
Thursday 20 January 2022

10 Books Challenge BOOK TAG

 Hey guys, this is Abi here, 

And I'm back with another book tag! 

In January. The month of new year book tags. 

But this one is completely random. I hope you enjoy it. 

~10 Books Challenge Book Tag~

~A book that made me think~

Anastacia has always been one of my favourite Disney films, so when I stumbled upon this, I knew I had to read it. I saw this as a way to learn more about the Romanov family, and although I know this isn't an exact interpretation (because of the magic etc), it was enough of a book to make me think about the real life Romanov family and the historical events surrounding their family. 

(By the way, one of the most gorgeous covers I've seen in my life.)

~A book that surprised me~

Because I've mostly read Stephen King's more recent novels (well, up 1983 onwards) I wasn't sure how well Salem's Lot would be received. But it isn't one of the first inspirations for vampire books for nothing, and I can say that Salem's Lot was a hell of a surprise. If you're looking for a book that will seep into your brain, take over your instincts when you're walking alone, then pick this up. Genuinely surprised by how scared this made me. 

~A book that made me happy~

I didn't know this graphic novel existed, so when I unwrapped it on Christmas morning, I was absolutely elated. If you didn't know, this is the first volume of the Life Is Strange graphic novel series that takes place one year after the events of the videogame, which I've been a fan of since I played it a few years ago. I flew through the first volume and I'm going to be picking up Volume Two as soon as I've read through some of my TBR (that's right, I'm prioritising my unread books)! 

~A book that made me sad~

It would have been harder for me not to cry for this. As the subject is about a person coming to terms with the death of their brother, it's obviously a very heartfelt and emotional book, which is why it's been picked for this category. 

~A book that made me feel nostalgic~

You know when you suddenly get that urge to read something from several years ago that you never even thought, let alone considered reading? Yeah, this was that for me. After my 24 hour readathon where I read most of the Kane Chronicles trilogy all at once, I knew I wanted to re-read something that was fun, lovable, but I wouldn't have to try too hard to remember. So I picked up the entire Malory Towers series and I got all the nostalgia from my childhood. I had so much love for these stories when I was their age, and it's good to know those haven't changed. 

~A book I have a love/hate relationship with~

Honestly, probably more of a hate than a love relationship with this one. There is some love there too though! I loved how well the characters were written, their relationships with eachother, both during the flashbacks and several years later, seemed like they were genuine relationships that siblings would have. However, there was just something that didn't gel well with me. Maybe the way it was written, the change of pacing, but whatever it was, I just couldn't love it like the rest of the world did. 

~A book that I have re-read the most~

THESE FOUR. That's kind of what you get when you've been a fan of a series for a decade, and more books keep coming. 

The concluding novel, Endgame came out this last year though, so although I hope I continue to read them every few years, I have no idea when I will do so again. 

I have no fault for these books. Just solid gold in the form of books. 

~A book that made me want to travel~

Although I can't travel through time, reading about all the times that Addie was able to experience throughout her life was enough to make me want to travel to new lands, learn at different landmarks and eat at new restaurants. This book showed me that the only person stopping you from doing and seeing and experiencing what you want to, is yourself. 

~A book that gave me all the feels~ 

All the Heartstopper books are held near and dear to my heart, but this tugged at my heartstrings a little. It went in a more serious direction, which meant I experienced a full range of emotions. I laughed, I very nearly cried, and I breathed a sigh of relief when problems were resolved. 

I've just found out the fifth volume will be the concluding volume, so I'm feeling a full series re-read, in preparation for the release of the final volume? Anybody else think I should? Let me know in the comments below. 

~A book I wish I hadn't read~ 

I picked this up with the idea that I would get to read a book in a location in which I'd never read or seen before. 150 pages, a book I could fly through when I was in the right mood, a book about a boy and his grandfather. That's not what I got. I'm afraid that I will have to say, The Last Children in Tokyo, dragged. I wish I could say differently, but I can't. It's only because it was a 150 page read that I didn't just give up on the whole thing. Will be giving this away soon as I don't plan to re-read it. 

Okay! That's the 10 Books Challenge Book Tag!

(Finally! I finished a post!)

As always, anyone and everyone should do this post if they want to. 

And don't forget to let me know in the comments if you do, I'd like to read your answers! 

But anyway, that's all from me today folks! 

I hope you have a wonderful afternoon, and I'll see you all very soon! 


-Abi xxxxx

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