
Wednesday 23 October 2019

Series I'm Up To Date On

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And even though I make sure I update any new series' I complete regularly, I haven't done a post on what series' I'm up to date on, and awaiting releases for.
There are five series on this list, and I hope you enjoy it.

1. Heartstopper series, by Alice Oseman
I read the first volume in the series when I went on holiday to a cottage in Durham for a week in June, and I fell in love with the characters. I can't explain how much I love and root for these characters. As soon as it's released on 6th February, my eyes will be scouring the pages, for what happens next. If you like books about love, and are interested in pursuing more of the graphic novel genre, then I highly recommend this series.

2. This Mortal Coil trilogy, by Emily Suvada
This is one of the few Science Fiction series that I'm interested in. Sci-fi is one of my top three genres that I like to read, but I haven't been reading much, because I've been picking up more fantasy. But the third book comes out in January, and I'm pretty sure it's going to be one of my TBR Jar Challenges for next year. This is a DNA sci-fi ish story where a disease continues to mutate and evolve. People are few and far between. But it's incredibly fast paced, and each chapter wants me to keep reading.

3. Legacy of Orisha (series?), by Tomi Adeyemi
I thought the sequel to this book was released in March. Turns out, it's not out until December. I don't remember much of this book, despite it being so good, so I think I'm going to re-read this at some point, but I know that if the sequel is half as good as the first book, then the whole world is (probably) going to really enjoy this. (Because the hype is huge for this book.)

4. The Noughts and Crosses series, by Malorie Blackman

This was a series that I loved many moons ago, and to this day it remains to be my favourite series to date. Crossfire joined the collection on 4th July, and there is to be another book coming soon, because it ended on a cliff-hanger, of all things. I haven't found a release date for book 6 as of yet, but I can't wait to find out what happens to Troy and Libby, how the trial on Tobey is going to go, knowing that once again, Troy and Libby's fate is balanced on a knife point.

5. Skulduggery Pleasant series, by Derek Landy
I'm not going to post all the covers for this series, because there's 12, not including spin-offs. This is a humongous series, and I've been reading this since I was about 12, and I still haven't gotten bored of it. It follows a skeleton detective, (called Skulduggery Pleasant), with his partner (Valkyrie Cain) as they fight bad guys, and solve mysteries. It is quite dark, but it's such a good series if you're looking for a good intro into YA, because it's more of a mature middle grade series'.
From what I know, the next book is due to be released in March 2020.

Okay! I hope you enjoyed that post, let me know in the comments what series you're enjoying at the moment, because I'm always looking for recommendations.

I hope you have a wonderful day, and I'll see you all soon!

-Abi xxxxxx

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