
Monday, 4 January 2016

Knife-edge (Noughts & Crosses #2), by Malorie Blackman (Re-read)

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And today I am going to be reviewing the sequel to Noughts & Crosses, the Book that I reviewed yesterday!
So, let's go!

Knife-edge (Noughts & Crosses #2), by Malorie Blackman (Re-read)
Title: Knife-edge
Author: Malorie Blackman
Genre(s): YA (Young Adult), and again, pretty much every genre is included in this book.
Release date: 5th February, 2004
Pages: 449
Blurb: Sephy is a Cross, one of the privileged in a society where the ruling Crosses treat the pale-skinned noughts as interiors. But her baby daughter has a nought father... Jude is a Nought. Eaten up with bitterness, he blames Sephy for the terrible losses his family has suffered...
Now Jude's life rests on a knife edge. Will Sephy be forced, once again, to take sides?

My Thoughts
What I love about this book is that some of the side characters that you don't really get to see much of in the first book become more relevant to the plot in Knife-edge. I mean, the plot is as good as Noughts & Crosses, with twists and turns, (although they are less out-there, what I mean is they got there more gradually, with more suspense), but it was more about the characters for this one, and their relationships. 
The book jumps to the birth of Callie Rose, and goes through that time of Callie Rose being about a year old, I'd say.
You got to know a fair bit more about Meggie, and Jude, and Sephy, (the story really revolves around them, which I really liked), and you get to see how each person's actions reflects on different characters, in relevance to the plot. (Does that make sense? I really don't think that it does, but that the only way that I can really explain it)
The writing, yet again, was absolutely flawless, really. I feel at this point that Blackman can write anything, and I highly encourage you to pick this one up (after Noughts & Crosses).

So, that was my review in Knife-edge, I sincerely hope you enjoyed it. I am currently 272 pages into the 510 page book of Checkmate (it's a big book, because it goes over the space of 9 years, so there's a lot to get through), but as it is one of my favourites I am hoping to finish it by Wednesday. 
So, I will be seeing you guys then, okay? Okay.
(Its been a while since I've referenced that one)
Okay? Byeeeee!

-Abi xxxxx

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