
Thursday, 6 February 2025

Harry Potter Ideas

 Hey guys, this is Abi here, 

And I'm guessing if you've been on this blog at all, you might know that in the month of January, I endeavored to read the entire HP series- which I did- for the record. 

But now, I want to write a post for it. 

Not specifically about the story, but more, about the aspects I want to know more about, within the Harry Potter series. 

I know I won't be alone in thinking some of these things, so I encourage you all to write something in the comments: what would you like to know more about, what character origin stories, what concepts? Let me know. 

I hope you enjoy this post, as it's a little different to my usual ones (I need ideas for extra posts somewhere.)

1. Marauders Adventures

The legendary four. How these tremendous wizards met, and bonded, creating the Marauder's Map, sticking with Lupin upon finding out he was a werwolf, figuring out how to become animagi, and then running riot in the grounds afterwards. 

How could I not want to know more about this unique group of wizards? 

2. The Creation of Hogwarts

I want to know what led to the creation of hogwarts, right up until Slytherin leaves the school. I want to know how the decision to create a wzarding school was made, how the four founders worked in harmony to educate the next generation, even enchanting the Sorting Hat. 

Having done some research on time frames, it is unclear as for whether the Bloody Baron/ Helena Ravenclaw/ Rowena Ravenclaw story is in this time frame, but I would think not. 

Honestly, that doesn't matter (though it would be nice if it was within that time frame). It sure would be interesting to find out more about the people the houses are named after. 

3. Professor McGonagall origin story

I'm sure I'm not alone in wanting to know more about Professor. McGonagall growing up, as the sorting hat takes 5 and a half minutes (making her one of the few Hatstalls in Hogwarts' history) deciding whether to place her in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor; seeing her rise through the school, being especially talented at Transfiguration, and then her career after leaving. 

Although it might be a long story, I think the ideal time to finish might when Harry Potter joins the school. 


Do I really need to explain this one?

Any part of Dumbledore's origin story would be fine:

-Student at hogwarts

-Time with Grindelwald

-What he did before finishing Hogwarts, but before teaching

-Family life

-Maybe even his interactions with Tom Riddle 

Literally any part. 

5. Concepts:

There are certain concepts, certain pieces of magic that are fascinating to me, which I just want more information on: These are:

1. The Mirror of Erised

2. The Philosopher's Stone

3. Wand lore- everything to do with making them, maybe with a focus on Ollivander

4. Floo powder

5. Brooms 

6. How Quidditch was established

I'm sure I'm not alone in wanting to know more about the wizarding world, and if I thought about it all for longer, I'm sure I could come up with half a dozen more aspects I would like to know more about. 

But don't let it be just me coming up with ideas, let me know what you want to know more about, in the comments below! 

That's going to be it for the post today, but hopefully I'll see you all soon, maybe even with a review, or a tag! 

I hope you have a wonderful evening and I'll see you all soon! 


-Abi xxxxx


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