Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And since I've read another ten books towards my Goodreads Reading Goal, I saw that I needed to do another Books of 2017!
So here are my Books 11-20 of 2017!
Books 11-20 of 2017
11. Would You Rather, by Chris Higgins

I can tell you now that this was just one of those re-reads to get myself out of the reading slump I can fallen into. This book is short, cute and funny with likeable characters that anyone could like. And it's just one of those books that you know you can read and re-read without your like for the actual story lessening at all. Would You Rather is a book about writing, and adoption, and family, and it is one of my favourite Chris Higgins books. It's so easy to fall into the perspective of the protagonist Flick, and fall into the story of her and her family, which is one thing I really like about. I think it's perfect for teen readers that don't want too much of a time commitment.
12. Caraval (Caraval #1), by Stephanie Garber

This book might be considered one of my favourites so far this year (and we're only in March!). I just love the mystery and mystique of the whole book. This is the story of Caraval, and Scarlett and her sister Tella are just desperate to go, entranced by the mysterious game that is Caraval. But once they get there, it isn't all that it seems. What I liked most about the story was that it was treated as if it was real, but we were also warned not to look too closely or else we might descend into madness. We were constantly trying to guess what was real and what was fake. If you are a fan of the Night Circus, I highly recommend this.
13. The Hate List, by Jennifer Brown

The Hate List really surprised me! I had it on my shelves for months on end gathering dust, and then when I finally picked it up, I was sucked into the story, along with the characters that either supported- or hated- Valerie. This is set nine or so months after Valerie's boyfriend- Nick- comes into school with a loaded gun and shoots all the people on a list- The Hate List- a list that Valerie, along with Nick created. Valerie jumped in front of the gun, saving the school, and then Nick shoots himself. This book is sort of the aftermath, and no- even her family herself- are sure what to do next. This book really surprised me, and not in a bad way. This book does have some serious issues, so I recommend it for older readers, but it is still a jolly good book!
14. Not If I See You First, by Eric Lindstrom

Another book that really surprised me! This is set from the point of view of a blind girl, and when you read this, you forget all the stigma that surrounds a blind girl as a protagonist. This book might not seem very interesting from the outside, but I think it's one of those books that everyone should try. I don't want to reveal too much about this book, because I went into this with no idea what it was about- other than what I just told you- and I think everybody else should too. Overall, this is a light, funny story about not letting anybody stand in your way of whatever you want to do, even if your blind! But honestly, loved this book and I totally recommend to anyone who is considering reading it!
15. It's a 50/50 Thing, by Chris Higgins

Yet another Chris Higgins book! This was yet another book that I decided to read on the spot, and since I hadn't read this one in a while, so I decided to read it (yet again). This is a slightly darker and mysterious Chris Higgins book, which even though it isn't like her other ones because of all the mystery around Gem (love interest), I still love it intensely. It kind of sparks the question of how far you would go for love, as well as bringing family life into it too, without making it too overbearing and mysterious. If you are in the mood for a short, yet consuming and engaging read about toxic love then this is the book for you.
16. The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle #1), by Maggie Steifvater
17. The Dream Thieves (The Raven Cycle #2), by Maggie Steifvater
18. Blue Lily, Lily Blue (The Raven Cycle #3), by Maggie Steifvater
19. The Raven King (The Raven Cycle #4), by Maggie Steifvater

Although I haven't reviewed all of these books (I've got one left, and I will be doing this after my March Wrap Up and April TBR) I immensely enjoyed this series and I highly recommend this for anyone who wants something different to read in YA. If you like mystery, mythology, and a romance on the side, then this is the story for you. These books truly do get better with each one, though I do recommend reading them in order or else it won't make as much sense. But this is a cool story, and one that I cannot seem to get out of my head, especially the last one.
20. Slated (Slated #1), by Teri Terry

I'd been meaning to read this trilogy for a long time before now, but I saved it for when I was having a slow reading month, so this seemed like the perfect opportunity. This is my favourite book ever, so I was so happy to read it again. I recommend this to anyone who likes Sci-fi and YA and wants a unique, mysterious and addicting trilogy to read. READ IT (it's so amazing, I promise you will love it).
So that is my Books 11-20 of 2017! I hope you enjoyed it, and the point to these is kind of like take a look back at the books I've read recently.
So I will see you on Friday (when I will be posting my March Wrap Up (2017), so look out for that!
I hope you have a wonderful day and I will see you all then!
-Abi xxxxxx
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