
Monday, 24 June 2019

Quintissential Summer Book Tag

Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And since it was the start of summer last Friday, I thought it would be fun to do the quintessential summer book tag!

1. Iced drink- a refreshing read
I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this book. It may have had a few tropes, but it showed the theatre from a point of view I haven't encountered before- from behind the scenes. It was a wonderfully light, enjoyable read that I will undoubtedly re-read in the years to come.

2. Cotton candy- a book that was fluffy and sweet
Becki Albertalli is an author to take note of, especially when it comes to writing fluffy and sweet contemporary. Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda is the combination of not the nicest themes, but there's always that positive, sweet spin that Becki puts into the story. Highly recommend for readers.

3. Sunglasses- a dark book
I re-read this series this month and it's such a serious, yet fantastic way of gaining awareness (for so many issues that are discussed in this series). The characters are so complex, the stakes are so high, and it remains to date my favourite series of all time.

4. Picnic on a rainy day- a sad book
You'll speed through this book you won't know what hit you. The struggles these characters go through, just day to day, living with their condition, you'll be in tears from the get go. It's not the best written book I've ever read, but it's got a wonderful premise, and the story to back it up.

5. Sand- a book that irritated you Out of the three books in this trilogy, this was the one that dragged the most, in my opinion. It doesn't even touch how well the other two were written. The only good thing about this book that I will mention is that Still Me, couldn't have happened without this book. It feels like a bridge book, but it was written for a reason.

6. Summer blockbuster- favourite book-to-screen adaptation
The film is amazing: the book is phenomenal. I can't wait to read the next one (when I read all the books on my TBR of course.)

7. Dropped ice-cream- a book you were anticipating, but ended up as disappointing.
I honestly thought that One Day was a standalone. But when I heard that there was a second book, I decided to pick it up. I didn't know what I was expecting, maybe to enjoy it. Not so much. Honestly, I was expecting more.

8. Palm tree- a tall book you loved
When I first heard about the Red Queen series, I was intrigued. A Red- in a world where Silvers rule- with the power to control electricity. This is a series that you will not be able to predict, from the first time you open the book, to the very last page.  I recommend this to fans of Fireblood and the Mistborn trilogy.

9. Bonfire-a book you want to burn
I think I'm going to opt out of this one. Authors work way too have for any of them to have their books burnt.

10. Fireworks- a book that exploded onto the scene
THUG. That book has been on the Book Bestseller for like two years, since it's release date. There's no moving it.

Okay! That was the Quintessential Book Tag! I hope you enjoyed it, and feel free to reply in the comments!
I love summer, despite all the sunburn and the sun, do you?

-Abi xxxxx  

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