Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And I seem to have fallen behind in my look back to the books I've read this year because not only have I reached 30 books, but I'm close to 40!
So I figured I posted one of these updates: better late than never I guess!
Books 21-30 of 2017
21. Fractured (Slated #2), by Teri Terry

This is Book two of the Slated trilogy, and even though it is my least favourite in the trilogy, just because the plot turns more mysterious, it is still a thoroughly engaging book.
22. Shattered (Slated #3), by Teri Terry

This is the third and final book in the trilogy, and if I had one thought on this book is that it wraps up the story perfectly. This book takes place about a month or so after the first book finishes, and even though Kyla's surroundings are totally different, the events that caused her to leave, follow her to the new place, and they are mountainous. This book is right up there with the masterpiece of Slated. And I'm not exaggerating.
23. Heartless (Heartless #1), by Marissa Meyer

This is the first book in the new faiytale retellings series that is being written by Marissa Meyer, and it centres around the Queen of Hearts. This book tells the story of how she goes from a young girl in love, who loves to bake, to the ruthless Dragon we see in Alice in Wonderland. Although the first book isn't as solid as the Lunar Chronicles series is, it does have the promise to become great in future books. Check out my review
here .
24. The Lie Tree, by Frances Hardringe

This was a different read to what I normally choose, but I, for one am glad I did. Constantly overlooked for wanting to be a scientist like her father, fourteen year-old Faith is thrilled when her father takes her on a scientific discovery with him one night. To evaluate a tree that grows, based on lies. The Lie Tree. Then the following morning, her father is dead. And Faith knows it has something to do with that tree. An easy, yet interesting read, I finished this in about two days. And this is the link to my review in case you want any more of my opinions:
The Lie Tree.
25. Salt to the Sea, by Ruta Sepetys

I picked this up because I read Between Shades of Grey previously and really enjoyed it. As it took me longer to read and grasp all the different characters, I was a bit lost for some of it, but once I got used to all of them, and was able to distinguish who was who, I got into the story really easily. And one of the characters had a relation with the characters in Between Shades of Gray too. But what I liked about this book is that if one character has something happen to them, the whole big plot kind of stops to see what each character's reaction is for that character. What is evident is how a bunch of strangers, from different backgrounds, learn to care and rely on each-other, regardless of what is happening in the outside.
26. The Hate U Give, by Angie Thomas

Omg, this book! One of my favourites of the year, possibly my absolute favourite! So many thoughts and feelings on this book, I can't even talk about it. I'll just link my review here, and you can read it:
The Hate U Give.
27. The Wolf Wilder, by Katherine Rundell

I think this was the biggest surprise on the list: it was unnaturally easy to be pulled into the story. I don't know what it is, but the story was so gritty, it didn't shy away from away the harsh imagery of a deathly cold winter, not the brutality of The Wolf Wilder's journey as she hurried to escape the guards that wanted her head. This story left you wanting the protagonist to rise above everything, even though that seemed unlikely for the majority of the story.
28. Flawed (Flawed #1), by Cecelia Ahern

I read this for the first time in December, and because I bought the sequel, I decided to re-read it just because of the love of the story. As Cecelia Ahern's debut YA novel, she did an amazing job. If you are a fan of her normal work, for example P.S I Love You, I urge you to pick it up. And if your a YA reader, pick it up anyway because this is a story that takes it further than the premise, though the repercussions of the protag's actions are mirrored in the premise itself. Highly recommend.
29. Perfect (Flawed #2), by Cecelia Ahern

This is the second and final book in the Flawed trilogy. And as much as I loved the first book, I was kind of hesitant to see whether the second was as good. This book wasn't so much about Celestine's individual story, but whether she would make the choice to reveal the sixth brand (which was illegal) or whether she would hide away and continue to let the Flawed be treated as if they were nothing? This book had more of a global feeling, like it was more than what one story might be, compared to the millions. But what I liked about this book is that something- whether it be character development, conflict, or a plot development, every scene, every chapter does something to progress this book.
30. The Sudden Appearance of Hope, by Claire North

This one was... kind of all over the place. The premise was interesting: a girl that nobody remembers, has one goal: to destroy an app that labels you perfect. The pacing was a bit slow, but there were points within the book that were interesting, though they were few and far between. If you are in the mood for a calculating crime-ish novel, then you'll enjoy this book.
So that was my Books 21-30 of 2017! That was the first look back I've done in a while, and I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any thoughts at all about this post, or any of the books I discussed in this post, let me know in the comments!
I hope you have a wonderful day (and I hope you don't melt from the heat, it's really hot here at the moment) and I will see you all on Wednesday!
-Abi xxxxxx
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