
Thursday 14 October 2021

Carrie, by Stephen King

 Hey guys, this is Abi here, 

And today I'm back with another review! 

I picked this book up for my Buy a book to mark a place thing in Bristol last week, and I just got sucked into it! (I should really make a list or buy a map for that at some point.) 

It was a short read, but I had a number of thoughts that I would like to write about. 

Without further ado, enjoy! 

Title: Carrie
Author: Stephen King
Genre: Horror
Release date: 5/4/1974
Status: Standalone
Pages: 242
Blurb: "Carrie White has a gift- the gift of telekinesis. 

To be invited to Prom Night by Tommy Ross is a dream come 
true for Carrie- the first step towards social acceptance by 
her high school colleagues.

But events will take a decidedly macabre turn on that 
horrifying and endless night as she is forced to exercise her
terrible gift on the town that mocks and loaths her."

My Thoughts
I've been thinking and thinking about how to start this review for the past couple of days and I still have no idea. So I'm just going to start, and hope for the best. 

Reading Carrie, I was surprised by how well written it was, especially considering this was King's debut novel. I mean, I'm not gonna lie, I've read some of his other works that he's released since, and I can see how much he's grown as a writer, but I was surprised by how flawlessly the story was constructed. 

The best part was that, even though it was a severely short book, there was so much packed into it. There was a lot of jumping from different POV's, quotes, research (one of the POV's was documenting Carrie's telekinesis) but it was never hard to keep track of what was going on. Who you were reading about, what was going on, it was all very easy to follow and understand. 

The centre of the story for me, was Carrie. A lonely girl who was driven to breaking point. Isolated and humiliated for years by the girls in her year, as well as her satanic mother, we follow Carrie, during the horrendous shower room incident, her discovering her telekinesis powers, the build-up to the prom and the inevitable destroying of the town. 

Throughout that night, I was between two point of views. How terrifying it must be to find yourself in a traumatic event like, the town and everyone you care about being killed, and reading about lonely girl finally getting her revenge on the people that have made her miserable her entire life. 

But the sad part about it is, that if someone, anyone, had shown her some kindness, or treated her like a person, then maybe it wouldn't have gone as far as it did. 
Although most kids don't have telekinesis powers (at least I hope not) the bullying that takes place in this book still takes place today. What this book shows is what a few seemingly harmless comments can do to a person, and also what a bit of kindness can do as well. 

Overall, a wonderfully well-written novel by the phenomenal Stephen King, back at the start of his writing career. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this (read the whole thing in 2-3 days) and I'm glad I finally got to it. If you're on the fence about whether to read this book or not, then I would definitely say to give it a try. 

Okay! Those are my thoughts and feelings about Carrie, I hope you enjoyed it, and as always, feel free to comment what you thought about it too! 
I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll see you all soon! 

-Abi xxxxx


  1. Good write up Abi!

    Spot on with the parallel's to present times, when even a few barbed comments can lead to the most extreme of concequences...

    Didn't know this was King's first novel either.

    I remember my mum reading his books, I've tended to still to films but might see if she's still got them in the loft now.

    Adam E

    1. Thankyou!
      Yeah, I was surprised to find that this was his debut too, because it's not written like it is!
      Wow, I'm glad my review has made you consider reading one of his books.
      Thanks Adam.

  2. When King wrote this he was struggling with life, money. This was almost his last chance saloon and got it spot on. Although classed as a Horror writer, he is a great storyteller and developer of characters.

    1. He certainly did.
      I wholeheartedly agree, he's a phenomenal storytelling and he writes fantastic characters.
