Thursday 27 June 2024

Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag

 Hey guys, this is Abi here, 

And I'm back (with seemingly the only book tag I do now): 

The Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag! 

This tag has been going round for literal years now, so I think everyone has done it at least once, so I'm opting out of the tagging, once more. 

Without further ado, I hope you enjoy it. 

~The best book you've read so far in 2024~

There were a couple that I was thinking about choosing this year (as there always is), but Matthew Perry's book is a book I still think about often. It moved me in a way a book rarely does, and changed the way I think about him, about the way some things are in the world, and what we should do to change them. 
An extremely riveting, honest and engaging story about the intelligent, sensitive, wonderful, Matthew Perry. May he R.I.P. 

~Best sequel you've read in 2024~

I'm so happy to be able to say this but- I actually enjoyed this more than the first one! Didn't feel like I gradually started to enjoy this, more loved it from the start. The 2nd volume gets a bit more personal, and I loved the way Clementine grew as a character. 
Because they're graphic novels and I know I can get through them quickly, I will definitely be re-reading them in preparation for the final volume, which I think will be released in November (no official date yet though). 

~New release you haven't read yet, but wanted to~

I recently posted my Anticipated Releases post, so if you want to see what I'm looking forward to being released in the next three months, then look there.

~Most anticipated release for the second half of the year~

After taking a peek at the last Anticipated Releases post, I chose this. 
The Loudest Silence is a book about two teens that want, more than anything, to be on the stage. Things couldn't be worse for Casey- after experiencing sudden, extreme hearing loss, right before her family moves from Portland to Miami, she feels like she's lost everything. 
Feeling like a fish out of water, Casey meets Hayden, who is keeping secrets. After three generations of his brothers have scored instant success on the soccer field, Hayden feels he has to hide his true desire: pursuing a career on Broadway. If only his Generalized Anxiety Disorder didn't stop him from spilling it all out. 
Casey and Hayden are very much the focus of this light-hearted, funny, book about music, and pursuing your dream in the face of adversity. 

~Biggest disappointment~

Genuinely don't have a pick for this one, this time around. 

Gonna have to opt out. 

~Biggest surprise~

Could list a number of books to fit this category, but this is definitely the best book for this category. 
Good for a girl: A Women Running in a Man's World, follows Lauren Fleshman's journey from a junior runner at high school, to becoming professional. She discusses her relationship with food, weight and achieving time, so she can be taken seriously as an athlete, in a man's sport. 
There are more issues that crop up, the ones above are only off the top of my head! 

I was lucky enough, going into this book, not to know how in the limelight Lauren Fleshman is, but I know that may not be the case with everyone, especially in the US.
But if you are an athlete, male or female, a coach, or someone that just has an interest in female athletics, then this book is worth the read. 

~Favourite new author (new to you)~

Given the majority of the books I've read in the last year have been by her, it made sense to include Lucinda Riley in this tag. Her books are all written beautifully, they take place all over the world, they're family centred, that are very much about people finding out the truth about their past, and changing their future ultimately. Wonderful to read about, I'll definitely be missing picking them up when they're all read. 

~Newest fictional crush~

Okay, I know he's real, but he's a character in his own novel, so I'm breaking the rules and including him in this. I know I'm not alone in liking Tom Felton, but it was so wonderful to hear about how he got into acting, find out about his HP escapades in more details, as well as what he's been up to since the francise came to a close. 
This book does have some sensitive issues included, it's not all daffodiles and sunshine, so be aware of that before picking it up. I will say that it all reads in a light-hearted, almost random way, but just be aware of some subject matters going in. 
Fantastic read, so glad I picked it up. 

~Newest favourite character~

Mal, easy. Not the main character, but the story centres very heavily on her. Lovely, genuine, exiciting character that comes crashing into Christopher's life and changed it absolutely. I can't wait to see what Mal is like in the 2nd book (pretty sure it's a series, but can't be certain) but I know it'll be interesting to see what direction her character goes in. 

(Wonderful book by the way- blurbed by some pretty huge middlegrade authors if you're into that sort of genre.)

~Book that made you cry~

Just one volume left- I'm in tears just at that. 
But seriously, I feel all the emotions for Nick and Charlie. I feel like I cry during every volume, for all their struggles, and then happy tears for all the challenges that they've overcome. 

They've gone from volume one, meeting and getting to know eachother, getting together, telling people, and now Nick is off to Uni! Will they ever get more than a short time of happiness together? There isn't a release date for Volume 6 yet, but rest assured, I will be buying a copy as soon as I can get my hands on it. 

~Book that made you happy~

Absolutely. They're little balls of fluff that purr! Absolutely, one of my favourites for the year! 
I even have a review of all my in-depth thoughts, linked here.Go and read it! 

~Most beautiful book you've bought this year (or received)~

Although I didn't actually purchase this in 2024, I did get it in the past year, which is why I'm counting it. 
If you're a fantasy fan/ V.E. Schwab fan, you're going to know about this. 
It's the first book in a new series that's set in the same world as the Darker Shade of Magic series, which concluded a few years back. I am very excited to delve back into this vast, interesting world, and the cover is just as gorgeous as the world is, in my opinion. 

~What books do you need to read by the end of the year~

Just all the Lucinda Riley books. I think I have six standalones left of hers to read, and providing I keep up with this kind of schedule, I should manage it. As well as my CR, here's the list of Lucinda Riley books I have yet to read:

1. The Girl on the Cliff

2. The Murders at Fleat House

3. The Butterfly Room 

4. The Olive Tree

5. The Royal Secret

CR: The Angel Tree 

I own The Murders at Fleat House, and hopefully my colleague Liz will continue to lend me the rest, until I've finished them. Thankyou Liz, if you're reading this! 

~Favourite book to movie adaptation you've seen this year~

Haven't actually seen any this year, but this film is at the forefront of book to movie adaptations I'm anxious to see, especially since the Haymitch book and film have just recently been announced. 
If you didn't know, Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes is from the POV of President Snow, at the 10th Hunger Games, when he is mentor for the female district 13 contendor, Lucy. 
Thoroughly enjoyed the book, will probably re-read it again at some point, followed closely by the film. 
Let me know in the comments what you thought, if you've seen it. 

Okay! That's the Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag! 
Like I said up top, everybody has done this tag, so I'm not tagging anybody. 
Of course, feel free to comment down below if you do, I'd love to find out your answers! 

I hope you have a wonderful day, wherever you are! 
I'll be back soon with my Wrap Up for the month of June! 

-Abi xxxxxx

Thursday 20 June 2024

Anticipated Releases (July-September 2024)

 Hey guys, this is Abi here, 

And I'm here with another quarterly, anticipated releases post! 

I know I rarely pick these up anymore, but it's always fun to be on the lookout for new releases, in case one really sparks my interest! 

I hope you enjoy it. 

I really don't have that many anticipated releases for this quarter, just five, but that doesn't mean I'm any less excited for them. 


1. The Loudest Silence, by Sydney Langford

Release: 30/7/2024

I know I talk about how I love representation novels a lot, but I genuinely am excited about this one. It seems like a fun story, that deals with serious issues, but in a light-hearted way. With summer and endless festivals on the way, this book might just be the perfect summer read.

Casey Kowalski once dreamed of being a professional singer. Before she was thrown an unexpected curveball- sudden, instant deafness, right before her move from Portland to Miami. Now, her dreams, along with everything else, has been left behind in the dust. 

Hayden Gonzales-Rossi is also hiding. Three generations of his family have risen to fame on the local soccer field, and Hayden knows his family expect him to do the same, but his heart isn't in it- what he wants most is to quit soccer and pursue a career on Broadway. If only his generalized anxiety disorder didn't cause him to go spiralling out of control every time he tries to tell his family. 

When Casey and Hayden cross paths at school, they bond over their shared love of music and the feeling that they don't belong, and it's the beating heart of this dual POV story, featuring sensitive disability representation, nuanced queer identities and a lovable supporting cast. 


1. Under the Surface, by Diana Urban 

Release: 13/8/2024

So far I've read two Diana Urban books, and was blown away by both (read the first in two days), so when I heard about this, I added it to the list straightaway. 

Under the Surface is about Ruby, who isn't ready to address her feelings for Sean, despite liking him forever; Sean, who will wait for Ruby for as long as she needs, until she's ready. He's pumped to spend a week with Ruby in the city of love, Paris.

But when Ruby's best friend sneaks out in the middle of the night to meet a mysterious french boy they've met, Ruby goes after her with two other classmates, falling under temptation to go into the catacombs for another french boy's party. 
They never reach the party. 

Underground, as something sinister chases them, they get lost in an endless maze of bones, creatures, and god knows what else. As they aim to escape the catacombs, they uncover dark secrets about the maze they find themselves in- and themselves. 

Aboveground, Sean races to find the girl he loves as a media frenzy for the four missing teens begins. 

Diana Urban always knows how to turn the heat up in her stories, and that bodes well for a wonderfully addictive, intense read that I know I'll love. Can't wait to see what I think of this. 


1. Mismatched, by Anne Camlin

Release: 3/9/2024

A graphic novel about matchmaking! A modern graphic retelling of Emma, Mismatched follows Evan Horowitz, the local matchmaker, in a high school setting in Queens, New York. 

Looking for someone to get to know? Evan Horowitz is your guy. 
When shy transfer student Natalia steps into school, Evan feels she's spoilt for choice, and it's not long until he has a plan set in action. Much against his better judgement, he selects his best friend- level-headed Davi, to be her match. 

But Evan takes things too far, creating a web of drama that spirals out of his control. Can Evan learn to put the people close to him ahead of his misguided ambition? Or will he lose them both, and his only chance at romance as well?

2. How to Lose a Best Friend, by Jordan Casomar

Release: 10/9/2024

I added How to Lose A Best Friend to the list because it feels like something that could easily happen in this day and age. There isn't anything out of the ordinary that happens, it's just a situation, in ordinary life, that spiralls out of control. 

When the world is crashing around Zeke, there has always been one thing keeping him going. Imogen. His best friend, his ride or die, the girl he would gladly ask out now, if it wasn't for her parent's 'no dating until you're 16' rule. But with Imogen's birthday just around the corner, Zeke can finally be her boyfriend. Until he finds out that she has never really been on the same wavelength as him- when she starts going out with her crush, Trevor. When this happens, Zeke makes it his mission to convince her that she made the wrong choice. 

Meanwhile, Imogen is under pressure from the people around her- for making a move in a game she didn't realise she was playing- and is receiving accusations for leading Zeke on for years. To make things worse, she doesn't even have a best friend to lean on anymore, after her trust in Zeke is shattered- after she finds out that he's been planning to ask her out for years. 

How can Zeke and Imogen move past this? Will they be together, friends, or nothing at all?

3. Aisle Nine, by Ian X. Cho 

Release: 24/9/2024

Okay, this book seems totally random. Never heard of anything like it to be honest, with a selling point being a mix of black mirror and superstore (which I'm a few episodes into and loving right now). 

Basically, Aisle Nine takes place in a world where portals from hell have opened in the world, regularly, transporting demon like creatures over. Our protagonist is a man called Jasper, who is putting his life at risk everytime he works a shift at the Here for you discount mall, where there is a portal in aisle nine. He doesn't mind though, because he gets to be near his crush, Kyle, who doesn't seem to like him for a reason he doesn't know or understand. 

But when Jasper and Kyle both have a vision of an impending apocalypse, they are forced to team up and uncover uncomfortable truths about the portals and the monsters that linger inside them. Because the true monsters are not always what they seem, the world is not always what they wish, and like it or not, black friday is the day that all hell will break loose. 

From what I'm getting in the synopsis, this is a funny, entertaining, and fast paced book, and I cannot wait to get my hands on it. (This is Ian X. Cho's debut by the way.)

Okay! Those are all of my anticipated releases for the next three months! I hope you enjoyed reading about them, and feel free to share in the comments below if there are any books, films or tv shows you're anticipating coming out! 

I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll see you all soon! 


-Abi xxxx

Tuesday 4 June 2024

May Wrap Up & June TBR (2024)

Hey guys, this is Abi here, 
Here with my Wrap Up & TBR for the next month! 
Little late, I know, but I'm here now, and that's what counts. 

I hope you enjoy it, and feel free to comment anything down below, whether it be about books, reading, anything at all. 

~May Wrap Up~
I read a total of 4 books in the month of May. 
Finally, I'm back to a book a week! (Kind of- thankyou Tom Felton autobiography, you really were a gem). 

1. Hothouse Flower, by Lucinda Riley
I really don't know how Riley did it. She takes these characters that we know nothing about and makes us care for them, through witnessing them overcome personal struggles in their quest for the truth of their livelihood. 
I wasn't sure about how much I was going to want to read another of Riley's books, especially after growing so attached to the seven sisters. 
I need'nt have worried. I absolutely adored this. 
Apparently I'm not alone in that, as there are more five star reviews than four stars on Goodreads. Do you know how rare that is?
Overall, it's been so nice to delve into another of Lucinda Riley's books once more. 

2. The Goodbye Cat, by Hiro Arikawa
I have a review for this, it's linked in the title. So if you want more in depth thoughts, click the link in the title. 
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderfully written book. 
So refreshing, so beautiful, just an amazing book in general. 
Go and read it if you like cats. 
Its 200-something pages, you'll fly through it. 

3. The Light Behind the Window, by Lucinda Riley 
Okay, I liked the characters in this one, but the way the story played out for me was a bit far fetched, in my opinion. I loved the writing, like I do with any Lucinda Riley book, but it wasn't my favourite. 
Saying that, I still give it four stars. 

4. Beyond the Wand, by Tom Felton
Oh for the god send that is this book. I picked this up because I was in the mood for something short, fun, that I hadn't read before. 
After finishing the audiobook for The Light Behind the Window, my eyes fell on this. Knowing it wouldn't take me long with my usual 1.8 speed, I downloaded, started it, and fell in love with Tom Felton's quirky, funny storytelling. 
If you're considering this book, listen to the audiobook. It's Tom Felton recording, and it makes it 10 times better to hear his voice describing The Borrowers, how being cheeky landed him roles, as well as his most famous Draco. Tales from the HP set will fill you will laughter, I assure you. 
So well written, so well performed, wonderful read. I'm so glad I had the privilige of reading this. 

~June TBR~
1. The Midnight Rose, by Lucinda Riley 
I've been switching between book and audiobook for the past fortnight and as those who have been following me for the past 10 months know, I have been reading and loving Lucinda Riley's writing, every time I pick up one of her novels. My lovely colleague Liz has been letting me borrow them all this time, and I couldn't be more grateful. 
The Midnight Rose is very much the same as her other books, taking place in two different time frames, but often finding out the protagonist's ancestor is the key to what they are struggling with in their own life. I never get tired of this premise, and I always love seeing how everything falls into place, this one no different. Will definitely be giving this five stars. 

2. The Italian Girl, by Lucinda Riley 
At this point, it really doesn't matter what the premise is for Lucinda Riley's books, I know I'm gonna love it. 
The Italian Girl follows Rosanna Menici and Roberto Rossini, who have no idea of the repercussions that will happen when they fall in love- built by an obsession of talented opera singers. A love that, will ultermiately affect the lives of those closest to them. 

Okay, the blurb on Goodreads will give a better description of what this book is, and honestly, I don't really care, because I know I'm gonna love it. 

3. Impossible Creatures, by Katherine Rundell 
I've been slowly making my way through Katherine Rundell's books over the past two years, picking them up when I want something amusing, not too heavy, full of adventure. 
Those are the words that I use to describe Katherine Rundell's books. 
I was overjoyed when I heard she had a new book out- and even more elated when I received this for Christmas. 
Yes, Christmas. 
It's time to get on this. 

Impossible Creatures follows Christopher Forrester, who, on the day he rescues a baby griffin from a hidden lake, his life is changed forever. He's whisked away on an adventure, to a secret, unmapped group of islands called Archipelargo, where all the creatures of myth live side by side with humans. 
This is also where he meets Mal, a girl on the run, with whom he will transform the fate of the world... 

This gives me Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them vibes, but better! I have thoroughly enjoyed every Katherine Rundell book I have picked up, and I'm guessing this won't be any different. I'm very excited to pick this book up. 

4. Yellowface, by Rebecca F. Kuang
Okay, I didn't plan to add this to my TBR. I promise. Especially when I only finished The Poppy War trilogy a couple of months ago. But I saw a man reading this on the tube in London last month, and it just appealed to me when I was deciding this month's TBR. So I'm giving it a go. 
From what I got from the blurb, this is a crime novel, full of dark humour, lies and deception, and consequences that make your skin crawl. Very different to what I've read of R.F/ Rebecca Kuang before, and despite it's length, I get the feeling I'm in for a treat. 

So, calculating pages from this TBR, page counts comes in at around 1,400 pages, which I know I can finish. Comes in at around 54 pages a day, and knowing I'll likely read double that tomorrow with The Midnight Rose, I know I'm starting the month out on good footing. Surely nothing will go wrong, right? 

Ha, who knows? I might not even read a page. 

Anyway, that is my May Wrap Up & June TBR (2024)! I hope you enjoyed it, and feel free to comment what you're hoping to read this month, or if you've already finished something, what you thought about it (lucky, fast reader). 

I hope you have a wonderful day, and I'll see you all very soon! 

-Abi xxxxxx