
Friday, 26 April 2019

All the Retellings I Want to Read!

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And I'm aware that it's been a hot minute since I posted something, so I'm happy I still have an audience to post to! Thank-you so much for sticking with this blog whilst I've been busy with other things. I didn't plan to take a break, things just sorta worked out like that.
But I'm back, with a list, all about the retellings I want to read!

1. The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein, by Kiersten White
This has been floating around Booktube for a while now, and to be honest, it looks pretty interesting. Aside from that, I have yet to read a Kiersten White book. What I like about this book is that it doesn't read unrealistic, but still has that dark quality that seems to be have made this such a stand-out book. I've been dying to read something about Frankenstein and it's creator, and this seems to be the perfect book to reach for.

2. Last of Her Name, by Jessica Khoury
Sci-fi retelling of Anastasia
I was researching fairytale retellings and I came across Once Upon A Bookcase 's post on it when I saw this book mentioned. All I needed was to see the words sci-fi retelling and Anastasia and I was sold on this book. I love the musical Anastasia, and sci-fi is always a genre that I'm willing to pick up. If you don't like musicals then watch the movie, because Anastasia is something that I think everybody should get to see. This is one that I am eager to pick up.

3. Hunted, by Meagan Spooner
Hunted is a beauty and the beast retelling and one that I have had my eye on for the longest time. It was one of the first books on my "Want to read" page on Goodreads. So it's kind of bad that I still haven't found the time to order it. I also haven't yet read a Beauty & the Beast retelling, so it's high time I did. What I like about this book is the trope of hunting whatever's in the forest, and even though the backstory doesn't look too great (in my opinion, no hate please), this is a retelling that I am determined to pick up soon.

4. The Shadow Queen, by C.J Redwine
Retelling of Snow White
From what I can tell, this is a multiple POV story about Lorelei, training to kill her stepmother, who killed her father and overtook her kingdom. Then there is Eldr, who is trying to save his kingdom, on one condition: that he captures Lorelei's heart. And we all know what happens after that. (They fall in love.) It'll be interesting to see what happens with this story, whether they'll be a twist ending, if some unexpected character dies, (who knows, it could happen!) And whether Lorelei & Eldr will triumph!

5. Sea Witch, by Sarah Henning
And finally, a Little Mermaid retelling. Up to this point, the only Little Mermaid retelling I've read has been Fathomless, the third book in Jackson Pearce's "Fairytale Retellings" series. I don't know a whole lot about this book but from what I've seen, it's gotten fantastic reviews, which is good enough for me to want to give it a try. Comment down below what you thought of it if you've read it!

And that's going to do it for today! I hope you enjoyed my Retellings list, let me know in the comments if you've read any of these, so I know what to expect going into them!
Okay, that's that for today's post, and that's going to do it for today's post!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend full of reading, or writing, and I'll be back on Monday with either a review, or my April Wrap Up!

-Abi xxxxxx


  1. Oh I LOVED The Shadow Queen!!!! If you like the show Once Upon a Time then I think you'll like it. It reminded me a little bit of it. ;)
    And I'm SO EXCITED for Last of Her Name too!!!!!!! :D

    1. Thanks, that's really encouraging! I've watched a bit of OUAT and I really enjoyed it, so hopefully I'll really like it!
