
Tuesday 11 October 2016

Winter Wonderland Book Tag

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
Long time no see, huh?
Sure feels that way.
But I'm back, and I decided to kick off my posts with a nice tag, because who doesn't love a good tag?

Now, I don't know if it's as cold where you all are as it is here, (because your all scattered all over the world, which is so amazing), but the temperature just took a massive drop.
So today I am going to be the Winter Wonderland tag!
This one is pretty old, but I still hope you enjoy it!

Winter Wonderland Book Tag
1. What book is so happy and sweet that it melts your heart?
I don't read a lot of these types of books, but I think I'll have to put Before I Die, by Jenny Downham. This book has a very serious plot to it, but more than anything, the main emotion that you feel when reading this book is hope. The ending just melts your heart with the beautiful moments, as well as THE FEELS, which crush you, but you have to keep reading, because it's so beautiful at the same time. Just, read it. 
You've seen this cover countless times I've you've been sticking with this blog for a while now (and thanks for that). If you're new, here's the cover:

2. What is your favourite book with a white cover?
This one was fairly new, but I have to say Stealing Snow, by Danielle Paige. The cover just seems so simple and delicate and intricate. 
Here's the cover: 

3. Your sitting in a nice comfy chair, wearing a onesie, with a lovely warm hot chocolate but what MONSTER book are you reading?
Probably Winter, by Merissa Meyer. That one is certainly a monster book, and it definitely suits the time of year. I was reading that... god, a year ago! Where has the time gone? 
So anyway, here's the cover:

4. It started snowing so you decided to have a snowball fight! What fictional character would you love to have a snowball fight with?
Jace Wayland, definitely. That would be fun, especially with his mad skills. 

5. Sadly, your fire is beginning to burn out. So what book would you choose to throw the last few pages into the fire to keep you warm?
I was horrified when I saw this question. None. NONE, okay? I do not want to throw words into a fire, words that a now published author worked hard to write. 
But if I had to choose one... probably Fangirl, by Rainbow Rowell, because she ALWAYS LEAVES US HANGING. I need another chapter. Then I'll be satisfied. 

6. What book is so close to your heart that you would gift to someone for Christmas who hasn't read before but wants to get into reading?
After much consideration, I think I'll choose Unbecoming, by Jenny Downham. The conflicts aren't too intense, and the characters are incredibly relatable. The story is also incredibly easy to jump into and read about. Also the cover is incredibly eye catching and attention grabbing. Here it is:

So that is the Winter Wonderland tag! I hope you enjoyed it, and I will see you all soon! (Ahead of time I might not be able to post tomorrow, but if I don't I will definitely be posting on Thursday!) 
I must say it is good to be back! 
So have a wonderful day and I will see you all soon. 

-Abi xxxxxx 

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