
Tuesday, 18 June 2019

A Walk Round the Mountains

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And even though this post is slightly off-topic from what I usually post about, it's something that I wanted to write about.
So suck it up! As I tell you about my day in the mountains.

As some of you know, this week I'm on holiday with my partner and friends in a cottage up North in Rookhope, County Durham. And as one of our friends is into hiking and seeing waterfalls and mountains, we decided to go on a hike, thinking that it would be a breeze as it was only 6 miles. We all like to run, we're all runners, we all met at parkrun, so even though we knew it would be slightly different, we though that it couldn't be too much harder.
It was not six miles.
It was maybe something like 8.5. Each way.
And on top of that, my partner and I had been running that morning too.
I won't tell you what happened. Let's just say that my legs and ankles are still aching, even after a night of sleep.

But that's not what I want this post to be about. The aching in my muscles are temporary. But what isn't, is the memory of the rivers, the mountains, the views we got to see when we were walking. They were unlike anything you've ever seen guys. The sunny weather of the day made everything light up and shine.
The stream was the deepest blue I think I've ever seen. It honestly looked like sapphire blue. And I was with my friends. The people who, even though we were all getting tired, never let their spirit drop.
(I'll put the pictures of the waterfalls at the bottom so you can see for yourself.)

Overall, it was a wonderful day full of beautiful things to see. It truly was good to get back to nature, to spend a whole day away from technology (even though my legs won't be able to make a trip like that for a long time). It reminded me to appreciate the simple things in life, to take a look around me and take it all in.
I thoroughly enjoyed our extensive walk and I recommend it to anyone that fancies taking a break from the everyday stresses once in a while.

Here are the photos:

Okay! So that was my post for today! I know it was a little different from my usual posts but I wanted to take the time to write about this little (being the operative word) adventure that I went on!
I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you all very soon!

-Abi xxxxx

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