
Monday 23 July 2018

The Night Circus, by Erin Morgenstern

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And I was going to post my review of the film Mamma Mia Here We Go Again today, since I went to go see that yesterday (surprise and spontaneous trip- thanks Mum!)
But I really felt like posting this today!

Title: The Night Circus
Author: Erin Morgernstern
Genre: Fantasy
Release date: 13th September, 2011
Status: Standalone
Pages: 490



My Thoughts
So, I've had this book on my shelf for maybe four months before I started putting it on my TBR. It was just one of those books that I was interested in, but it wasn't on the OMG I HAVE TO READ THIS AS SOON AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE list.
But then the inevitable time where it was one of the only books left. And I picked it up.

And from the get go, it was super intriguing. What I loved about the start was that you were never quiet sure how big the things that were happening were going to be in this novel. Let me explain. When I was reading this book, and I'd read a chapter, and I'd process it, and I still had no idea whether it would be a big part of the book, or it would be over as soon as it started. The same with the characters at first, I had no idea how much of an impact they would make on the story.  And I liked the feeling.

As I progressed through the story, bits and pieces started to come together and it was so amazing to see the way the story molded, like a puzzle, a maze almost. It was almost like being the ringmaster, being able to see all the characters playing their part to make up this phenomenal story that is The Night Circus.

One critic I do have is that you have to PAY ATTENTION TO THE DATES, MY GOD. I have to admit, I kind of gave up on this when the chapters kept like jumping to one year, and then back a couple, then forward ten, and it's hard to remember the order that these events are happening in the timeline.

I liked the magic system, the level of mystery that it gives the book, the idea that you never know whether it's real or fake, which is a theme that keeps coming back in this book. I wish there had been more detail on the characters and their acts, all the different magic that they can do, maybe as like an intro to a chapter, but I liked what the magic brought to the book.

As for the characters, they were all absolutely incredible. I started reading the book for these characters, because the parts that they played within this story, I was constantly wondering what they were going to do next. Some characters grew to love each-other, grew to trust each-other and rely on each-other, and others grew to resent each-other, which was always interesting to read about!

And finally the writing: it was so good at creating the atmosphere. It was so intricate and mysterious and it was just so good. If you are a fan of good writing, I highly recommend picking this up!

Overall, it was an absolutely amazing read. The writing, the magic, the sabotage, OMG! You never know who your enemy is in this book! And it was done so well.
So pick it up if you haven't.

Okay, so that is my review on The Night Circus, by Erin Morgenstern! I hope you enjoyed it, and let me know in the comments what you thought of the book!
I hope you have a wonderful day and I will see you all on Wednesday!

-Abi xxxxxx

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