Okay, so, it's been a while since I've done one of these...
Oh, hello!
How have you guys been?
So, this is a post today that I've more or less neglected...
Today I'm doing a post on Books 61-70!
I say I've kind of neglected this post. but really, I'm one book finish off from having to do the next one after this!
So, I really have been putting off this post!
Here's Books 61-70 of 2017!
These two! I finally realise the hype. This trilogy deserves everything that has been said about it and more, because believe me when I say- there is nothing else like it. I can't believe how long I waited until I picked it up, but I am so happy now I have. Links to my reviews in the titles.
:) :) :) :)
63. We Were Liars, by E. Lockhart

If you've read this book, you'll understand. You don't even realise half the things that are taking place within this book until close enough the ending. Your mind basically breaks when you realise, and then you scan through all the clues that you totally and completely missed when reading it through, and it all makes sense. And you kick yourself for not getting it sooner. But that in no way lessens the enjoyment of this book. Like, I'm remembering this book now, when I'm typing this, and the wrench it my gut to pick it up again is almost overwhelming. Just, pick it up.
64. The Start of Me and You, by Emery Lord

Okay, when I first saw this, I wasn't totally obsessed at the start. I'd heard of Emery Lord, from last year's release, When We Collided. I'd heard he was good, but he just wasn't on my radar, really. And when I saw this, I wasn't really all that excited. I'd seemingly read a bunch of books similar to this only recently, and I wasn't that keen to repeat that experience. But, on a random whim, I picked it up. And I finished it in, I kid you not. One afternoon. Not even a day. Because it was absolutely amazing, that's why.
65. Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices #1), by Cassandra Clare

Cassie Clare has done it again. I didn't soar through this as much as I did TID, but it was a supreme read, if I say so myself. This book pulled at my heartstrings, caught between the struggle that is Emma and Julian, and everything that's going through the story. I think I'll leave Lord of Shadows until 2018, but I can't wait to divulge into the wonderful Shadowhunter world, and see what happens next!
66. The Sky is Everywhere, by Jandy Nelson

Not the best cover, but I still enjoyed it immensely. It kind of creeps up on you, really. Having read I'll Give You The Sun first, I can tell that Jandy Nelson got better between the two novels, but it was still an enjoyable read, and one that will stick with you long after you finish the final page. Maybe not an absolute favourite read, but I have to say it's close. And I loved the way the music tied into the whole book too.

If you want to see any more in depth thoughts you could check out my (spoiler-free) review. No, but if you are in the mood for a Sci-fi, virtual reality book, pick this up. It's fairly short, so you don't have to battle your way through too much, (or anything at all, really, because it's so easy reading). But whether you're a gamer or not, this is a must for any YA reader!
68. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

This was... odd. It shared a likeness to Harry Potter, and there were a bunch of nostalgia moments that I absolutely loved, but there was something different and almost silly, and goofy about it. The characters had an unexpected funniness about them, Harry in particular, I thought. It was super easy to fly through, I read it in an afternoon, but I just wasn't blown away by it. By all means, read it if you want to, and I don't regret picking it up, but it just wasn't what I thought it would turn out to be.
69. The Chemist, by Stephenie Meyer

Although this took me a fair amount of time to get through, I thought it was worth the time. Stephenie has gotten so much better with her writing, and she took you on the journey with this. It was so smart, the way she wrote it, and even though I didn't form that strong a connection to the characters, it was an action-packed, mind blowing read that I thoroughly enjoyed. If you get the chance, and you like spy, technological reads, then definitely consider picking this one up.
70. The Infinite Sea (The 5th Wave #2), by Rick Yancey

You start on a trilogy... you end on one. This was book two in the 5th Wave, and even though it was super underwhelming compared to the 5th Wave, it still held promise for the third book and the wrap up of the trilogy. Not much happened, though we did get introduced to a few more new characters. It was an okay book, and it did take me longer than I thought it would, but I got through it.
So, that was my Books 61-70 of 2017! I hope you enjoyed it, and let me know in the comments if you had any thoughts about any of the books I mentioned.
So! I hope you have an amazing weekend, and I'll see you lot on Monday!
-Abi xxxxxx
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