
Wednesday 25 July 2018


Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And I am celebrating today!
This is the purpose of today's post!
And I will also be doing an update on what I have next as my current read!

Okay, so here's my achievement:

If you've been following me on Twitter, you know that I have plotted to read all the books that I own (but haven't read yet) before buying any more books. The reason has been so I can go back to what reading used to be like for me, when I bought a book, then read it, and then repeat, instead of having a ton of books left to read, and feeling super overwhelmed like when I had 20-30 books on my TBR.

Well now, I am happy to report that I have finished all the books on my TBR!

After like a year of trying to get through all the books on my TBR I've only gone and done it!

Now, on to the next part of the post: What I've chosen to read next:

I feel like this is kind of a random choice, especially as it wasn't on the list of books that I've posted on Twitter that I want to read as soon as I finish my TBR.

The book is: Asking For It, by Louise O' Neill!
It's one of the first books that I put on my 'Want to read' shelf on Goodreads, maybe three or so years ago. From the reviews (non spoiler) that I've seen on Goodreads and YouTube it is a serious book, especially with the subjects that it includes in the book (rape and mental health). I feel like it's not going to be a nice book to read, but I think it'll be an important one.
And finally, here's the synopsis:

"In a small town, where everyone knows everyone,
Emma O'Donovan is different. She is the special
one- beautiful, popular, powerful. And she
works hard to keep it that way.

Until that night...

Now, she's an embarrassment. Now,
she is a slut. Now, she is nothing.

And those pictures- those pictures that everyone
has seen- mean she can never forget."

Okay so that is my post for today, it was just an update of sorts, of something that I've been trying to achievement, and I just wanted to share it with all of you!

What kinds of goals are you trying to achieve with your reading and writing? Or any goals at all?
Let me know in the comments, because I would love to hear about them.

Also, if you have read Asking For It, let me know, what did you think of it?

Okay, so that is going to do it for today's post! I hope you have a wonderful day and I will see you all on Friday, with my review of Children of Blood and Bone!

-Abi xxxxxx


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