
Friday 23 November 2018

Autumn Book Haul

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And I've bought a couple of books recently, so I thought I'd do a book haul!

1. Slenderman, by Anonymous
I'm currently reading this, and what I find the most interesting is that it isn't just a story (even though it is still fictional). It includes newspaper clippings and text message conversations. There's something about those things that makes it kind of addictive to pick up and read. I'm about half way through and I should finish it some time next week. I bought this for Halloween, but when it came to Halloween, I just didn't feel like picking it up. But I hope to enjoy it.

2. A Spark of Light, by Jodi Picoult
The latest in Jodi Picoult's ever growing list of novels. It takes place at a women's reproductive health service centre, when a desperate gunman runs in. You also get to read from the perspective of the policeman pursuing the centre, who finds out that his fifteen-year-old daughter is also within the centre. I haven't read a book from his kind of setting, and it kind of intrigues me as to how the copper is going to be affected, by knowing that his daughter is being held by gunpoint. Looking forward to reading this.

3. This Cruel Design (This Mortal Coil #2), by Emily Suvada
The second book in the Mortal Coil trilogy (?). I love how invested I became in the first books and I have high hopes for the second. I have absolutely no idea where the second novel is going to go, but I'm excited to find out.

4. Two Dark Reigns (Three Dark Crowns #3), by Kendare Blake
Book three out of four. With book one being one of my favourites of that year, and book two being slightly underwhelming, I don't know how I'm going to feel about this third book. I can't help but remember the Red Queen series, where I was at exactly the same point as I am with this series. Though I've enjoyed these books more. It's a fairly chunky book, so it might take me a while to work through it, but I'm looking forward to picking it up.

5. Lord of Shadows (The Dark Artifices #2), by Cassandra Clare
Yep. I have no idea when I'm going to get to this, but mark my words, it will be soon.

6. Room, by Emma O' Donoghue
This book has been on my radar for a while now. It's not meant to be a nice book, but it's meant to be an important one. I honestly don't know what I'm expecting, with this book. I know that it's from the perspective of five-year-old Jack, which is certainly a unique perspective. I also know that it's meant to be a powerful and it'll be interesting to read.

So that is my Autumn Book Haul! I hope you enjoyed it, and let me know if you have any thoughts on these books (that I've just listed.)
Anyway, that's my book haul, and that's going to do it for today! I hope you have a lovely day, and I'll see you all on Monday!

-Abi xxxxx

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