
Wednesday 8 March 2017

To Buy List (Books, of course)

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And I was searching an Epic List of 52 Book Blogging Ideas (one of the best websites to look through if you are struggling for book blog post ideas), and one of the ideas was to list all the books that you have on pre-order, or on their way from Amazon. The thing is, I don't have any books on pre-order, or on their way from Amazon.
But at the start of the year, I created a list of books I wanted to buy. And because I'm on a budget, I'm only allowed to buy these books, and so far I've managed to stick to it.
So today, I thought I'd list those books, talk about why I chose those books, and where I might find them!

My To Buy List (Books, of course)
1. Skulduggery Pleasant: Book 10, by Derek Landy
This is the only cover I found for this book. Those who have been following this blog for a while know that I am a huge Derek Landy fan, and I can't wait for this to be released this summer! This is the tenth book in the series, so I can't really give away much of the plot, but if this one is going to be anything like the rest of the series, this is going to be an amazing conclusion to the series!                                 Release date: Summer 2017

2. The Miserable Mill, by Lemony Snicket

3. The Grim Grotto, by Lemony Snicket
I've got these two on the list because they are the last two books in the Series of Unfortunate Events that I don't currently own. I'm looking out for them in charity shops around town because I've found most of the others in charity shops. I have already read the series through, but to me they're just one of those series that I want to have on my bookshelf, because they're just so damn beautiful!

4. Perfect (Flawed #2), by Cecelia Ahern
I read the first book of Flawed in December, and the second is set to be released on 6th April. This is one of those books that I'm going to be reading as soon as I get the chance, because of how much I loved Flawed. The review for the first book is on Post Pandemonium, and you can look for it if you are interested in my thoughts. This is the conclusion, because it's only a duology, but I can't wait to see how this duology wraps up! Release date: 6th April

5. Contagion (Contagion #1), by Teri Terry
This is the first book in Teri Terry's new trilogy, and that is all I know about it, except for the fact that the release date is 4th May. But I am so excited to read the first book in her new trilogy because it's been a while since she's release a trilogy! From the cover I'd say that is dark and mysterious, which is what Teri Terry does best! Release date: 4th May
6. Songs About Us (Songs About A Girl #2), by Chris Russell
The first book in this trilogy I wanna say, was one of my absolute favourites last year. I read it at the start of the school year and it just grasped the freedom of growing up, following your dreams, all the while trying to make decisions about your future, and which boy to choose (I've never been in the last scenario, because I'm a massive introvert and it's hard enough to find one boy I genuinely like, let alone two), this book perfectly grasped that. The follow up is released on July 13th, and it seems like the perfect summer read. Can't wait for this to be released. Release date: 13th July

7. The Hate U Give, by Angie Thomas
I would have bought this book, read and loved it by now, except for the fact that IT'S NOT RELEASED UNTIL 6TH APRIL IN THE UK. And it frustrates me so much because I could not wait for this to be released so I could read it. If you guys have read this yet, please let me know in the comments if you enjoyed it or not, or what you thought of it! But still, less than a month until I can read it, and I know that that'll fly by. It'll get here. Eventually. Let me know in the comments. Release date: 6th April (UK)

8. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Illustrated Version, by J K Rowling
This cover was only released yesterday, and I already can't wait to read it. It'll be released on 3rd October, and even though that's months away, I know it's going to be amazing when we see it. I've always liked Prisoner of Azkaban, because it's kind of the book that turns this young, but still epic Harry Potter series, and things happen in it that makes it ready for the series to take a darker turn in Goblet OF Fire. It isn't a filler book, but it's also beautiful and epic and mysterious and dark, and I can't wait to get the Illustrated Version! Release date: 3rd October.

So that is my To Buy List! I hope you enjoyed it, and if you are also looking forward to any of the books that are yet to be released, or if you have enjoyed (or hated) any that are already out, feel free to let me know! So I hope you have a wonderful day and I will see you all on Friday!

-Abi xxxxx

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