
Friday, 21 September 2018

War Storm (Red Queen #4), by Victoria Aveyard

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And I am posting a review that- I have to admit- will be a relief to post.
War Storm. The review for the final book in the Red Queen series.

Title: War Storm
Author: Victoria Aveyard
Genre: Fantasy
Release date: 15th May, 2018
Status: Book 4 in the Red Queen series
Pages: 657
Blurb: "Victory comes at a price.
Mare Barrow learned this all too well when
Cal's betrayal nearly destroyed her. Now
determined to protect her heart- and secure
freedom for Reds and Newbloods like her-
Mare resolves to overthrow the kingdom of
Norta once and for all... starting with the
crown on Maven's head.

But no battle is won alone, and before the
Reds may rise as one, Mare must side with the
boy who broke her heart in order to destroy
the boy who almost broke her. Cal's powerful
Silver allies, alongside Mare and the scarlet
Guard, prove a formidable force. But Maven is
driven by an obsession so deep, he will stop at
nothing to have Mare as his own again, even if
it means destroying everything- and everyone
- in his path.

War is coming, and all Mare has fought for
hangs in the balance. Will victory be enough
to topple the Silver kingdoms? Or will the
little lightning girl be forever silenced?"

My Thoughts
This was one heck of a book to get through. A matter of 657 pages, and the final book in the Red Queen series. Having enjoyed a book in this series, been underwhelmed by a book, and loved another, it was no secret that I was nervous as for how the series was going to wrap up. And even though it wasn't my favourite in the series, it was a close second.

Taking a look on goodreads, people are opposed on their opinion when it comes to War Storm. Some think that because it isn't explosive and amazing, that it isn't worth even a three star review. But I have to say, the characterisation and the plot development may have been subtle, but that does not mean it wasn't good. A lot of the character/plot development was a slow burner, but it wasn't so subtle that it wasn't easy to read. It was a 657 page book, and I finished it in a week. It may have been subtle, but it was definitely well written.

War Storm starts a couple of months after King's Cage finishes, but the events of the third book are still taking effect. Cal's decision is still hurting Mare throughout the book, which is an interesting point considering they have to work together. One character that I enjoyed reading about amid all the madness was Evangeline. She remains to be the kick-ass, sharp mouthed character she has always been. Mare has changed as a character, especially from the first novel, which was a good thing because, after everything she has gone through, it would be worried if she wasn't a little damaged. She reminds me of Katniss, who is willing to do anything for the people she cares about. Maven was the same vicious King he's always been, consumed with maliciousness and the desire to obtain Mare. The clear goals maintained in the novel meant that there was little character development that wasn't intertwined in the plot in some way. But then there's been enough of that in the previous books.

If there's one critique I have for this novel was that I was always waiting for the low point in the novel. You know, the point when it seems like the good side is going to lose, or some form of emotional turmoil for the character or something involved with them. But there is no point within the story when what the audience is rooting for seems impossible. And I was waiting for that throughout the novel.
On the other hand, at least there was more of a chance that the good side was going to win, so that was heart wasn't worried about what was going to happen.

My other critique is the ending. The ending wasn't the best. It was a bit underwhelming in the end, which is just my personal opinion.

So overall, this series has been an up and down. There have been books I've liked, hated and loved, but I don't regret picking up the series. I definitely think Victoria Aveyard has grown as a writer, and I'm excited to read what she releases next. She also has beautiful covers, some decent characters, and she came up with an amazing premise that did not go the way I was expected, which means she has promise!

Okay! That is my review of War Storm, the fourth book in the Red Queen series! I hope you enjoyed it, and let me know in the comments what you thought!

Right! I hope you have a wonderful day and I will see you all on Monday!

-Abi xxxxx

Monday, 17 September 2018

Crazy Rich Asians Film Review

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And I'm now finally caught up on my film reviews!
I went to see this on Friday on a spur of the moment decision, and I can't wait to share my thoughts with you.

I see that poster, and it all just comes flooding back. I just have this deep love for this film because of all the qualities that it has. And all the things are combined into one big amazing film.

The attention to detail in this film is INSANE. The budget must have been huge for this film because I can't fault the different locations that made up this film. Everything was just so aesthetically pleasing to the eye, and absolutely perfect for the scene within the film. The decoration team did it's JOB in this film. And that's exactly what it needed to be.

Also, the dialogue was flawless. The dialogue and the script was what controlled the plot. The dialogue allowed the audience to feel what needed to be felt. Whether the purpose of the words was to make us laugh or to cry, it was super easy to laugh or cry or sigh because of something so beautiful (and this was happening so much.)

And the characters, OMG. There were just enough funny and loveable characters to compete with the mean and crazy ones, and there were plenty of those, let me tell you. The characters are basically what made this film. I have some personal favourites: Rachel, the middle-class girlfriend of Nick, who lives in New York. She was an instant favourite because she had no idea what she was in for with this mad family. I also loved her Uni roommate, who was the funniest character by far.
On the other hand, Nick's mother was the devil. She was ruthless and narcissistic and even though her intentions are good, she is hurtful and mean and does everything in her power to keep Rachel and Nick away from each-other. She is the character that you don't love to hate, but just hate in general.

Also, what I liked about this film is that you get the opportunity to see both sides of the argument, as much as you might not want to. You get to see Nick's family's side- the side of honour, of protecting your family, even if you might suffer as an individual. And you see Rachel's side, the side where you and your one family member are a team, protecting each-other, and it's Rachel's job to show Nick's mum that she would sacrifice for her family.

Overall, this was a brilliantly thought out film that I ended up loving so much more than I thought I was going to. I can see why the whole world is going mad for this film, and I am so glad that I got the chance to see it.
(Go see it if you think you'll like it- I think you will.)

Okay! So that is my review of Crazy Rich Asians! I hope you enjoyed it and I will see you all on Wednesday!

-Abi xxxx

Friday, 14 September 2018

Birthday Book Tag (2018)

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And I thought I'd do a second rendition of a book tag that I created two years ago because well, it's my birthday today!

1. Count your birthday along your bookshelf and then subtract your birth month. What book does it land on?
I did the top shelf for the last one, so I'll go along the third for today's. It landed on Knife-edge, by Malorie Blackman, which is the second book in the Noughts and Crosses series, an absolute favourite. The second book is a book of hate, compared to Noughts of Crosses, a book full of love, quoted from Malorie Blackman herself. You get to know more about some very interesting side characters in this one, and I will recommend this series to anyone who will listen.

2. If you could spend your birthday with any fictional character who would it be and why?
This is an obvious answer, because I'm currently in the process of re-reading the series at the moment, but the Baudelaires, for sure.

3. Find a book that takes place in the season you were born in.
I was saying the other day, I haven't really read any books that take place in Autumn. Maybe I should write a book that takes place in that time of year, but until I can, I'll go with a creepy-ish read for October, which is Fathomless, by Jackson Pearce.

4. Find a book that is the colour of your birthstone.
My birthstone is sapphire, which is blue, and I will go with Strange the Dreamer, by Laini Taylor. I read Strange the Dreamer, which I read in January. Even 8 months later, this book is still on my Favourites list for the year. Muse of Nightmares is out in the next couple of months, and I cannot wait for it to be released!

5. Is there a series with the same number of books as your age? If so what is it?
Well, I'm 21 today so I honestly don't think so. I doubt I would read it even if I found one because 21 books is just, too long.

6. Pick a book set in a time period, world or country you would have liked to have been born in.
I'm going to choose the Infernal Devices for this one. Not just because it's the world of Shadowhunters, but also because I love the idea of living in London in the 1920s. (I hope that's the right time period at least.)

Okay! So that is my birthday book tag! I hope you enjoyed it, and I will see you all on Monday! As for who I tag, I'm tagging nobody because you all have birthday's so there's no reason not to do this tag!


-Abi xxxxxx

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

31-40 Books of 2018

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And I am so far behind on this, one more book read and I will need to do another one!
So here's a lookback on some of the books that I've read recently!

Every book that is outlined in blue and underlined there is a review linked into the title. Now that I've said that, I won't repeat it. The Night Circus is a very articulate book. There are puzzle pieces that eventually fit into the whole puzzle, and it's so fun to work out the relationships, the way people play the game, and the magic is at the foundation of it all. My only critique is that it is such a slow burner, I quickly lost interest at a couple of points. But the further I got, the more invested I became. Recommend this if you haven't yet picked it up.

What do I say about this book? It throws you into the story right away and it doesn't let you go until the final page. I have to be honest, other than a couple of plot points, it went in a completely different direction to what I was expecting. I gained so much more from the multiple perspectives than I would had it just been Zelee's, and I thoroughly enjoyed getting to read the full picture, especially after The Night Circus being the polar opposite. The character development was on point, it didn't feel rushed at all, despite how quick pace it was, and it was an overall fantastic book.

(33.This Savage Song and 34.Our Dark Duet)

I finally read a V.E Schwab book! It was so fun to marathon this duology after a very long hiatus, and because it's just the two books, it wasn't overwhelming at all. I can finally see what the hype is when it comes to V. E Schwab, and I am eager to pick up another. Maybe Vicious...
One complaint, it was a bit slow at the start, but I understand why. New world, new characters to be introduced to, is a lot to get to grips with. But once I got into it, I could not put this duology down! I read this duology in three days, and I think it may make my favourites list for this year!

I feel like this was a book I had to read. I knew what it was about, yet I still picked it up. I don't know why I picked it up, but I do not regret it. Because it sends a message loud and clear that "it does not matter what kind of person you are, whether you are sensitive and kind, or a complete diva who is horrible to everybody. Nobody deserves to be raped." This was not an easy book to read, but I learnt something from it. And if you would, I ask that you at least consider picking it up.

For the second book in the second Skulduggery Pleasant instalment, this book blew apart my expectations. It was so much better than Resurrection, the first book, it had more funny jokes, the characters are starting to become more of themselves, and there's a time limit, which was putting everyone on edge! There was a clear goal, and nobody was forgotten either. There is one book left in this trilogy and I was so heart-wrecked by the end of the book that I tweeted Derek Landy, just to ask when the next book is out. That ending was mad, and I have no idea how it's going to be wrapped. A year to wait. Countdown.

37. The Perks of Being A Wallflower, by Stephen Chbosky
I really don't think I need to talk much about this book. It's so well-known and so well loved that I just don't need to. Another all time favourite, its painfully good. It's got some painful themes, some that are obvious, and some that are hiding in the shadows. If you haven't read it, get on it. As soon as you can. You won't regret it.

This book was a nice complement to the first one. The first one was explosive, mean girls doing worse things to each other to up their positive in ballet school. But this second and final book, it's more about being the best you can be, for that spot in the company. The girls have one year to be the best before their final audition and the heat is on. You wouldn't believe the changes that the characters make from the start of the duology to the end and you end up rooting for the characters you started off despising at the start. This book is full of twists and turns and it was a novel that I thoroughly enjoyed.

39. Fangirl, by Rainbow Rowell
Another all time favourite, one that I've read time and time again. What I like is that it's one of those books that I can read this book a million times and never get bored. Whether it's living in Simon and Baz's world, or Cath's own, I'm never once bored. Another must read if you haven't.

40. The Bad Beginning (Series of Unfortunate Events #1), by Lemony Snicket
And finally, the first book in the Series of Unfortunate Events. This is the first in a thirteen book series and this was so short, I flew through it in a matter of hours. It doesn't really go into depth about the characters or the overall plot of the series, but I wouldn't expect it to. This is basically the foundation of this story and even though it isn't the best book in the series, far from it, I recommend this series as a whole, not the book by itself, but the whole series.

Okay! So that is some of the books that I have read recently! I hope you enjoyed it, I hope you have a lovely day, and I will see you all on Friday, when it's my birthday!

-Abi xxxxxx

Monday, 10 September 2018

The Incredibles 2 Movie Review

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And I have two film reviews left: The Incredibles 2, and the Meg.
And tonight, I post my thoughts and feelings on the former.

Okay, so the film poster. What stands out to me is the structure. The way there's the big "i" as a backdrop, the antagonist behind it, like it's trying to capture them. And then there's the whole family up in the front, with Frozone and a minuscule Edna to the side. But what I love about this poster is that you get a bit of a clue regarding the family's powers, particularly the children's. It doesn't give too much away, but it gives you clues as to what is going to happen in the film.

On to the film. My first thought, the comedy was on point. It was so much more of a comedy than I thought it was going to be. It has to be one of the funniest Disney film that I've had the fortune to watch. And I loved how much of the comedy came from the children.
Especially Jack-Jack. He stole the show, point blank. I don't want to reveal much, but Jack Jack was the shining comedy factor, that appeared more than most whenever it seemed the scene was getting too intense, Jack-Jack would do something unexpected and it would just lighten everything back up a x a million!

Also, the kids became more in themselves. You know how at the end, Violet begins to show more of a character arc by having her hair behind her ears, as opposed to the start, when it's all in front of her face? I liked that the kids became more of themselves, and when the time came, they were the ones that could be relied on, instead of being a distraction.

One thing I had to say was that it was way too easy to get the idea of who the villain is. I wasn't 100% certain, but I wasn't surprised at all when it was revealed. It wasn't the hardest to figure out, to be honest.

Also, even though there are eight years between the two films, it was strange how well it seemed like no time had passed, even though it had been no less than 14 years. There was a nice balance between the way the first film was, and this one, and I think it worked rather well.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed it this film. I am aware that it is a rather short review, but I don't really have any other thoughts. But I have to say, I think this film rather outshined the previous one. As much as I liked this film, I do hope that this is it for the Incredibles, though it would be fun to find out where each member goes from here. Wouldn't that be interesting?

Okay! So that is my review of The Incredibles 2! I hope you enjoyed it, and let me know in the comments what your thoughts were!
Have a good day, and I will see you all on Wednesday!

-Abi xxxxx

Monday, 3 September 2018

September TBR (2018)

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And I have nothing to say except new month: new TBR.

1. Evolution (Dark Matter #3), by Teri Terry
I'm just over half-way with this book and although it's not the most amazing Teri Terry book I've ever read, I'm really invested in it at the moment. The last book in the Dark Matter trilogy, and I hope to finish it in the next few days. I'm anxious as for how the trilogy will end! Is anybody else reading this trilogy?

2. As many Series of Unfortunate Events books as I can
I'm aiming for the next four books, which are:
-The Miserable Mill
-The Austere Academy
-The Ersatz Elevator
-The Vile Village
If I try to read many more than that I get sick of the series, so I think those four will be a happy medium. It's been a while since I finished The Wide Window, but I can't wait to continue on with this series!

3. A Shadow Bright and Burning, by Jessica Cluess
This is being carried on from last month's TBR because I'm still determined to complete this TBR Jar challenge. I may not, but I definitely want to make this book more of a priority than I did last month. All I know is that it's a fantasy trilogy, full of politics and magic and fighting mixed in, and I can't wait to read it!

4. Two Dark Reigns (Three Dark Crowns #3), by Kendare Blake
This is out tomorrow, and even though I was kind of underwhelmed by One Dark Throne, the second half of the novel was outstanding. I'm enthralled enough to want to see this series through to the end, especially as there is only one remaining book after this one. Also, everyone seems to be hyping about this book, and I liked the previous two to want to pick this one up too.

5. Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices #1), by Cassandra Clare
I've made the decision to re-read this to refresh my memory of what happened in Lady Midnight before jumping into Lord of Shadows next month. I remember some of the story, but I would like to get the full impact of the story so I enjoy it to the full extent. I read this for the first time exactly a year ago, and I can't wait to jump back into the world that is the Shadowhunters!

Right! And that is my September TBR (2018)! I hope you enjoyed it, and let me know what you plan to read this month in the comments!

I hope you have a good day, and I will see you all on Wednesday!

-Abi xxxxx