see more at the start.
Okay, now on to the good things.
This book had a lot more tension than the other two. There was a bit of tension in Sisters Red, but not nearly as much as in Fathomless. The tension was actually consistent because this scenario was sort of a race against time as Lo tries to get Jude to fall in love with her, so she can steal his soul and be human again, but at the same time Celia is also competing. So this was sort of an ongoing thing throughout the entire book, which I liked, because it gave the book a bit of an edge.
So on to the relationships. Like I said previously, Celia and Lo are competing for Jude, but what makes that a lot more interesting is that 1) they're friends (more like sisters towards the end), and 2) they don't know that they're competing for him until approximately 90 pages towards the end. This meant that the ending was a whole lot more fast-paced than the rest of the book, which more than made up for the rest of the book.
Also, this book jumped from two perspectives, like in Sisters Red. This was a good thing, because it meant we got to see the whole situation, which was more than each character did! Celia and Lo were the protagonists for this one, and with the plot, I thought this was a good decision!
One similarity that was in every single one of them was the sibling thing. I'm officially going to be referring to this series as the sibling series (if Cold Spell is the same, that is) because the siblings are such a vital thing to this series that it's incredibly refreshing to see. The siblingcy isn't such a vital part in Fathomless as it is in the other two, but we do get to meet the three girl triplets that make up three/ten of the Reynolds family, all of which have powers. (One can see the future, one can see the present, which is essentially mind reading, and Celia, the protagonist, can see the past.) Also, we have now met five of the ten siblings in the Reynolds family.
So overall, this book was a bit slow to start with, but the characters weren't awful, I didn't hate them, but they didn't really stand out as much as they did in the previous books in the series.
It did have some very good points though, like the ongoing tension throughout the entire book. I also liked the friendship between and the relationships, and the perspectives, which I have to admit, were quite unique. I mean, who gets to be in the mind of someone who can see the past of people, and a mermaid that has to drown someone before she can be human again! Depressing, I know, but still, unique! Also, we got to meet more of the Reynolds family!
So that is my review of Fathomless, by Jackson Pearce! This one was a long one, but at least I'm getting more detailed in what I liked about each book I read! I will see you all on Wednesday, which is my birthday! (Yay!)
At this point I have no idea what I'm gonna be posting, but I'll probably let you all know on Twitter when I have some ideas. (My @ thing is @TheWorldIsBooks , so go check it out!)
I will see you all on Wednesday, I hope you all have a lovely day, and... byeeeee!
-Abi xxxxxx