Hey guys, this is Abi here,
Don't ask me why I enjoy posting this list every year, I just like jamming my thoughts out on my laptop about the books that I have yet to read.
So here's my current list of books that I own, but have yet to read.
Let me know if you like to plan and list books that you want to read, and we can talk about it in the comments.
I was going to post my review on the Sonic the Hedgehog film, but I'd rather post this.
1. The Starless Sea, by Erin Morgenstern

Whenever I manage to pick this up and read a couple of pages, I'm always surprised as for why it's taken me so long to get back to reading it, because I never seem to get around to it. What I mean is, I'm never motivated to pick it up, even though I know it's something I'm going to love. I'm full of conflicting decisions about this book at the moment: should I put it down and start another, try and push myself to pick it up more. The problem isn't the enjoyment, when I eventually get to it, it's wonderful, right up my alley. But if I can't bring myself to progress, should I really be reading it?
2. What If It's Us, by Becki Albertalli & Adam Silvera

The hope that I'll get to this sometime this month is not lost... yet. If I can get my act together enough to finish
The Starless Sea then this'll be next on the list because I want to read at least one romance this month, and the fact that this is an LGBT one is the cherry on top of the cake. The motivation for this is back up there and I'm ready to give it another go. Especially as DEH (Dear Evan Hansen) is mentioned in just the first chapter- that's as far as I got last time.) From what it seems from the synopsis on Goodreads, it sounds like it'll take me on a cute, knife-edge (will it, won't it work?) kind of story that will mess with my heart and my emotions in a huge way, and I am all for it.
3. This Vicious Cure (This Mortal Coil #3), by Emily Suvada

The third and final book in the Mortal Coil trilogy, and I'm curious/intrigued/interested to see where it could possibly end. This is possibly the smartest, most addictive (because the hefty number of cliff-hanger chapters) trilogy its been my fortune to come across. The
This Mortal Coil trilogy is set in a futuristic world, where Katarina is struggling to survive after her father was kidnapped by the government. If you find genes and gene hacking interesting, then this is the series for you.
4. A Darker Shade of Magic (A Darker Shade of Magic #1), by V.E Schwab

I have been saying for months that I'm going to leave
A Darker Shade of Magic until last, so I have the opportunity to pursue the rest of the series. But I've changed my mind. If I wait until it's the last book on my physical TBR, I'll be waiting for forever. Instead, I'll read it after the three mentioned above, and read the next ones when I'm in the mood to do so. It's time to stop denying myself the books that I'm in the mood, just because I've planned it that way. All I know about this series is that everybody loves it, so there's some high expectations for this novel, and that there are people that can travel from all the parallel Londons. I know that there's more to it than that, but I kind of want to go into this knowing as little as possible.
5. The Mercies, by Kiran Millwood Hargrave

So, I went to Stamford on Friday, to spend the day with my partner. And believe it or not, I actually wasn't planning on purchasing any books. But when I saw, the cover, saw that it was 1 in only 2000 that was printed, as well as being signed, I know I had to have it. On top of that, it's about independent females, in the 17th century. One of the genres I've been trying to get more into has been historical fiction, so this was just the icing on top of the cake. The only downside: it's set on a remote island, surrounded by sea. Because it wasn't all that long ago that I finished
The Light Between Oceans, this might be on here for a bit, but I will get to it eventually. Looking forward to giving it a read.
6. Solitaire, by Alice Oseman
7. Radio Silence, by Alice Oseman
The day after I was in Stamford, I travelled to Nottingham to explore the city and watch a football match, and of course, I had to get a book, to mark out Nottingham, and add it to the list!
The decision making behind purchasing these two was the desire to tick of another TBR Jar Challenge for the year. I read Heartstopper Volume Three last month and loved it, so I'm eager to get to more Alice Oseman books, especially as I have to wait until next year for the next volume!
Okay guys, that is my list for that day, and that means I'm done! Let's take bets on how long it takes for me to get to all of these- and how many more books I'll buy in the process!
I hope you have a wonderful day, wherever you are- and I'll see you all soon.
-Abi xxxxx
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