Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And I'm back with what should be my last post of the year (not sure when I'll get my Anticipated Releases post out, cos I completely forgot about it until now, so bear with me on that).
This is the post where I look over the past year, what series I've finished and caught up on, and what I've achieved, as well as my usual wrap up, so I hope you enjoy it.
~Books Read in December~
Not an amazing month of reading, I'll admit, but I'll definitely be finishing my CR this month- which is why I'll be including it today.(And hopefully one other? If there's no way it'll happen I'll switch to graphic novels in the last couple of days so I end on a high note).
1. The Missing Sister (The Seven Sisters #7), by Lucinda Riley
After loving the first six books in the series, I was expecting to love this one just as much. I was aware that it was going to be a little different than it's predecessors, because the first six were about each sister finding out about their heritage and themselves, and in this, they were all banding together to find someone based on a name and a necklace, but I didn't expect it to be as different as it was. The sisters were led on a wild goose chase that had me quickly losing interest in certain sections. I found myself longing for Merry's chapters above characters I'd known and loved reading about.
I was always going to finish The Missing Sister, I've come too far with this series to bow out now, but I just wish the turn of events had happened differently.
2. Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt (The Seven Sisters #8), by Lucinda Riley & Harry Whittaker
I'm just over 3/4 of the way through this, and I know, without question, that I will be finishing this before the year is out!
Atlas is the eighth and final book of The Seven Sisters series that I have been reading over the past few months, and as I have known from the start, it holds all the answers as for how Maya, Ally, Star, CeCe, Tiggy and Electra all came to be adopted by Pa Salt, as well as to how he grew up.
I'm extremely nervous about how it all wraps up, because I desperately want to find out, but also want it all to last just that little bit longer.
I've loved reading all of their individual stories (that have just gotten bigger and bigger with each book, to my delight) and I'm so glad I'm get to find out how it all ties together.
Those are all the books I have read so far this month, which is fine (I keep telling myself this) but with the time remaining of the year, I will either be reading:
1. I Invited Her In, by Adele Parks- psychological thriller that has been on my TBR for LITERAL MONTHS.
2. Heartstopper Vol.1-Vol.5- due to book buying ban I have yet to read the most recent volume so will be prioritising it soon.
3. Clementime Vol. 2- the same as the Heartstopper.
~Series Completed in 2023~
1. The "Life is Strange" Graphic Novel series, by Emma Vieceli & Claudia Leonardi
I got this for Christmas last year from my boyfriend, and I jumped straight into it in January, souring through 6 volumes in about 5 days. The first novel takes place a year after the events of the game, when Chloe and Max make their first return back to Arcadia Bay for the official memorial, and follows a series of events that lead to Max being lost in alternate dimensions, trying to find her way back. Gripping and thought-provoking, thoroughly enjoyed.
2. "The Circle Trilogy" Trilogy, by Teri Terry
Every time I start a new Teri Terry book, I have no expectations as for what's going to happen in them, and this was no different. The Circle trilogy is basically a Sci-fi, environmentallist war between two sides, that might just end up destroying the world is Tabby and her friends don't stop a company called 'The Circle'.
Extremely tense and exciting conclusion, which I have been anticipating since the first book came out, approximately three years prior. Glad it finally reached it's end, really enjoyed the way it all wrapped up.
3. "The Brown Sisters" Trilogy, by Talia Hibbert
I have been wanting to get to this trilogy since I first heard about it in, I think 2019. As expected, because I put
Get A Life, Chloe Brown on my
Favourite Books of 2023, I really enjoyed these. Chloe Brown was definitely my favourite POV to read from, but I saw myself in a lot of Dani and Eve too.
Going into these, I was expecting fun, well-written books that discussed issues with a light-hearted tone. That was what I wanted from these, and that's exactly what I got.
It was a pleasure to read about these characters and I very much hope I come across them in more Talia Hibbert books (like Morgan Matson does sometimes).
4. "The Seven Sisters" series, by Lucinda Riley
*Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt also written by Harry Whittaker
I really don't think I need to talk about how much I love these books, when you can find out my thoughts about them in these posts:
Not as many series' as I was hoping, but that's only because of a certain series of books below. *cough cough*.
Now, on to the series I've started and caught up on.
~Series I Started and Caught Up On~
1."Clementine" Graphic Novel Series, by Tillie Walden
On 28/12/23- Finished Vol. 1
I found out about this graphic novel series upon completing the Life is Strange one in January, and after that, there was no way I wasn't going to be picking this up as soon as it was released. I mean, come on! Another game turned graphic novel series, much less from a choice based game I had previously loved.
Honestly, it was better than average, your standard four star, but I didn't love it as much as I thought I would.
Will probably re-read this before picking up Vol. 2, cos I've forgotten half of it- but Vol. 2 is in my possession and I might even get to it before the end of the year.
2. "Supernatural Investigations" trilogy, by B.B. Alston
Finished Amari and the Great Game.

Okay, I'm glad I managed to keep up with ONE series this year, and I actually remember most of it!
Of course, I can't disclose that sort of information here because *spoilers* but I will tell you, the Amari series by B.B. Alston has a very Harry Potter-ish feel to it, so if you're looking for something that reminds you of HP, but something that holds it's own, and isn't as dark, then I'd recommend picking it up. They're also fast paced, don't feel rushed, with very likeable characters.
And honestly, if that hasn't sold you, I don't know what will.
~What I Achieved in 2023~
1. Raised enough solicitor fees, though didn't actually move out (literally will be in the next month though).
2. Walked 13.1 miles for Alzheimer's Society with my partner- and raised enough to get a t-shirt too!
3. Read at least one huge ass series this series- even if it wasn't fantasy.
4. Actually read a poetry book!
~What I'm Looking Forward to in 2024~
1. Actually moving out!
2. Running more- eying up another marathon.
3. Talking to you all!
Okay! That is my wrap-up on the year!
I'm happy with everything I accomplished this year and I hope you are too!
Let me know in the comments what you're proud of- even if that's just getting through the day.
I hope you all have a wonderful end to the year, and I'll see you on the flip side!
-Abi xxxxxx