And (somehow) it's approaching the end of the month! (How, I don't know- even though this month is shorter than the typical month...)
So I figured that it was time for my monthly book haul!
I bought a total of four books this month, and they're all pretty well-known!
So take a seat, if your not sat already, since this is on the internet, and read about the books I bought this month!
February Book Haul (2017)
So even though I only bought 4 books this month, they are all pretty well-known, and I think you'll like what I bought!
1. Hero of Ages (Mistborn #3), by Brandon Sanderson

2. Crooked Kingdom (Six of Crows #2), by Leigh Bardugo

3. King's Cage (Red Queen #3), by Victoria Aveyard

4. Caraval (Caraval #1), by Stephanie Garber

I saw this at the phenomenal price of £5 in Asda a couple of weeks ago and I just had to have it! The next day, I finished the book. I don't want to tell you too much about how I loved it, because I want to post a review in the next week or so, but this book was mysterious and exciting, and that was part of what I loved, and you were never quite sure what was real and what wasn't. Review up in the next week or so.
So that was my February Book Haul (2017)! I know it wasn't very long, but I'm really looking forward to reading all of the ones that I haven't already read!
I will see you all on Friday, when I hope to review something or other.
But I hope you all have a wonderful day and I will see you then!
-Abi xxxxx
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