
Thursday 28 October 2021

The Halloween Book Tag

 Hey guys, this is Abi here, 

And I'm back with another Halloween Book Tag! 

(Actually The Halloween Book Tag.) 

I love Halloween. All the sweets/ chocolate, and just the atmosphere. 

(You can probably tell I haven't trick or treated in a number of years.) 

But I still enjoy doing these tags, and I hope you enjoy this too. 

~Favourite scary (must read) for Halloween?~

Although I won't be reading it this year (I have more books than usual), Sweetly was the first scary book I read and it still holds a special place in my heart, especially when October rolls around. Sweetly is basically a Hansel and Gretel retelling, but with some new themes thrown in. Two siblings used to be three, but one disappeared in the woods when they were children. A wonderful chocolatier, a sneaky deal with a werewolf, and some action with a gun. Even today, that sounds pretty exciting to me. 

~Scariest book cover, like ever~

I don't tend to choose the books I read for the scariness of the covers, but this one sends a shiver down my spine. Just the red balloon, the quote and the figure emerging from the darkness gives me the heebie-jeebies (not to mention, after reading the book, you can hear Pennywise's creepy voice saying the words himself). 

~If you could go trick-or-treating with any author, who would you pick?~

She seems awesome, her books are amazing, and I reckon she'd have some tricks up her sleeve to get a ton of sweets and chocolate. Why wouldn't I chose V.E. Schwab? Also, I really really would like to meet her. 

~If you could dress up as any bookish character for Halloween, who would it be?~

My answer will always be the same for this. Tall, athletic and blonde, an absolute legend of a character, Tanith Low from the Skulduggery Pleasant series. I just wish it wasn't so cold in October, so it's unlikely I'll ever go trick-or-treating dressed as her, but I'm all for dressing up as her for a Halloween party. (Maybe minus the knife though.) 

~If you could find anything (from any book) in your trick-or-treat stash, what would you hope to find?~

An obvious one is the time turner, so of course I'll go with that.

Of course, not to change the past, because "terrible things happen to wizards that meddle with time", but just to learn and see some of the greatest moments in history. And to read more, of course. 

~In what fictional world would you like to go trick-or-treating?~

Just let me have all that wonderful pumpkin flavoured goodness that I read about in this book! 
There are so many food stops, I think I'd have to go back a couple of days in a row to consume all of it. Here are some examples, to name a few: 
1. Chilli fries stand
2. Fudge shoppe
3. S'Mores pit
4. Pie palace and that's not even half of them! (I'm feeling hungry just thinking about them.)

~What book villain would you not like to meet alone in a dark alley on Halloween?~

Despite being the protagonist and an actual good guy in this story, he's still a criminal mastermind. Being young and strong, I have no doubt that he'd slit my neck without a second thought if I were to meet him in a dark alley on Halloween. 

~Would you rather dress up as a vampire, zombie, werewolf, or shadowhunter?~


I just want to look awesome and badass like them.

~Pick a candy (just one) from Harry Potter that you would love to find in your stash?~

After much consideration, I'll go with the fizzing wizzbees! They're not mentioned a whole lot in the book but I've always been fascinated about what it is in these sweets that makes you fly.

~What is your favourie Halloween sweet?~

Honestly, I don't really have a favourite. My favourite part of trick-or-treating was going through my brother's stash, and him mine, so he could have my sweets, and I could have his chocolate. I was just out for of the chocolate on Halloween. 

Okay! That's the Halloween Book Tag! As always, I'm not going to tag anyone, because you should all be free to do it. 

I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll see you all soon! 


-Abi xxxx

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