Monday 23 October 2023

The Seven Sisters Series Pt. 1

 Hey guys, this is Abi here, 

And I don't know if this is a smart idea or not, because I might be digging a hole too deep for myself here, but I'm back with a seven sisters series review for the first four books. 

I've been obsessed with this series since August, and it's only gotten worse with each book. 

I hope you enjoy it. 

The Seven Sisters

This book was very much a realisation for me. I was nervous going into it, because I had just been handed the first book in a very long, very large series, which was something I hadn't attempted in a very long time. Then, when I got a little ways in, I knew that I had the potential to not only love this series, but possible adore it. Even now, when I'm just at the start of the fifth book, I know that this series is the best thing I'm going to read all year. 

Maia was the best sister to enter the series on. The oldest, sensible, responsible, warm, caring, very much in her shell, comfortable at home with Pa Salt. I warmed to her immediately. Although there was a lot of plot to get through before what I knew was to be the main plotline of the book, I didn't feel bored or like I was waiting too long. If I have one critique of this book, it's that I wish, once you jump into the POV of Maia's ancestor, I could have spent a bit more time on Maia's journey, instead of 50-70 page snippets every 170 of her ancestor. But this was a wonderful start to the series, and I still find myself thinking of her, even when I'm reading her other sisters' stories. 

The Storm Sister
At the moment, The Storm Sister is probably my favourite out of all of them (even though I relate to Star's character more). Ally is a headstrong, sailer of the sea, more comfortable on a boat than on land. When she loses someone close to her (other than Pa Salt) she discovers a few home truths that lead her on a journey to find out where she came from. 
Basically I loved everything about this book. The ancestor we read about for a good portion (it felt more balanced this time around, even though it might not have been). I grew more in love with Ally's character the further on I got, I loved the landscape and the way music and the similarities between Ally and Anna were shown.

Anna, the ancestor, is basically a farm girl with a gift for music and singing, who is plucked from the place she knows and loves, to the landscape of Norway, to be made a star. I loved the way her story unfolded, the writing style, and the difference we see in Anna from the start of her parts to the end. 

We see both Ally and Anna love, lose people, make decisions- for the better or worse, hurt and come out the other end. I loved every single word. 
In a sentence, I don't think I've read a more perfect book. 

The Shadow Sister
After reading The Storm Sister, I was anxious for the next book. Which, in hindsight, was probably a good thing when I had to wait a couple weeks to start reading it. 
In The Shadow Sister, we follow Star, a shy girl, who is very much under the thumb of her younger sister CeCe at the start, but over the course of the book, we see her begin to blossom into someone a lot more independant, yet the same sweet, caring person you instantly like upon picking up the book. The only critique I have of this volume is Star kind of gets lost in the story of her ancestor, Flora. Flora was such a wonderful character to read about. Reading from her POV reminded me of everything I loved about Lake District. Not to mention Beatrix Potter was in this! I just didn't want to stop with this one, and no wonder- I finished the 680 page brick in a week. 

The Pearl Sister
Going into this, I wasn't so sure about how much I was going to like CeCe. She often speaks above Star, and comes off as quite brass. But, I was willing to keep an open mind. 
And honestly, CeCe surprised me. There was a lot more to her character, insecurities and fears that overall, made her more likable. I still didn't like the way she treated Star, but I was willing to give her a chance. 
I had a little trouble getting invested, like with the others, because it took a while before I got into the "meat" of the story, but once I was a little ways in, I was in it for the ride. 

I liked the ancestor of CeCe, though I wasn't desperate to find out what was going to happen to Kitty, like with Flora, but I liked it well enough. I liked the fact that I never spent a really long time with either main character, it was pretty well balanced between the past and present. 

Overall, certainly not my favourite book of the bunch, but I feel like I understand CeCe a lot more and I hope I get to read more of her POV with the final two books of the series. 

Okay! Those are my main thoughts for the first four books of the Seven Sisters series guys! I really hope I love the last four books as much as I did these- currently on book 5! 
I hope you have a wonderful evening and I'll see you all soon! 

-Abi xxxx

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