
Friday, 15 March 2019

1-10 Books of 2019

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And I'm back!
It's been (literally) a week since I posted something, and I'm sorry but there are no excuses!
I will try to fit the time in, I promise, but I haven't had a day off this week!

But I'm here, with 1-10 Books of 2019!
(These are the books I've read so far this year- up to 10.)

I have reviews for both of these books if you want to check them out, but this is a sort of sci-fi, dna-tastic trilogy by Emily Suvada, that is possibly one of my favourite authors for explosive endings to chapters. There is one book left, it's out later this year, and I am ready for the showdown of a lifetime! I have some theories, some things that I want to see happen, but I know that, without a shadow of a doubt, that it'll go in a direction I've never seen!

3. Still Me (Me Before You #3), by JoJo Moyes
This is the third and final book in the Me Before You trilogy, by JoJo Moyes. Now, everybody has heard about Me Before You, and the film that everybody loved. Then came books two and three, After You and Still Me. Now, I'm going to be honest, and it might not be a popular opinion. Even though I did really enjoy Still Me, it actually surprised me how much I enjoyed it, especially after how underwhelmed I was by After You. But I do honestly think that Me Before You should have been a standalone.
4. Two Can Keep A Secret, by Karen McManus
This one had strengths, and it had weaknesses. It's a decent book if you're looking for an introduction into the YA murder mystery genre, and it's also not incredibly slow. The characters, I found, I could get a lot more attached to than the characters of One of Us Is Lying. The weaknesses however, (I feel) are that there isn't really much to pull you into the story. There were chapters when the pacing was off, that there wasn't a lot that was happening, which I think was the reason why it took me a week to get through this book. The other reason is probably the ending where, even though I was expecting who the killer was, I also wasn't completely surprised.

5. The Miniaturist, by Jessie Burton
One of my goals for the year is to pick up more: historical fiction, horror, and graphic novels. This was my first historical fiction novel of the year, and I am so glad that I listened to the Waterstones sale assistant that was undoubtedly trying to sell me this book, (haha). But I was honestly surprised by 1)how accurate the day and age was in this novel (I mean I think.) 2) How much I grew to LOVE those characters. 3)How much I DID NOT WANT IT TO END. If you can't tell I loved this novel.
6. Mind Games, by Teri Terry
All I will say is that it was so lovely to pick this book up again, to delve myself into the crazy virtual world of mind games with amazing characters, premises and mad plot twists that, frankly nobody was expecting. I love Teri Terry's books frankly because they are so well-written, so fast paced, but involved enough that you're not going WHAT THE HELL for the entire novel because nobody can keep up. She will forever be one of my autobuy-authors and I love her books.
7. Five Feet Apart, by Rachel Lippincort, Mikki Daughtry & Tobias Iaconis
I read this in one evening. It was just one of those books that I couldn't put down, and it was short enough that I didn't have to. The best part was that even though it wasn't the biggest book, far from it, it didn't feel rushed at all. The characters didn't feel like we could have delved any deeper than we did, because what happened hurt enough! I wish the book could have been longer, because I didn't want the story to end, but I did happen to like the ending. I feel we got just enough.

8. Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices #1), by Cassandra Clare
The first book in the Dark Artifices, and a fantastic start. People say this trilogy gets better, and even though I can't see how, I'm excited to see where it goes from here, because there's two more books where I get to love these characters. There are still strengths that can be worked on when it comes to her Shadowhunter books (don't hurt me), but for the most part, I really enjoy her novels. (Even though, if I'm honest, I doubt I'll pick up any more Shadowhunter books after the Dark Artificies.)

9. Theatrical, by Maggie Harcourt
This was exactly what I needed when I picked it up. Theatre, romance, drama; even though it was all backstage! It was a light-hearted read, and if you are a fan of contemporary romance, whether you're a fan of theatre or not (and I definitely am) I highly recommend this book, because Maggie Harcourt's writing is so good, you'll be flying through this book like nobody's business!

10. On the Come Up, by Angie Thomas
To wrap this up, On the Come Up, by Angie Thomas! This was absolutely phonemonal, I literally couldn't put it down. It's been out a month and if you haven't picked it up, get on it! It's just as good as THUG, so get to that book shop immediately!

Okay! That is my 1-10 Books of 2019! I hope you enjoyed it, I hope you have a good weekend, and I will see you on Monday!

-Abi xxxxxx

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