Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And it's time for my monthly book tag!
It seemed extremely fitting that, when we're not supposed to be leaving the house, the weather is glorious.
Here's The Spring Has Sprung Book Tag.
Flowers ~ Look at your bookshelves. What is the most beautiful book, inside and out?

This cover is possibly the most gorgeous cover I think I've lain my eyes on. I'd say it's multi-coloured, but that's a bit of an understatement. The dust jacket looks like this, and the actual novel is rainbow coloured underneath. It's certainly the most colourful by any means.
Grass ~ What is a book that you find everybody likes more than you?

Before you all throw hate comments my way, I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it. It was actually a decent read, I just didn't like it as much as I was expecting to. And it dragged. It was only 100 pages longer than
Lord of Shadows but while I finished book 2 in a week,
Queen of Air and Darkness took me 3 months. I might pick up
Chain of Gold at some point, but I'm going to leave it a while before I pick up another Cassie Clare book.
Rain ~ What's a great book that lifts your spirits when you're down?

This book is just too cute! The whole series really, but I've definitely felt the happiest when I was finding out about these two wonderful characters, and the even two volumes later, I still love this series. I can't wait to see what happens in Volume Four, because honestly I have no idea. Just wish I didn't have to wait until next year :(.
Dew ~ What's a book that made you feel alive?

A book about dying.
Before I Die is about a girl with cancer- which is terminal. She has a list of things she is going to do before she... you know. I've written that word enough. It's the most heartbreaking, yet undeniably beautiful book I've read in my life, and it makes me thankful for the things that I have. In short, it makes me feel alive.
Storms ~ What's a book that you found unpredictable?

THIS. I read this in the summer a couple of years past and I was not expected what happened- to happen. The rug is just pulled completely from under you with this one. If you haven't picked it up yet I recommend it, because it's quite, it's snappy, it's addictive.
Rainbow ~ What was a book you struggled with, only to be happy that you read it in the end?

I struggled to get into this because of the writing. I liked the way the storm emerged in a string of moments but I definitely had to work to get through it, and continue to pick it up. I was so happy though, that I managed to get to the finish, so I could find out what would happen to these wonderfully, whimsical characters.
Chilly weather ~ What's a book that you didn't finish or didn't enjoy?

I got just under halfway when I realised that I didn't want to carry on with this book. I was able to get through
The Night Circus without too much difficulty, but this I couldn't tolerate anymore. As much as I wish I could have kept going, I just had no more interest in the story.
Warm weather ~ What's a book that you loved and wanted more of?
The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle. I read this last year and loved it, and I would love to know more about the origins of all the characters, in the years before the events of this book. I've actually been thinking about this book a lot recently, I might try and re-read it in the next couple of years. For anyone that hasn't picked this up, you read from the POV of someone who, I don't think is ever named. They live in the lives of seven guests that are residing in the mansion of Evelyn Hardcastle at the time of her death. Their only mission: find out who killed her, or live the rest of your days doing it over and over again. It was a little hard to get into, but it was so unlike anything I've seen.
Green ~ What's a book that you haven't read yet, but want to?

I finished
Skyward last week and I'm eager to get my hands on the sequel. The only problem is, I have no idea when the paperback version is going to be out in the UK. If anybody knows, please let me know. I have to admit though, it's been a couple of years since I finished the
Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson, and I'd forgotten how well he weaves a story together. But now I've finished the first book in the series and I want MORE.
Pink ~ What's a book in which you felt a strong connection to the characters?
There isn't a character in this series that I don't feel some form of connection to in one way or another. The Noughts and Crosses series has just been adjusted to a tv show, and according to most of the people I work with, and my own family members, it's a pretty decent series. I'm still on the fence as for whether to try it though, particularly as this book series is my all time favourite series. Let me know if you think I should give it a try.
Purple ~ What's a book that when you read it, you feel safe?
The Light Between Worlds is about a family of siblings that are pulled away to a magical land amidst the bombings of WWII. One of the characters in particular, loves this magical land, and falls into a deep depression when they eventually have to go back to the real world. So much so that for the remainder of the books, she is trying to get back. The question is, can she, or will she be lost forever in the attempt? There's just something about the writing that makes me feel at home.
Orange ~ What book do you think is written intelligently?

This one. Not just because of how specific the world building is, but all the science tech language used, and the writing style. I re-watched Polandbananasbook's video on book recommendations for the Ravenclaw soul, and I need to read more of the books mentioned, but I truly think this book is intelligent in the way that it's written. Even if you don't read the book just please watch the film. They're both incredible.
Yellow ~What book puts a smile on your face?
Just hearing about Heidi and her adventures up in the mountains with Peter and the goats makes me smile like nothing else. It makes me want to journey to the Alps so I can see them for myself, even though I know that's probably never going to happen. I just love imagining Heidi in Dorset, living with her grandfather, and then the good Doctor.
Heidi really is a wonderful story and I recommend it as a novel to read to siblings, or to your children, to get them into reading.
I tag:
Everybody that wants to do this tag, as always! If you want to do this tag, you can!
Okay! That tag was long! I hope you enjoyed it, and let me know in the comments what you would pick! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, being responsible and only going out when necessary. See you all soon!
-Abi xxxx