
Tuesday, 28 February 2023

February Wrap Up (2023)

 Hey guys, this is Abi here, 

And it's the end of February, the month of love! 

At the start of the month, I was ready to do nothing but read, all month!

I had quite the ambitious TBR. 

But then, one thing after another happened, and next thing I knew, I was trying to read as much as I could, to make up for those few days. 

I read a total of 3 books this month. 

I hope you enjoy my Wrap Up. 

1. Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, by Gabrielle Zevin 

Going into this, I knew next to nothing about it. I knew it was about two characters making videogames together, and that was pretty much it. I knew there had to be more to it than that, because of how much everyone was raving about it, but that still doesn't mean that I was prepared for the emotional turmoil this book had in store for me. Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow is a beautifully written tale about Sam and Sadie, creators of the world-renowned Ichigo, before during and after. There's so much packed in this book that I'm actually struggling to come up with the words in how to describe it. There's love, friendship, teamwork, falling out, poverty, addiction, heartbreak, and it's all written so well that I'm fighting the urge to pick the book up and start reading it again, from the start. No wonder it won the Goodreads Choice Award for Fiction. I just wish I'd read it before now so I could have voted for it too. 

2. Cold, by Mariko Tamaki 

Cold. I wanted to read this in February because March is when Spring officially starts. If I didn't get this read in February, Cold would have been stuck in my book bag until December 2023. 
Going into this (second time I've said that tonight, well done on the originality, Abigail) I was expecting a story about a girl that could talk to Todd, with a creepy/ haunting feel to it, and the two protagonists trying to figure out what happened to him. Not the case. Georgia can't hear ghosts, though she was trying to figure out what happened to Todd. Also the feel was different. It wasn't creepy, it was purely about Georgia and Todd trying to piece together what happened leading up to his death. Not what I was expecting, but I wasn't put off by that at all. In short, a simple murder mystery, that snuck up on me emotionally. Not a ground-breaking story, but I'm glad I read it. 

3. Grown Ups, by Marian Keyes 

This book took up most of my February. And honestly, I'm fine with that. Could I have maybe finished another book this month if I'd just put this down at some point? Most likely. But if I do that every time I attempt a large book, I'm never going to get to all the big books I want to get to this year. 
So this was my first Marian Keyes book. I'd read several books that had been blurbed by her over the years, but I'd never got around to reading anything she's written. Well I finally bit the bullet and asked for it for Christmas. 
Of course I loved it, as I very well expected to. You're reading from the POV of the wives of the Casey brothers, Cara, Nell and Jessie. The whole family are super close, go on a bunch of really expensive holidays together and are basically in each other's pockets. But everyone has their own baggage, they're all flawed, all capable of extremely questionable decisions, but I couldn't help but love each and every one of them. 
Except Liam, he's a dick. 
This was exactly what I needed from Marian Keyes to place a solid trust in her storytelling, and you best be sure that I'll be picking up another of her books very, very soon. 

Okay! Those are all the books I finished this month! It wasn't a whole lot, and definitely not as much as I wanted to read, but that's okay. March is another month after all. 
I hope you have a wonderful evening day, wherever you are, and I'll see you all soon with my March TBR (2023)!


-Abi xxxxx

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