
Monday 2 October 2017

October TBR (2017)

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And I can't believe there's only 12 weeks left of 2017!
Nevertheless, here's this month's TBR!
Here is my October TBR (2017)!

1. The Chemist, by Stephenie Meyer
Okay, I'm about 200 pages into this at the moment, and it's written so intricately that I have to be in the right head-space to get the full experience of this book. It's really really good, but because it isn't a genre I read much, it takes me a while to get into it. But something tells me this is going to be a good novel! Full thoughts on my wrap up!

2. One Dark Throne (Three Dark Crowns #2), by Kendare Blake
Although the UK edition has a different cover to the one that I've been seeing for months, it's still the same wonderful story that everyone has been raving about! As far as I know, this isn't the last book in the series, which is a wonderful thing, since that's what I've heard! I do not know anything other than that, but I am so excited to pick this up! This is about to be one explosive book!

3. The Infinite Sea (The 5th Wave #2), by Rick Yancey
4. The Last Star (The 5th Wave #3), by Rick Yancey
My hope for these two is that, even though there are severely mixed and low reviews for the last two in this trilogy, that I can read these quickly and easily... so I can move on to what's next. But these two have just been on my shelf forever, which is why they are on my TBR for the month. Fingers crossed I enjoy them though!

5. The Crow Girl, by Erik Axl Sund

This is the book chosen for my local Waterstones' Bookclub for the month of October. Although I am unable to make it due to rehearsals, this one did sound rather interesting. It's a psychological thriller, which is a genre I've gotten quite interested in recently. In this story we follow a detective that is investigating a murder. Big surprise. But when they find two more almost duplicate conditions, they know a serial killer is on the hands. Working together with a psychiatrist, they uncover a number of shocking events that began decades ago- but will it lead them to the murder before time runs out? Yeah, it sounds kind of troppy, even for a thriller. But something about this book grabbed me- and it sounds okay. So I'll give it a try.
6. Strange the Dreamer (Strange the Dreamer #1), by Laini Taylor
It feels as though I've had this book on my TBR month after month since I've got it. And I've still yet to prioritise it and pick it up! I know I'm going to love this, and yet, I always seem to overlook it! I've heard amazing things about the first part of this series, but no more! I will read this book if it kills me! The shame is real with this one.
These are only the books that I specifically want to read this month. I'm tempted to start re-reading Skulduggery Pleasant again as well, especially during ReadbyZoe's 24 hour readathon on 14th October, so I might pick those up.
Also, I've decided to not try and read all of the books on my TBR shelf. I just don't have the time. I'm just going to read as much as I can, and be happy with that. Besides, I have all the time in the world to read what I want to read.

Right! So that was my October TBR (2017)! I hope you enjoyed it, and let me know in the comments what books are on your TBR for the month!
I hope you have a wonderful day and I will see you all on Wednesday!

-Abi xxxxx

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