
Sunday, 3 January 2016

Noughts & Crosses (Noughts & Crosses #1), by Malorie Blackman (Re-read)

Hey guys, this is Abi here,

And today I am going to be reviewing Noughts & Crosses, by Malorie Blackman, which is a re-read, and so I am not going to dilly-dally, I am going to go straight into the review. Let's get to it!

Noughts & Crosses (Noughts & Crosses #1), by Malorie Blackman
Title: Noughts & Crosses
Author: Malorie Blackman (I seem to be reading a lot of Malorie Blackman at the moment)
Genre: YA (Young Adult), and for the rest, a ton of different genres that are too hard to pin down, particularly as it has a bit of everything.
Release date: 2001
Pages: 443
Blurb: Callum is a Nought-an inferior white citizen in a society controlled by the black Crosses. 
Sephy is a Cross-and  the daughter of one of the most powerful, ruthless men in the country. 
In their hostile, violent world, noughts and Crosses simply don't mix. But when Sephy and Callum's childhood friendship grows into passionate love, they're determined to find a way to be together.
And then the bomb explodes...

My Thoughts
Oh, God. This book. I wish I could read it with fresh eyes, I love it that much. And even though I've read it over and over again, I feel the same emotions over what happens to the characters, and the path that each one takes. This book leaves me a blubbering mess whenever I pick it up. Highly recommended this series.

This book jumps from the perspectives of both Callum and Sephy, and it is so frickin. Wonderful to see the entire story unfold, and see how both characters have different pieces of the puzzle to make a whole. 
All the characters are completely different, but they all compliment each other, so the story altogether just makes it seem that much stronger.

The plot pulls you through an emotional rollercoaster to the point where you want to keep on reading to see what happens to these characters that you have grown to love, but you are scared to move to the next page because something horrible could happen. There are moments that have you crying over what these characters are experiencing; moments that make you grin from ear to ear; and moments where you are reading a page every ten seconds because something BIG just happened. 

This book is one that I think everyone should read because it is that good. It has romance, suspense, things that there is no way you could have seen happening 50 pages back. I highly Highly HIGHLY recommend it. Seriously. 

Rating: 4.75 stars 

So, that was my review for Noughts & Crosses, by Malorie Blackman. And do not worry, I will be reviewing the entire series because 1) It is in my top 3 series, and 2) I only have approximately 80 pages left of Knife-edge, the sequel to Noughts & Crosses. Byeeeee!

-Abi xxxxx

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