
Friday 11 October 2019

The Addams Family Book Tag

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And when I saw this book tag, I got so excited :)
I don't really have much to say other than, enjoy!

1. Morticia Addams: the Mother & Witch
What is your favourite witch book?
Other than Harry Potter, this is probably the only book that contains witches. Sweetly is a Hansel & Gretel retelling, the second in the Fairytale Retelling series, and it's arguably my favourite out of the four of them. The descriptions of the sweets that Sophia makes is absolutely mouth-watering. Combine that with mystery of the witch, along with why all the females leave on the same date every year. Add some gun shooting, and you've got Sweetly.

2. Gomez Addams: the Loving Father
Who is your favourite fictional dad?
There really is no other fictional Dad that I could go with. Not only is he the son of seven children, he is the first father figure that Harry has ever known.

3. Uncle Fester: Can generate electricity!
What book makes you light up so much you can't stop from talking about?
These books are probably what I've talked about the most the second part of this year. Nothing has really even come close to how much I loved reading these books, these characters. I flew through both of these in under 2 hours, and I can't wait for Volume 3 to see what happens next!

4. Wednesday Addams; is obsessed with Death!
If you could kill off a character in any book, who would it be?
The King, in Girls of Paper and Fire; I wish he'd just drop dead. If you've read this book, then you know why I wish I could kill him off.

5. Pugsley Addams; has a vicious nature and plays nasty pranks on everyone.
Who is your favourite villain?
By far the creepiest and most intriguing villain out there. I didn't get the chance to see Part II last month, but I will, when it comes out on DVD in a couple of months. I read the book last year and being in the mind of that creature was weird to say the least.

6. Lurch; is based on Frankenstein's monster/ is a Zombie.
What is your favourite adaptation of a story?
Even though I haven't yet finished this book, (I've just under 100 pages left) it feels like it was specifically written for me to read it. I bought this book up on a whim, because I didn't feel like I had anything Halloween-ish for the upcoming month. But I saw the cover, read the blurb, and bought it in London last month. (Alongside Eliza and her monsters) I can't wait to see how this ends, whether the virus will take Red, and whether a wold will make an appearance.

7. Grandmamma; an old classic horror book.
What is your favourite old classic horror book?
Can I skip this one? I don't really read old classic horror books, unless you can consider Stephen King books old classic horror books?

8. What are you going as for Halloween this year?
Although you can't really trick-or-treat at my age, if I get invited to any Halloween parties this month, I will be going as Android 18 from Dragonball Z. Fairly simple clothing, and Jordan already has the costume for Android 17, so we're all set!

9. Favourite Halloween films!
I haven't watched too many, but here are some of my current favourites:
-The Mist (first Horror film I watched-ever)
-The Purge: Anarchy
 -The Shining
-House at the End of the Street
-The Woman in Black

Okay! I hope you enjoyed The Addams Family Book Tag!
As always, if you want to do this tag, then feel free!

Right, that's it for today, I hope you have a wonderful day, and I'll see you all next week!

-Abi xxxxx

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