
Saturday 22 May 2021

Unpopular Opinions Book Tag

 Hey guys, this is Abi here, 

And today I'm doing the Unpopular Opinions Book Tag! 

This is a very popular (haha) book tag that I was surprised to discover, I haven't done yet!

So, this is me, trying this tag for the first time! 


~A popular book/series you don't like~

This will always be the first series I think of when this question comes up. There were some good parts, but for the most part, I was so bored, it was only the fact that I'd bought the entire series that kept me going. Neal Shusterman does have another series that is due to be released in the next couple of months (if it hasn't already) but I have no desire to pick that up any time soon. 

~A book/series that many people don't like, but you love~

I'm not going to say it's a book that I absolutely loved, but I certainly didn't have as much of a problem as everybody else seemed to have. It's been a few years since I've read this, but there's no way I'll be forgetting that ending any time soon. 

The way I see it, someone was always going to die. I wasn't expecting it to be the protagonist, but I won't lie, it certainly made an impact. 

I don't like cover though, so that's something. 

~A love triangle where the main character ended up with the person you didn't want them to end up with/ an OTP that you didn't like~ 

I was on Jem's team. 

Sorry guys. 

I wanted the nice guy to win for once. (Though there was honestly so much more to Jem's character than just being nice.)

Though I will admit, this series is the prime example of a perfect love triangle. (I doubt I'll ever say that again but who knows, it could happen.) 

(Also, I'm not saying I dislike Will, I just wanted Jem and Tessa to be together more.)

~A popular genre that you hardly reach for~

I have a genre that I rarely reach for, and I have a genre that I never reach for. 

The rarely genre, is autobiographies. Whether it's the autobiography of an athlete (I've only read Paula Radcliffe's and Mo Farah's) or otherwise (like Michelle Obama's), it's a genre I want to read more of, but never seem to prioritise. (I'll be reading Barack's soon though.) 

The genre I never reach for is non-fiction, for definite. 

~A popular or beloved character that you don't like~ 

I'm going to bow out for this one- it's usually the other way around actually. Like, I'll like characters that most people don't like, or don't care about. 

For example, Amy March. I genuinely don't get the hate towards that girl. 

~An author that you can't seem to get into~ 

Now, I'm not saying I'm giving up on his books, there are one or two books that I want to read before I'm done, but I won't pretend that I haven't had trouble with the books that I've read previously.  

I don't know why I was struggling with these two much, why I never felt motivated to keep reading. I had to really be persistent to try and finish these, yet I still feel like I want to keep on giving Gaiman's books a try, because as difficult as I find his writing style, he tells amazing stories. My next book will be The Ocean at the End of the Lane

~A popular book trope you're tired of seeing~

The love triangle. What else? Also, insta love, though not as much. 

~A popular book/series you have no interest in reading~

The Lifelike trilogy. Nevernight was enough for me to know that, although I love Kaufman and Kristoff together as a duo, I don't love Kristoff just as much. Even if I liked the idea of the premise, I doubt I'd ever want to pick it up.

~The saying "The book is always better than the film", but what film is better than the book? 

I feel like these will make me unpopular, but these are a few:

1. Girl on the Train, by Paula Hawkins 

2. Crazy Rich Asians (Crazy Rich Asians #1), br Kevin Kwan 

3. The Perks of Being A Wallflower, by Stephen Chbosky 

4. (This isn't a film, but a tv show): Tiny Pretty Things (Tiny Pretty Things #1), by Sona Charaipotra

Okay, that's it for today! I hope you enjoyed it, and feel free to comment your answers below, cos I'm not tagging anybody- you're all tagged!

I hope you have a wonderful day, and I'll see you all soon! 


-Abi xxxxx

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