Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And I've finally reached 10 books this year! I'm 1/6 of my way to completing my Goodreads goal, and even though that doesn't seem like much, I'm right on schedule apparently!
Here are the books I've read so far this year!

I have a review linked up at the title if you want to check out my more in-depth thoughts on this book but if you can get past the info-dumping at the start, you become invested in this book not long after. I can also excuse the info-dumping because it's relevant to the story, and necessary so you fully grasp the world and the plot that you are reading about. But if you are a fan of sci-fi this is a must read. Each ending to each chapter left me wanting more and I couldn't stop reading! A must read for sci-fi junkees!

This review is from a couple of years back, (linked in the title), but all the thoughts are still relevant to what I thought when I was re-reading this, after my mind was blown by the ending of Mortal Coil. I needed time to process what I was reading with This Mortal Coil, and this was the perfect read for that. If you haven't read it yet, pick it up if you're in the mind for a contemporary that includes LGBT issues, being true to yourself, mental health issues, Alzheimer's, in a real and truthful way, then pick this up, because let's face it, I talk about this book often enough.

Yet another book that expresses my full thoughts in a review. Though unlike the others, I am unable to tell you my overall thoughts with this book, because it's everything. The writing, flawless. The characters, flawless. Perfection, and I can't wait for the second and final book, in this duology (Muse of Nightmares) to be released on 2nd October. That isn't even the full extent of how much I am anticipating this book, but that's all I can say.
4. The Diary of Anne Frank

I literally can't fault this. It was real life, this physically happened. So hard-hitting, when I was reading it, I'd be reading it, and then you realise that it was real life, and it just hits you that much harder, the hardships that they all went through, every single one of them. I feel like this should be a book that everybody should experience at some time in their life.

This was the book that above all, surprised me the most for the books that I read in January. I flew through it in a couple of days and frankly, the third and final book in the trilogy can't come fast enough. I don't have to wait too long though, because Nightblood is released on 5th June. In truth, I honestly think that Fireblood was better than the first, which is hard to top, because Frostblood was a pretty amazing book. The story starts with Ruby and Arceus, ruling the Frostblood kingdom, although the Frost Court don't approve of Ruby. The Minax is creating havoc elsewhere, possessing and killing. Ruby believes the only way to stop the Minax is to catch an opposing Minax- and so she begins her journey to the Fireblood kingdom and our story begins.
6. My Husband's Son, by Deborah O' Connor

This was a quick read. Not particularly rememberable, though I wasn't expecting the ending. Some of it. The rest I saw a mile coming. Similar to Baby Doll, by Hollie Overton. So, if you enjoyed Baby Doll, I recommend picking this one up too. I just feel like I could have gotten more from this book, but it was still enjoyable.
7. Stealing Snow (Stealing Snow #1), by Danielle Paige

Although it doesn't come as a surprise, considering my blogging funk last month, but I can't believe I don't have a review for this yet! There's one coming this month, I promise! To be honest, I was sort of hesitant coming into this, because I'd tried it before and I didn't like it at all! But second time round, with lower expectations, I was surprised to discover I actually enjoyed this! Although it wasn't perfect, it was a decent read and I'm looking forward to next year, when the sequel comes out!
8. All the Boys I've Loved Before (All the Boys I've Loved Before #1), by Jenny Han

My god, the favourite of February for sure! I read this in less than 24 hours, I'm about to start the sequel but I've got high expectations because this one was so amazing. If you haven't picked this up, what are you doing? It's so cute, so funny, it's family orientated, and it's a contender for not just one of my favourites, but my top five list. I actually can't believe how long I waited until I picked this up. But I have now, and I can't wait for the second.
9. Handle with Care, by Jodi Picoult

This was a surprisingly easy book to fly through. I mean, I didn't read it any quicker than I would any other book, but since it's 500+ pages, I figured that was pretty good! It shared some similarities to My Sister's Keeper, but the case was different, and it was something I was interested in, for some odd reason. So overall, it was a book I enjoyed, though it's not one of my favourites. I recommend this for people who enjoy books that bring court cases and medical ideology within the book.
10. Contagion (Dark Matter #1), by Teri Terry

This was a re-read, to recap on what I'd read before I picked Contagion, which I have just recently finished a few hours back. Contagion is the start of a trilogy, and it's a sci-fi book, but it reads like a bit of a Dystopian. It's a story about an epidemic that is spreading throughout the country, killing 95% of the population. Nobody is safe, but Shay and Kai are searching for Callie, Kai's little sister. My brain is in knots from the second book's ending, but I highly recommend this to any reader, really because Teri Terry is one of my absolute favourite authors!
So those are the first 10 books that I've read in 2018! Hopefully I'll be able to read more amazing books like these in the future!
So that is all I have for you guys today!
I hope you have a good book to read, because I am all set with P.S. I Still Love You!
I will see you all on Friday, with my Greatest Showman Film Review!
-Abi xxxxx
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