
Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Birthday Book Tag!

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And I wasn't sure whether to do a book tag, or try to finish Cold Spell (this morning I had 140 pages left), and I've finished Cold Spell, but since it's my birthday today, I figured I'd combine my birthday and a book tag (yes, the birthday book tag is a thing, and also, you only have your birthday one day a year, so why not?) So here's the book tag!
P.S.: Sorry for the not so smooth intro.

Birthday Book Tag
1. Count your birthday along your bookshelf and then subtract your birth month. What book does it land on?
Fractured, by Teri Terry. This is the second book in the Slated trilogy, and it is one on my favourites. Go pick that trilogy up now. Please, because it's amazing. 

2. If you could spend your birthday with any fictional character who would it be and why?
Oooooh, I don't know. Maybe Cath, from Fangirl, so I could ask her how she got to writing Carry On Simon, since I like to write too. Also, I'd like to get a Gingerbread Mocha. 

3. Find a book that takes place in the season you were born in.
I don't know any books that are set in autumn, and also, most books take place over more than one season. So the first book that comes to mind when I think of leaves and things changing, (not just the weather) is The Girl With All The Gifts, by M R Carey. 
It isn't just because the cover is yellow either. Also, Halloween is considered autumn. And I'm not giving any more hints... 

4. Find a book that is the colour of your birth stone. 
Well, my birth stone is a sapphire, so I'm going with Lone Wolf, by Jodi Picoult.  

5. Is there a series with the same number of books as your age? If so what is it?
|I couldn't find one, and I sincerely hope that means that a series with 19 book doesn't exist. The closest I've seen is 13, (the Series of Unfortunate Events), but any longer than that, just... no. If anybody knows of a book series that consists of 19 books, let me know in the comments, but it is pretty unlikely that I'll pick it up. But let me know!

6. Pick a book set in a time period, world or country you would like to have been born in. 
Well, I always wished I could have been at a legal age in the 80s, to experience all the iconic music thst was released, so I guess I'd have liked to be born in the swingin' sixties. I haven't read any books that take place in the 60s, but from what I hear, Bliss, (by Lauren Myracle, who wrote one section of Let It Snow) is set in the 60s. I might give that book a try... 

So that is the birthday book tag! I'm not going to be tagging anyone for this, because everyone has a birthday, so there shouldn't be a reason why nobody does it!
My review of Cold Spell will be up on friday, I hope you all have a beautiful day, and I will see you all on friday!

-Abi xxxxxxx

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