Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And since this is the last post I can do, of course I am going to be doing a wrap up!
But first there is a matter that I must speak to you about!
And no, it isn't the fact that Harry Potter & the Cursed Child is out! (I already have a copy!!!!!)
But it is about my posts.
I'm just letting you all know in advance that I am going on holiday tomorrow and that this is the last post I am going to be doing until Monday 8th August. (I'm coming back on the Monday, but I will definitely be doing that post. It might be a bit late, like 2am on Tuesday (UK time) but I won't sleep until I get it done!)
But don't worry, I will be doing a post every day until I catch up on the amount of posts I missed, so expect a lot of posts!
Also, that is why I am doing my August TBR today as well.
So that's that, let get on with the post!
July Wrap Up & August TBR (2016)
July Wrap Up (2016)
So these are the books that I read in the month of July. They are nowhere what I was hoping to accomplish in terms of reading this month, but I did find the time to do some writing this month as well, so it's not a total loss. So anyway, here are the books that I read:
1. Life and Death, by Stephenie Meyer
2. Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer
3. New Moon, by Stephenie Meyer
4. Eclipse, by Stephenie Meyer
5. Breaking Dawn, by Stephenie Meyer
6. Red Queen, by Victoria Aveyard
7. Before I Die, by Jenny Downham
8. Glass Sword, by Victoria Aveyard
9. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, by J K Rowling
10. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, by J K Rowling
11. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, by J K Rowling
So altogether, not a complete loss, as I did get to read 11 books (even if 9/11 of them were re-reads).
But on to my August TBR (which isn't going to be full of re-reads, thank god).
So here is the TBR!
August TBR (2016)
TBR Jar Challenge (I decided to just do one this month so I can catch up on all of the ones that I currently haven't completed yet).
TBR Jar Challenge: Read a series finale: Seven Minutes In Heaven, by Sara Shephard

Okay, I've been saying for what seems like the longest time that if I didn't pick this challenge in the next couple of months that I would just buy this and use The Last Star instead because I've been reading this series like a book a month for 4 months and I read Cross My Heart and Hope To Die like two or three months ago, so I just wanted to finish this series and be done with it. But then I picked it! And the world is okay again! (I don't know why I said that) I have already ordered it, and it should arrive from the 4-8th August, so I should be able to squeeze it in at some point in this month. I also find that if I'm on the verge of a reading slump I know I can go to this series and It'll get me back into the reading mood, and because I'm reading a bunch of new books, it seems like the perfect fit.
I am really looking forward to seeing how Sara wraps everything up to be honest because it's all so crazy at the moment in this series! But I guess I'll find out soon enough!
Other Books
1. On the Other Side, by Carrie Hope Fletcher

Okaaay... what can I say about this book? I've talked a lot about it, so I'm not sure what else I can say about it. But if you haven't seen the posts in which I include this book, (Introducing... On the Other Side and July Book Haul) I'm gonna tell you about the plot. This book is about an 82 year old woman who when she has to pass through to Heaven finds that she can't because her soul is too heavy. So to pass through to Heaven she has to unburden herself of the three secrets she has kept over a 50 year span. Oh, and she is now 27. (I totally just copies and pasted that text from another post I did).
2. Chasing the Stars, by Malorie Blackman

Malorie Blackman! And sci-fi! Together! Is there anything better? No seriously, it's been literally a whole year since I've read a new Malorie Blackman, and I'm really interested to see how she copes with a sci-fi book, particularly the world building. I'm not worried about the characters, her characters are always first-class.
3. Since You've Been Gone, by Morgan Matson

Again, don't know what I can say about this book because I've mentioned it so often, but I think it's the one I'm most likely to read out of all of the books in this list. I've only really heard positive things about this, and I reckon I'll really relate to the characters, particularly Emily. I feel really bad not to have read a Morgan Matson book yet, but hopefully this'll be the first one many.
4. Six of Crows, by Leigh Bardugo

I was meant to read this last month, but due to lack of time I wasn't able to. But I am really hoping to read this book and complete the reading challenge that is tied to it (read a popular YA book). Also, Crooked Kingdom comes out in less than a month, so I need to get on this. It's about a bunch of criminals that each have their own unique set of skills that are given a proposition. Complete a number of impossible tasks and they get a life-changing amount of money. They also can't kill each-other in the process.
5. Hate List, by Jennifer Brown

This really is just a book that is sitting on my TBR pile, and I want to read it before it becomes too big of a problem. This is going to be a month where I focus on all the books that I've been wanting to read for a long time, books that I have left for my remaining TBR challenges, and books that aren't tied to categories, and this book fits the bill for two out of three of those categories. Really interested to find out the way the story goes for this one, because I haven't read a book with this type of story-line before.
6. Passenger, by Alexandra Bracken

Yet another book that I've wanted to read for ages.
So that is my July Wrap Up and my August TBR! There are a bunch of new and exciting books that I cannot wait to read on this list, and I also can't wait to share my thoughts on each and every one of them, because I will be reviewing all seven of them!
So I will see you all on the 8th/9th August, and have a wonderful day!
-Abi xxxxx
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