
Thursday, 10 February 2022

Pretty Little Liars: Pilot (Rewatch Reaction)

 Hey guys, this is Abi here, 

And I was scrolling through Netflix, trying to find something to watch while I wrote this post, when I stumbled upon PLL (Pretty Little Liars). I'd been eyeing it up for a while, thinking about re-starting the series. 

And theIn inspiration! Why not do a reaction for the pilot? 

Now, let me know if this is terrible, and I should stop doing this, but if you guys like it, then I'll consider doing more of them. 


PLL started back in 2010, went on for seven seasons, and was a huge hit worldwide. I mean, it's set in America, and here's me, re-watching in the UK. 

It tells the story of four girls: Aria, Spencer, Emily and Hannah, who start receiving threatening texts from a mysterious cyberbully called A... a year after their friend Alison went missing. 

I watched this show during my teenage years (maybe aged 17-19) and at the time, it was captivating and engaging, I went through a series in a really short space of time, and waited with unwavering loyalty for each season to be released in the UK. 

But this time around, I had some different thoughts. 

1. Everyone looks so young. 

It feels weird to know that the actors in this show, are nowhere near the age of the character they were playing. The main protagonists ranged from age 20 to 24 when they were playing high-schoolers. Now I'm not against that when they're the right actors for the part, it was just weird to know that these actors were my age when they were playing these parts. 

2. Toby, and Mrs. DiLaurentis.

Since it was the pilot, some of the characters hadn't yet been cast, which was the case for Toby and Mrs. DiLaurentis. So no Keegan Allen in this unfortunately. 

Speaking of characters...

3. Melissa.

After so many years following Chicago Med, it was weird to see Torrey DeVitto playing the spiteful and malicious Melissa, constantly making Spencer's life harder. 

4. Reminiscing!

One of the best parts about this episode for me was hearing a piece of music, or even a conversation, or a look, and getting that feeling of nostalgia. They remind me of all the plot lines that take place in this show, and all the characters I've yet to meet, and it's a nice feeling. 

Overall, despite the flip phones, the shall we say 'unique' clothing choices, this episode holds it's own. Honestly, even if I hadn't already seen the rest of the episodes, I would still carry on watching it. 

Which is exactly what I'm doing now. 

Okay! That's my review on the pilot episode for Pretty Little Liars! I hope you enjoyed it, and if you want me to keep doing this for tv shows, or films, let me know in the comments! 

I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll see you all soon! 


-Abi xxxx

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