
Tuesday 11 February 2020

The Disney Book Tag

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And I was looking for inspiration as for what I wanted to post tonight and I realised... I don't think I've done the Disney Book Tag. Like EVER!
So why not do it now? I don't really have a reason. I have no other ideas.
So, enjoy!
(I'm watching Hercules whilst writing this, to get in the right mind-set.)

The Little Mermaid ~ A Character Who Is Out Of Their Element (Fish Out Of Water)
The Baudelaire Children are constantly being moved from impossible situation to impossible situation throughout a Series of Unfortunate Events. When everyone seems to believe Count Olaf's phony disguises but them, they are forced to go to unimaginable lengths to survive his vicious grasp. But at least they have each-other (and their amazing talents.) 

Cinderella ~ A Character That Goes Through A Major Transformation
Aside from Harry Potter, I'm going to go with Valkyrie Cain, from the Skulduggery Pleasant series. She goes from a sassy, sarcastic twelve year old, tagging along with Skulduugery, to developing two different types of powers, to making another, evil version of herself. This girl's transformation is major.

Snow White ~ A Book With An Electric Cast Of Characters
This lot. Didn't even have to think about this one. Every single character is interesting and bad-ass, and I don't really have a favourite, because it's wonderful to read from all of their perspectives. If you haven't read this duology yet WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!
Six of Crows is about a cast of 6 criminals that attempt an almost impossible heist. And they might just succeed- if they don't kill each-other first.

Sleeping Beauty ~ A Book That Put You To Sleep
This is definitely going to be an unpopular opinion because the hype for this book is huge but this book bored me to tears. I didn't even make it to 100 pages before I turned my attention to something else. Although I do like to read the occasional slow and dreamy, atmospheric book, this was just something I wasn't in the mood for.

The Lion King ~ A Character That Suffered From A Traumatic Event In Childhood
Again, the logical response would be Harry Potter, but I'm going with Lucy/ Grace from The Light Between Oceans. Imagine being told at four years old that the people you thought were your parents were anything but? That's not the traumatic event though: she longs for the parents that she has grown to know, who was with her from when she was infant. This is a heart-breaking book, one that will manipulate your emotions to a pulp. Read with caution, for you may never recover. Review here.

Beauty and the Beast ~ A Beast Of A Book That Was Intimidating, But You Found To Be Beautiful
What constitutes a big book?
Probably The Priory of the Orange Tree because of the beautiful description. Such a vast, beautiful world. I have to admit, exploring was one of the best things about the book (in my opinion.)
I really should read more big, beautiful books.

Aladdin ~ A Character Who Gets Their Wish Granted, For Better Or Worse
Why do I get the feeling that I'm going to be getting a lot of hate for this choice? Maybe because of what happens in the process of Bri getting her "come up"? I really should re-read this book again soon because, even though it wasn't as much of a hit as THUG was, it was still a phenomenal read. Angie Thomas is a huge genius and I highly recommend this if you haven't joined the rest of the Booktube community in the love of this book.

Mulan ~ A Character Who Pretends To Be Someone They're Not
Henrietta Howel thinks her life is over when she is caught using forbidden magic to protect herself from danger at the start of Kingdom on Fire trilogy. From that point onwards, she is assumed to be the prophesized that will save the world from the Gods that plague their world, but Henrietta is not sure whether she is or not. Yet she continues to act under the pretence that she will save the world.

Toy Story ~ A Book With Characters You Wish Would Come To Life
I just love these characters more and more with each volume. Especially with the latest one, I wished I could have been in Paris with Charlie, Nick, Tao, Elle, Tara, Darcy, and all the rest of them! I just wish I could give them all a squeeze, because I love them all so much!

Disney Descendants ~ Favourite Villain or Morally Ambiguous Character
Erm... I'm never any good at this question...
Probably Pennywise. He's creepy as hell, though it sure was interesting to review from his POV in the last 200 pages of IT.

Right! That's the end of the tag, and that's going to do it for today's post!
I hope you liked this tag, and feel free to comment down below if you've read any of these books, and we can chat about them (or if you have a blog and you decide to do this tag- no pressure though!)
I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll see you all soon!

-Abi xxxxx

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