
Friday 11 August 2017

Most Anticipated Autumn Releases

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And it just occurred to me that there are a lot of books coming out in the last quarter of the year that I haven't talked about yet!
So... I thought it was about time I did.
This is my "Most Anticipated Autumn Releases"!

1. A Map For Wrecked Girls, by  Jessica Taylor
Even though I'm undecided about whether I think I might love or hate this, I'm willing to give it a chance based on some of the ARC (non-spoiler) reviews on Goodreads. This is the story of two sisters, who were once close, but then something happened and now they couldn't be further apart. In a twisted motion of fate, they end up on the shore of some unknown island, their only companion a boy called Alex, a boy with his own thing to deal with. To find their way home, they have to get past what has split themselves apart to find their way off the island and back home. From what I got from the Goodreads reviews, this is one heck of a page turner with a lot of survival, which is what sounds interesting to me about this book. This is released on 15th August, four days from now.

2. Fireblood (Frostblood #2), by Elly Blake
Even though I thought that Frostblood (book 1) wrapped up pretty nicely, I still want to see what direction the second book will take. And something tells me that this is going to be a book worth reading. I can't disclose too much about the plot as it is the second book in the series, but from what I know is that we get to explore a bit more of the world that Elly Blake has created in the second book, and there are some new characters in this one too.

3. Warcross (Warcross #1), by Marie Lu
As far as I know, this is a story about a hacker called Emika, who exposes people that use Warcross, something more than a game- more like a way of life- illegally. When she is recruited by the creator of Warcross to become a spy in a championship- he wants her to uncover a security problem in the game. Dazzled by his offer, she accepts the job- and gets everything she has ever wanted. But soon her investigation uncovers a sinister plot, with major consequences for the game, worldwide. This sounds a bit like Ready Player One, but more fast-paced and with higher intensity. This is also released on 12th September.

4. One Dark Throne (Three Dark Crowns #2), by Kendare Blake
Even though this is only released one week later, on the 19th September, I think this will be top of my TBR, once it's released. The ending to the first book left me shocked for a good 10 minutes after finishing the last page, and I still can't believe I didn't see it coming, three months after having finished it. Also, can we take a moment to admire how cool the cover looks! It's one of my favourites by far out of all the covers I've seen in my lifetime, and I can't wait to read the book! (So excited)!

5. Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban Illustrated Edition
There isn't much to say about this except for the fact that I can't wait to see the illustrated (I feel bad for saying this but I especially can't wait to see the illustrations for the dementors). This is released on the 3rd October and even though I doubt I'll get this straightaway but I hope to get this eventually.

6. Without Merit, by Colleen Hoover
I've been hearing about these amazing books by Colleen Hoover for about a year now, so I think it's time that I read one. And from the Goodreads reviews (ARCs) this is just as good as the others. This tells the story of a girl who, before escaping her family's life forever, exposes all their darkest secrets. But when her escape plan fails, she has to live with the consequence of telling the truth. It looks really interesting and I can't wait to read it. (Finally). This is also being released on 3rd October.

So that is the list of "Most Anticipated Autumn Releases"! I hope to read them all by the end of the year, and if you are looking forward to reading any of these, let me know in the comments so we can have a little discussion about them!

So! I hope you have a wonderful day and I will see you on Monday!
What are you reading in the weekend?

-Abi xxxxxx

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