
Friday 1 November 2019

November TBR (2019)

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And with a new month comes a new TBR! This month I want to read as much as I can so I'm in a good condition to complete my Goodreads goal in December.
Here's my TBR for the month. Enjoy!

1. The Librarian of Auschwitz, by Dita Kraus
I'm going to try and read this book gradually over the course of the month. Nothing against it, but I'm more excited to pick up the other books that I plan to read this month. This book takes place in Auschwitz (obviously), from the point of view of fourteen-year-old Dita, who is the librarian, hiding books away from the Nazis, and risking certain death while she wordlessly hides the books away, day after day, away in plain sight. I've been trying to read more historical fiction, and that's fallen by the wayside. Well I'm bringing it back.
2. Four, by Veronica Roth
Somehow, even though I got this in the summer from my friend in exchange for Wild Child, I still have yet to read it. To sum it up, it's a collection of short stories that take place during Four's time as an Initiate, and then when Tris joins, two years later. I should be able to soar through this in a couple of days because it's under 300 pages long. I've been thinking about the Divergent trilogy a bit recently, so I'm looking forward to reading this and getting more of an insight into Four's personality.

3. With the Fire on High, by Elizabeth Acevedo
If it hasn't been in my hands at Waterstones, it's been in the back of my mind, reaching out, making me guilty for not having already bought this. Well, I've finally bought it, and I'm putting it on this month's TBR. I think what drew me into this was the representation. The main character is a teenage mother at school, with a passion for cooking. I honestly don't think I've read a book from the POV of a teen mum and I'm eager to see how I'll like it.

4. Warcross (Warcross #1), by Marie Lu
5. Wildcard (Warcross #2), by Marie Lu
I read Warcross way back in 2016, and to this day it's been one of my favourites. I love the concept, the setting, and the characters. Then, last September, Wildcard was released. I gave it to my boyfriend to read, because he was reading Warcross at the time. And I have still yet to pick it up. Since it's been a while since I picked up Warcross I figured I'd read them both, the entire duology, straight through. I'm looking forward to emerging myself back into the world of the immense videogame once more.

Okay! That's my November TBR (2019)! I hope you enjoyed it, and feel free to comment what you're playing on reading down below!

I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll see you all next week!
I wish you the best weekend!

-Abi xxxxx

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