
Friday 10 April 2020

Spontaneous 24 Hour Readathon TBR

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And in spirit of the OWLS readathon, I've decided to do a spontaneous 24 hour one, this Sunday! The number of books I plan on attempting is large enough that I can do an official TBR, even though it's only going to last 24 hours.

What I plan on reading:

1. Unbecoming, by Jenny Downham
This was one of the first books I mentioned back in 2015 when I started this blog. I picked this up yesterday as a way to give my brain a break after finishing Skyward yesterday, before I jump into another book just like it: A Gathering of Shadows. Unbecoming is about Katie, a girl who is reliable, studious and responsible. When she meets Mary, a grandmother she never knew she had, she feels free. Will Mary, who is searching for something from her past, help Katie admit to herself what she's always been afraid to? Lovely, wonderful story about what can happen when you risk your heart. (Also the cover is the most beautiful thing I've seen in years).

2. A Gathering of Shadows (Shades of Magic #2), by VE Schwab
The second book in the Shades of Magic trilogy. All I know is the synopsis. That Lila's returning on the ship she got, there's basically an Olympics of magic that's on the horizon, and that Black London will start functioning again, at the cost of another London. Which one will it be? Also, I'm looking forward to meeting some new characters, and greeting the already existing characters that started this amazing trilogy off. If you've read this series, let me know which one you liked more please, because I can't wait to see what the rest of you thought.

3. Every Heart A Doorway (Wayward Children #1), by Seanen McGuire
I got this book on audible purely so I could get the badge for listening straight through a book. As well as having hear how amazing such a short novel it is, it's been a while since I've read a magical realism novel and this series looked interesting. It's also the perfect book to stick on a readathon TBR. Go figure. I've heard that Every Heart A Doorway discusses the theme of missing children, from the POV of missing child Nancy, when she reappears back into the real world. Looking forward to diving into something new and short.

4. Me, by Elton John
I bought this from Waterstones at the end of last year, after having read Paula Radcliffe's autobiography and having loved it. I got home, and found out that my mother had been gifted the exact same book as a Christmas present. This is her copy, which I will attempt to pick up this Sunday, if all goes according to plan. It'll be interesting to see what Elton John thought in his rise from being an unknown to the icon he's known as today. Especially as I haven't seen Rocketman yet.

Okay! That is my TBR for my upcoming 24 hour readathon! I hope to get to all of these but if not, it'll still be a good way to progress with my reading for the year (especially as I don't get much of a chance cos I'm working).
I hope you all have a wonderful Easter, and continue to stay safe- because the longer we do, the less time it'll be before it's all over.)

-Abi xxxx

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