
Thursday 2 April 2020

April TBR (2020)

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And because I only have two books left on my physical TBR, that means I can order more this month! (So I got a bit creative with this month's TBR which I am very happy about :D).
Enjoy! (And let me know in the comments what you guys are planning on reading this month.)

1. Educated, by Tara Westover
I've heard so many people talking about this memoir. I don't really like to say this often but this is such an important book. I'm just over halfway and even though it took me a while to get into it, when the story started to unfold, I've become more and more invested. I wouldn't be surprised if I finish this on Friday. I'm honestly so happy that I kept going when I wanted to DNF this book, because Educated is actually super easy to get into once you get past a certain point.

2. Skyward (Skyward #1), by Brandon Sanderson
It's going against everything to start another new series, especially when I'm about to continue with the Shades of Magic, but I've been dying to get stuck back into another Brandon Sanderson series. This series is getting fantastic reviews, but I'm trying not to expect too much because that'll just ruin my enjoyment of it. I don't really know much about Skyward, except it's about a girl's dream to become a pilot. But she won't be taken seriously because, when her dad was her age, he become qualified to be a pilot. He did something, though I can't remember what that shattered his reputation. Now, so many years later, his daughter wants to be a pilot. She won't even be given the chance to try, until the alien race that has been trying to destroy the earth for the last hundred doubles their attacks. And it's humanity's last desperate attempt that finally takes her skyward.

3. A Gathering of Shadows (Shades of Magic #2), by VE Schwab
I absolutely loved the first book, and I can't wait to get my hands on the second. At the end of the first book, Holland's corpse was launched into black London, along with the stone, Kell has given up smuggling, and Lila is off the explore a London she never even knew about. In this book, Black London is becoming live again, and another London will be sacrificed, Lila's back, and there's basically an Olympics of magic that'll be taking place. Am I excited? Yes. I just hope no characters I love dies.
4. The Kingdom of Back, by Marie Lu
Now, even though this book isn't going to be sold in Waterstones, that doesn't mean I can't get it on Amazon. I love the idea of Marie Lu writing a historical fiction, and the fact that it's about the sister of one of the best classical composers ever is just the cherry on top of the cake. Add that to a book about siblings, an offer that can't be refused, and a mysterious fantasy land and I'm excited for it. Marie Lu is one of my autobuy authors (though I still need to pick up the Young Elite series) and I've always found her books easy to become invested in, and easy to fly through, so I'm looking forward to picking this up.

5. Every Heart A Doorway (Wayward Children #1), by Seanen McGuire
I did a poll on Instagram to see which audiobook I should include in my TBR for the month. It was between Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue, or this. And I was surprised to discover that by the next day, this had stomped Gentleman's Guide by 8 votes to 1. I'll get to Gentleman's Guide eventually, but I've heard how wonderful this series is, and how quick and easy it is to read that I couldn't hold my intrigue any longer. This series sounds like nothing I've read before and I can't wait to delve into the wonderful world of the Wayward children because it's been ages since I've read any magical realism novels.

Okay! That was my April TBR! I look forward to getting to each and every book this month, and I can't wait to see what I think of them!
I hope everyone is staying safe, and know that even though it looks bad right now with more and more coronavirus cases being revealed each day, we can get through this. The state that we're living in now isn't forever and in a couple of years we'll all be thinking back on this time like it was a distant memory.
I'll see you all soon.

-Abi xxxx


  1. Kingdom of Back is on my tbr too!

    1. That's great! I don't know how long it'll take to get to me, but I'd love to hear what you think of it!
