
Wednesday, 17 May 2023

Where the Crawdads Sing, by Delia Owens

 Hey guys, this is Abi here, 

When I started this post up, I was under the impression that today's post was going to be a tag. 

But when I saw how little reviews I had up, and how many great books I'd read recently, I quickly changed tact. 

I hope you enjoy my review for Where the Crawdads Sing, by Delia Owens. 

Title: Where the Crawdads Sing 
Author: Delia Owens 
Genre: Contemporary 
Release date: 14/08/2018
Status: Standalone 
Pages: 368
Blurb: "Fir years, rumours of the 'Marsh girl' have
haunted Barkley Cove, a quiet town on the 
    North Carolina coast. So in late 1969, when 
handsome Chase Andrews is found dead, the 
locals immediately suspect Kya Clark, the 
so-called Marsh girl. But Kya is not what they 
say. Sensitive and intelligent, she has survived 
for years alibe in the marsh that she calls home, 
finding friends in the gulls and lessons in the 
sand. Then the time comes when she yearns to be 
loved. When two young men from town become 
intrigued by her wild beauty, Kya opens herself 
to a new life- until the unthinkable happens." 

My Thoughts 
Originally, I'd bought this to set it aside until a rainy day, to read before I watched the film. But then I mentioned to a couple people that I had it, and surprised at their eagerness, decided to pick it up early. 
And immediately, I was completely invested in this gorgeous, descriptive, flowy writing. It's like your whole body goes still, and the only thing that exists in the world is this wonderful piece of writing before you. 

That aweness never really goes away throughout the book. You feel it in the description of the marsh, so well-written that you swear you can actually hear the gulls, see the mesmerising sunsets, and feel the sand beneath your feet. You're there, from the very first paragraph. 
You feel it in Kya herself; when she's a young child, learning to survive, cautious and afraid, all alone and facing the ever-expanding marsh. 
For me, there was another part to my thinking during the first part of the book, which was: How is there no adult present during any of this? No parent figure to help her, clothe her, feed or teach her? It was this kind of thought process that made Kya's childhood all that much more of a marvel. 

That's the first part of the book. Eventually Kya works out what she needs to, to be able to survive, she works out a system. In no way is it perfect, but it works for her, especially when she figures out that her father isn't coming back anytime soon. 

From this point, Kya basically becomes the book. You see her grow from a child, figuring out the marsh, whilst avoiding the occasional social worker, to a blossoming young woman. You see her learning to interact with more than just a shopkeeper and his wife, getting her heart broken. You see her as an adult, with her extensive knowledge of the marsh, an expert with skills that rival a fully qualified scientist. You are constantly rooting for her, longing for the town people to give her a chance to prove herself. 
And then of course, Chase Andrews is found dead in the marsh, and all hope of acceptance is thrown out the window. 

Once thing I will mention is the order with which the story is told. One part of the story starts when Kya is a child, and you're slowly covering everything that happened during her childhood, eventually reaching present day. The other part of the story starts when Chase Andrews is found dead in the Marsh, and you're working through the investigation, while the other part catches up. I love how well crafted it is, how it reads seamlessly. I never had any trouble remembering where the end of each chapter had finished, and I never got confused as for which timeline I was on. Absolutely flawless! 

Other notes I have. 
1. I was totally and completely hooked from the first chapter. 
2. I hate the townspeople for never giving Kya a chance. 
3. This book absolutely deserves the Goodreads award. 
4. And the hype it has. 
5. And the film that was produced. 
6. I will be watching the film. Soon. 

Overall, I am absolutely, 100% obsessed with this book. If you haven't read it, what are you doing with your life? 
Though honestly, it's fine if you don't think the book is for you. We all have our opinions after all. 
Even though it's wrong. 
Just kidding. 

Okay, now I'm done. This book was bloody amazing! 

Okay! Those are my thoughts on Where the Crawdads Sing! I hope you enjoyed it, and as always, feel free to comment your thoughts down below! 
I hope you have a lovely evening and I'll see you all soon! 
Bye guys! 

-Abi xxxxxx

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